Sunday, January 05, 2020

Blind Item #5

The permanent A list singer/diva isn't going to have any empty crowds when she performs her residency. This is why she wanted a residency and not a tour. The company that is paying her had to guarantee a sell out every single night so they will give the not selling very well at all tickets away for free to fill it up. 


  1. Don't casino resorts, which typically host these residencies, typically hand out comps anyway to high rollers etc.? I know they did with an Elton John show I went to in Atlantic City years ago.

  2. Diana Ross or Cher

  3. Yes I’m pretty sure they do.

  4. Shania is also on that last, I cant imagine anyone going to see her on tour

  5. Christina and her xsomething tour in Vegas

  6. Pariah Scarey in vegas!

  7. Could be any of them, but can someone explain what's happening with Beyonce's LV deal. Is she having a residency or not and is the $500M contract true. I just can't imagine her in LV and her cheating partner in NY.

  8. Who are Mimi and Bey's real audience--I doubt they're Vegas regulars. Now Cher and Diana I can see, but not those two

  9. AT this stage, I think Mariah's fans have aged out and up enough to be part of the Vegas crowd.

  10. Anonymous3:21 PM

    this is Mariah. She is a tough business woman. Just ask Walter.
    All those writing credits, all those life long royalties pouring in.... when she wrote nothing

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. any of them, all of them at this point the Casinos will do anything to keep their dying industry alive.

  13. Great agent negotiations. That’s precedent setting to guarantee it.

  14. empty crowds?? isn't that an oxymoron?

  15. My wife saw Shania last year after being a fan since childhood. She said she wish she’d stayed home and isn’t much of a fan now; Shania couldn’t sing like she used to and sang a lot of songs no one knew.

  16. As a Las Vegas "Local," we get solicitations all the time for 2 for 1 tickets to shows.

    Never for Celine Dion; but toward the end of Brittany's run we did.

    Yes, the Casinos want butts in seats because post show, most people can't resist playing a slot machine or trying to break the house with a $10 bet at blackjack.

    The spouse & I have gone to see A list comics on those specials.

  17. Who the hell wouldn't want to see Mrs. Ross? that woman invented diva.
