Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blind Item #5

The alliterate actress turned royal turned whatever it is she is now wants to drop her lawsuit, but the tabloid isn't letting her off the hook. They don't even care if they lose at this point. They want their days in court and the spectacle of the trial.


  1. Replies
    1. No.ruder than calling 60m people racist. ..every last one of us.

      So FAT and SWEATY.

    2. 🙄Peak White Fragility right here.

    3. Peak victim mentality you got there, @Unknown! 😂

    4. Unknown is obsessed with melanin.
      AKA: a racist.

    5. What a fucking stupid comment Alley. Why do those who have never experienced racism or even studied it think they know what tf it looks and feels like???

      I believe these no account fucktards are the ones whose ancestors have pieces of skin & bones of those they've lynched on the mantle. Sit down!!!

  2. Bwahahahah it's going to be glorious. She should have thought about this before filing her little indignant lawsuit.

  3. Yes! Bring it to trial and let it all out.

  4. Yep that is definitely hilarious! 🤣

  5. Show respect, she is a princess!!

    1. Shes movin back to hellay after the election!

  6. Ha! Ha! Ha! She’s such an idiot!

  7. No matter what happens, she still walks away a winner, much better off in life than she was before marrying a prince. She will have money and some degree of fame the rest of her days.

  8. i am hopedful and confident that Meghan and harry will bring TONS of fun, in the next months-days

    my popcorn is ready

  9. This doesn’t make sense. She can drop the case whenever she likes - the MoS don’t have to “let her”. But she’s screwed whatever she does now. If she drops it they’ll run the evidence they have of her lying & attempting to manipulate the press & there’s nothing she can do. If it goes to court, she may win but the dirt will still come out. Excellent! Can’t stand the cow.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "turned whatever it is she is now" LOL Oh Sparkles

  12. I guess she’s better off now than staying a c list actress. The queen offered them the opportunity to live commoner lives but they wanted to be a royal. She needed a tiara and a globally televised multi million dollar wedding first.

  13. Anything to distract from Andrew:

    Prince Andrew is stonewalling Jeffrey Epstein probe, U.S. attorney says

  14. Brayson is correct - she still comes out the winner.

    1. No,she doesn't because when she cares back into a life of obscurity she won't be able to live without the fame.....and she is not going to get the fortune she thinks.

  15. Probably has to pay their legal fees if she just dismisses. haha. Better get that Stupid Netflix Money ASAP.

    1. Um, wrong. IF the defendant turns around and sues for malicious prosecution AND they win THAT case, then yes. But not for dropping this case.

  16. Awww, Blimp Markle is stupid like her man 50 Percent. So sweet.

  17. @Do Not, Because associating with powerful billionaires and millionaires who seem legally untouchable seems like a losing move?

  18. @Brayson: If someone decides to take her out, yeah. She’s too much of a liability at this point. A narcissist with no impulse control.

  19. @Aqua, Take her out, after Diana's whole death? Even a blind man could connect those dots.

  20. @Aqua, you may be right but if that's the qualifications for assassination, then they better get hoppin'... you just described half of Hollywood.

  21. Once you say alliterative actress turned royal , is it even a blind at that pint?

  22. Agreed #Dpac
    This is so stupid to even pretend it's a blind. Literally nobody else fits the description


  23. Of course, there's no ambiguity about who it's supposed to be. The phrasing is just intended to get a few players some easy wins.
    Besides, Markle blinds bring comments, traffic, and podcast subscriptions, so they're a necessity.

    It would still be funny to see how much the people who call her "fat" do weigh. I'm not sure that we would get many size 0...

  24. Haha, ARE there any other alliterate actresses turned royal turned whatever? Maybe someone from Drag Race!

  25. @Do Not, If her job was to be a distraction, then I'd say she's doing a very good job. If people are talking about her they're not talking about Andrew.
    If her job was to disrupt the BRF, then she is also doing a very good job.
    People who obsess over her are the real losers. Hollywood bim marries minor prince, Whoop De Doo, must not be much going on in people's lives if they actually care. Wake me up when they break out the guillotine.

