Saturday, January 18, 2020

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A- list actor who once starred in a movie franchise based on fan fiction cheated so often that his wife doesn't let him go without her on any overnight trips.


  1. Hugh Grant and Bridget Jones for the franchise?

  2. Jamie Dornan, but according to past blinds to this site it doesn’t matter if his wife is with him, he always finds a way!

  3. +1 on Jamie Dornan. The 50 Shades franchise was originally a Twilight fanfic.

    1. That's right. I had it backwards.

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  5. Aww...a relationship based on trust !

  6. Perhaps kick his ass to the curb instead?

  7. ofc this is JAMIE DORNAN who I often just say Jamie DOORMAN. Anyway, his wife really is committed to being a doormat, huh? Do they have kids? Good job screwing them up w/this joke of a relationship lol girl if he knows you won’t leave him for cheating it’s basically confirming to him it’s ok - your move

    1. They have 3 kids. Who go with them too, if he is filming a movie.

  8. Jamie Dornan, they just got back from a quick trip to NYC cos he had a meeting for Dr Death, and she dragged her sorry self behind him cos she can't let him out of her sight. They really should call it quits for both their sakes. They both look completely miserable in that relationship.

  9. Whatever. She always could leave him, she just doesn't. Her problems.

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  11. Jamie Dornan of course! He is allowed to leave the house either with her in tow, or a "nanny". So much trust in these kind of marriages. I bet she even sleeps with an eye open.

  12. How exactly does someone take a blind about a husband's infidelity, and make it the fault of the fans? This blind is nothing to do with his work, or his fans.

  13. Yeah that'll stop him ... Good job girl! SMH!

  14. Jamie Dornan and Amelia Warner. She really is doing no favours for woman kind by putting up with that just so she can have the cushy life and the bragging rights. But the bragging rights don't work when everyone knows he's stepping out on you.

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  16. J. Dornan. I was just looking around and it appears after each crises there is a baby on the way. what will happen when she can't pop anymore children?

  17. I saw Jamie and his wife in a restaurant in London a while back. I have never seen a husband roll his eyes so much every time his wife wasn't looking. Poor guy looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him.

    1. Really? It's that bad.. see I knew my instincts were right.

      Just from looking at her Instagram page.

    2. He wants to leave but she won't let him

    3. He needs to grow some balls.. I can help him with that.

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  20. @teehee@U I agree with you entirely, but how do fans and fan fiction come into play here?
    Enty is in the industry (therefore not a fan, nor a fan fiction writer) and has made a comment about the behaviour between a husband and wife. How are your comments about fans blurring the lines a factor here?

    1. His wife is just with him for baby making & the lifestyle she now has, she is a spiteful woman & he needs to dump her asap, she's the one spreading these unfaithful rumours herself

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    1. Dakota has nothing to do with this blind..

  22. I understand, but Enty has always said he only takes blinds from his own experience, his trusted sources whom are also in the industry, or sources that he can verify. That's why on the rare occasion a blind is sent in by a reader or "fan" the blinds always specifically are identified as a "reader blind".

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Then don't read his blinds.

      I think you want this blind to be not true, because you are a fan of his wife..

  24. “Poor guy” Re Jamie? He could just separate from her - he’s hardly forced into this marriage...

  25. Yay a Jamie blind.. not totally shocked about it, if you look at her Instagram. There are generic scenery picture from what ever city they are in..( she is alone, while he goes out and does her promoting)

    What you don't see is pictures of them. Unless it's from a fan at an airport and they are in the background.

    Soon all 3 kids will be moving to USA for 4 months.

  26. They are probably waiting until all the kids are in school, before they divorce.

  27. Jamie and Amelia should just divorce, he would be so much better off without her, but she needs his money and his fame

  28. Jamie Dornan, these two show everything thats wrong in a marriage. She doesn't trust him and he doesn't want to be with her. It would be best for the kids sake for them to go their separate ways. She can't be with him 24/7, and seriously how long can they kid themselves that everything is okay.

