Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blind Item #6

Of course the barely there celebrity parent of this barely there celebrity was thrilled she was getting married. Since then, the offspring has been able to support everyone and they haven't had to work. There has been no more talk of tax liens or losing their homes in foreclosure either. 


  1. Stephen and Hailey Baldwin

  2. +1 MD, damn you're quick lol

  3. I thought Alec was the shitty Baldwin but apparently it's in the blood..

  4. Paying for his sexual favors also

  5. @MyDog, No you were right, Alec just also happens to be the rich one, not that it has helped out his family. His niece had to marry a meth head to save her father.

  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Justin paying for that yummy yum lol. He actually told his fans to buy his song and to play it over and over while they slept. Sick little fucker.

  7. @Brayson The Baldwin's are a trainwreck :/

  8. Apparently people were gossiping at the Grammies,as to whether Bieber would live long enough to get the next album out. What happens to him if it tanks ?

  9. +1 MyDog, do feel a little sorry for their kids though to grow up with that.

    @norster, If he dies his album sales will go right up. Maybe Scooter will hook him up.

  10. Wow....inspiring story if a Sole-Breadwinner !

  11. They're not going to let him off the treadmill, while they can make money off him.

  12. So Hayley gets knocked up and inherits a fortune from the meth head? bargain.

  13. Im pretty sure Billy and Stephen wouldn't be working in any case.

  14. Ugh. Truly, how many people are being supported by Biebs? It is scary to think about.

  15. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I'm surprised Hailey is not pregnant yet to completely seal the passage of the fortune. I bet poor little Justin can no longer perform sexually.

  16. Hailey Bieber. The family saviour funded by Justin Bieber. In all fairness Justin's family is also living off him as well so now they are supporting 2 familes.

  17. I’m shocked hailey isn’t pregnant yet. Then again it must due to trouble conceiving, maybe she should eat more.

  18. This is a damn shame. Thing is, if he dies then the fortune will be fought over tooth and nail and will dwindle because of the loss of additional income. Whatever money that could be made will go to Scooter Braun and the record company.
