Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind

This deceased writer/publisher of a well known magazine that still runs was also known for having a television show. His manner and speaking style were mocked on sketch comedy shows many times.

He preferred sexual relations with men rather than with women but like a lot of men of his generation he could not acknowledge this and so married and had children. In addition, the audience he cultivated would not have accepted this.

He spent a lot of time with homosexual prostitutes from a specific procurer.  He would often tell his favorites that he would refer to them on his TV show by assigning them an obscure word, Latin or old English, and then use the word on his show that week.


  1. Replies
    1. Yup. Hypocrite asshole obviously hated women.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah, this lame random blind is clearly meant to reference Buckley.

  5. +1 Sherry National Review the magazine

  6. +1 Sherry, everything matches:


    Probably more closet cases among prominent conservatives than the NFL and NBA combined.

  7. Buckley was a known closet case, pretty much every right wing writer you know was 'Entertained' on his yacht. Makes the famous Vidal Vs Buckley @ the 1968 Dem convention even more astounding. Apparently Gore's pal Paul Newman threatened to kick the s*** out of Buckley in the green room after.

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  9. I know he is old and faced serious prejudice...
    remaining closeted contributes a great deal of escalating perversion for a lot of these freaks.
    If you already have to do it in the dark...why not do it with a person you keep chained in the bathrooms...and make it a teenager...or two. gross and sick.

  10. Scotty Bowers for the procurer

  11. @Mel, do you have any studies or articles to back that theory up? I'm curious if there's any truth to that.

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  13. Just go back and watch his Firing Line episodes, with his leering head movements and eerie little smile. He was never much of a thinker; just doing the CIA's part as controlled opposition. The US is as much a one-party state as China.

  14. Bee: Generally, just because you're gay does not mean that you will ultimately succumb to the compulsion of putting teenagers in chains for the purpose of having sex with them.
    Not at all. From a preference standpoint, being gay usually means that you prefer same-sex relations with like-minded consenting adults.

  15. Don Cornelius, Soul Train and Ebony Mag were the first that popped in my mind... until it got to the Latin part. Def Buckley

  16. Don Cornelius and Soul Train were the sh!t.

  17. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I would have taken my chances with Buckley before Gore Vidal. Ick.

  18. @longtimereader, those debates were on when I was 10 years old. Some of the best tv ever. There weren't many but they were informative and entertaining.
    Wish our children and grandchildren could see programs like that instead of drivel like reality tv.

  19. @AbbyRock,that was my TV entertainment as well. Intellectual bitch fights, add Truman Capote to the mix as well , David Suskind show, etc.

  20. @Guesser, I remember pulling out volumes of the encyclopedia to look up some of their discussion topics. Can you imagine having 3 intellectual giants participating in a debate panel today? I can't. All we get are talking heads spewing crap.