  29. Honestly, I had no idea what Jamie Dornan's wife name was until her name was mentioned. I did not even bother to to Wiki her. I just knew he Jamie Dornan was married and had 3 kids.

    I do think I ticked off some 50 shades fans haha.

  30. Isn’t Colin Farell escape from her? Then she find Dorman and gave birth to 3 kids just to not let him go away!?! I think like3-4 years ago i read it here...

    1. She was with Farrell.

    2. Yes, she’s clingy Farrell wanted out and she was pregnant and when she lost baby or something like that, he ran

    3. Lucky, Colin.. she knew she wasn't going to get famous on her own..

  31. Jamie use to say in interviews how private they are and now his wife is constantly posting on IG , showing where the are traveling to and showing she’s with Jamie. She’s now even posting her children. Seems his wife loves the spotlight more than him. I guess that’s why she only dated men in the entertainment industry,

    1. It's weird that she is posting everything but her and Jamie.

  32. Yayy! Local boy makes another CDAN blind.

  33. She knows that people can fuck while it's daytime, right?

  34. Jamie Dornan. If this is true, what a d!ck! His wife is extremely pretty, he should consider himself lucky to be with her. I am so shocked and heartbroken by how ubiquitous cheating is.

  35. Amelia Warner is with Jaime Dornan just for his money. The more babies the more secured $$$$ pension she will have. Rumors are she cheated on him too. Theres no real love in that relationship. Jaime looks miserable when with her and she is too obvious. I have heard she treats him like garbage. No wonder he cheats. That marriage is an inferno. He better off divorcing her and seeking for his own happiness. It will happen no matter what.

  36. It's been "rumored for a while that Jamie is unhappy, and it's all PR...blah blah blah. if he's so unhappy what's with every interview where he talks about her "scent" and how it stabilizes him, and he's been "smitten" since the beginning, and he tells her 10 times a day he loves her. I think that is PR because he'll look like the bad guy any way this goes down. And this isn't about Dakota, but there was so much smoke and mirrors throughout the whole 5 years of one goes to that much trouble if there really is "nothing going on" life is to short to be this unhappy. man up and get it done.

  37. Honestly who cares, the wife got what she wants, someone famous to marry. Considering how much she overshares now on social media, its safe to say she is now giving the finger to all who dare say Jamie cheats on her and they are unhappy. I just find it funny how Jamie still says in interviews that they are private people and he has no time for SM, because he likes to be present and in the moment. Guess his wife doesn't feel the same way. She posts all the time and she wants you to know how wonderful their lives are. And how happily married they are. If he cheats, I say she knows and looks the other way, though haven't really heard much about his cheating, so who knows, maybe he's been behaving, or maybe he's afraid if he gets caught again, another child will be on the way.

  38. Well she does over share but that's cause she is no longer pap walking with Jamie. Her whole IG account is one big portal for attention she used to get from pap walking. But she doesn't show anything which is odd anyway. I mean if you're supposed to be married to Jamie why not show him or even talk about him. Showing an empty mug with his name on it is nothing. And all this weird mystery surrounding this baby is just way off. Like Jamie says they want to keep the name private and then all of a sudden here she comes with a mug ( for a baby) with the name on it. Everything about this marriage is off. She seems to be on her phone more then ever and not to mention all her posts are basic and boring. It's obvious something is wrong in that marriage.

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  40. Jamie needs to grow a pair or I will teach him how to be a man.. because this whole charade is making me loose interest in him.

    He claims he is and his wife are private people and here she is posting up pics on IG of their family and announcing the name of the last daughter.. the daughter no has seen in public.

    Jamie claims in interviews that he likes to walk around town in his spare time, but there are no pics of him walking around town.

    He brags no stop about his family, like he is trying to prove something. The family he is private about.

    She does nothing but travel the world and swim in lakes, like she doesn't have 3 kids under the age of 7.
