Friday, January 31, 2020

Blind Item #6

He stole before and ended up shelling out millions upon millions of dollars so I don't know why anyone is surprised that this permanent A list music producer who is also a one hit wonder was stealing from the singers he produced. It is how he made his fortune.


  1. +1 MD

  2. Gotta pay for that meth somehow.

  3. Please hire someone who actually knows music. I agree it's Pharell and Blurred Lines was definitely stolen so it's not hard to believe he's done it before. Still not a one hit wonder tho. I haven't forgotten about the Chaka Khan dust up...

  4. 'Talent copies, genius steals' is the famous quote but Chad and Pharrell did Kelis dirty. They promised equal share and knifed her.

    1. "Genius" definitely does NOT steal. Desperately thirsty motherfuckers do.

  5. well 99% of rap is 'sampling' other people's work. most people call it by its legal name = theft. so could be anyone. my guess is since enty mentioned fortune, we are looking at Diddy or Fiddy

  6. pharrell isn't a one hit wonder. He's had his solo hits, plus N.E.R.D and guesting left, right and center with people.

  7. @thecat, That's right, just like Iggy Azalea isn't a one hit wonder.

  8. I agree that Pharrell has had way more than one hit, unless collaborations/features /member of group situations arent being counted?

    Question for legal eagles and/or musicians, or just anyone who gets it...I agree that Blurred Lines sounds heavily influenced by Gotta Give It Up, but in a stylistic/instrumentation choices kind of homage. My untrained ear hears Gaga's Born This Way as an almost identical ripoff of Express Yourself...similar to Weird Al caliber word-swap. Madonna made side-eyed grumbles about it being derivative, but there was never any legal scuffle. What makes one lawsuit worthy and not another?

    Apologies for my tangent on a tangent, but mentioning Weird Al makes me laugh about the story that he wanted to rework Live and Let Die as Chicken Pot Pie, but Paul declined in the name of vegetarianism. Thinking of that dramatic music applied to pot pies tickles me!😂 ok, carry on!

  9. Pharrell is steaming to fund his addiction to H

    1. *stealing

      Damnit, autocorrect!! 🤬


  11. How is Pharrell a one hit wonder?

  12. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Pharrell is a one hit wonder by most people's standards but he's much bigger in his genre. He has creeped me out since he first came out. He had a song and video getting a lot of urban play but not a mainstream hit. I used to see it on that MTV show 26th and Park I think it was called. The video showed Pharrell at a house party of high school aged black kids, all very upper middle class and just having fun like an innocent teen party. The lyrics of the song seem very cute and fun until he says something like "I knew I was gonna have to tear that ass up". He repeats this lyric while following the teen girl subject of the video around the house while she's doing very teen girly giggly type stuff. He's considerably older than tbe girl. He's also funny looking. He's currently in the news because Kelis who had Milkshake around the same time says he and his company kept all the money. Now he's trying to reinvent himself as gender fluid blah blah blah.

    1. The song was called "Frontin". Banger. The show 106 & Park, hosted by Jay-Z's other baby mama aka Free & AJ Calloway.

  13. I don't consider Pharrell a one hit wonder, but I guess this is supposed to be him.

  14. Vita - 'makes you give in and cry...duh duh chicken pot pie!'

  15. This is about Diddy, not Pharrell