  26. @Do Not Lie
    Definitely not. The comments started after she had her son, as people thought she wasn't losing the extra pounds as fast as she was supposed to. Of course, some of the same commenters think that she had her kid through a surrogate and that she's also a raging coke addict, but consistency has never been their strength.

    1. Had her kid thru a surrogate would be great to read- who TF cares?
      Still a Mom huh?
      But Angela, these people think there is no baby, and THE BABY IS A DOLL.

      Disrespectful and petty bitches

    2. Angela- The drug rumors were featured quite prominently HERE.

      As for the question of the baby, questions began about that when video/photos came out showing her big ole baby bump suddenly migrating halfway down her thighs. Which then left the eventual obvious question: where did "Archie" come from?

      The question of the doll came from very early photos of "Archie" that could have gone either way. Real baby/doll - who could tell? But the fake pregnancy already caused skepticism. Markle lied about being pregnant. Why?

      It's a pretty big thing to lie to the British public about the existence and origin of a child who is in line to the throne, albeit a few steps away.

  27. Bahahahaha! Who on earth wants the kind of notoriety she has now? Her fame is not good fame because her behavior has tarnished it.

  28. But that's the thing, DoTell…. now she HAS fame. As an unremarkable actress she was destined for the dust bin after about 5 years of an undistinguished career. Now she's married a Prince and has all the attention she always wanted.

  29. hahahaha, dumb AF this one! Totally overplayed her hand, and now totally fucked!

    You would have to be mentally ill to want her kind of 'winning'.

    Oh wait...

  30. Agree this is distracting from the legit issue of Andrew possibly impeding the US District Attorneys probe into Epstein after he publicly stated he would cooperate with the investigation. I'm meh on the whole Markle/Harry situation and will be glad when they are out of the daily news. I gotta say though I would be devastated if my Dad had turned on me the way Meghan's has. Yes, he paid for her life but that was his choice and watching him along with his other two brats trying to cash in on her fame is disgusting. I lost my wonderful father two years ago last week and he would NEVER have acted like Markle no matter what the circumstance. Miss you Dad!

  31. Don't get it confused. A narcissist never "comes out on top."

  32. This is the Kraken of press coverage that I am waiting on with popcorn and beverages.
    Release the Kraken!!

  33. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Daddy Markle has been saying in the UK press he plans to air all her dirty secrets. She is so screwed. Dumb move Markle I'm beginning to wonder which of these two has the lower IQ. Harry certainly sets the bar low but from all of MM's missteps I'm beginning to think she wins the idgit prize.

    1. He'll probably be heart-attacked or suicided.

  34. @Do Not Lie
    Explain that to "J" and a few others.
    And, by the way, are you yourself a British taxpayer?

  35. If the royal family could kll the Epstein story ABC wanted to do years ago, they can make sure MM gets ignored by the media too.

    I dont see many offers coming her way in the future. She is thirsty for fame and adoration, its not going to happen they she thinks it will. A life of silent shunning by the eliites is more likely

  36. @gauloise, If only they'd stopped at the story... ;)

  37. Fat Markle was told by someone that she could make easy money by suing the Mail on Sunday because they had settled for big money with some celebs. I think she may have also set up the case pretty much from the time she got married. She thinks she's a genius but her case was flimsy. The MoS thinks they can beat her, or at least make more money from the case than what they would normally pay out, so she's screwed. If she backs out now, they can sue her for legal fees incurred and make a big case of it as well.

  38. Rosie, the thing dangling in her baby carrier was no baby. It had no diaper on, never moved a muscle and its hand and foot were tied into place. Just saying that this doesn't make you believe that there is a real baby.

  39. Anonymous1:00 PM

    It's true. No matter how the Harry thing turns out for her, she still comes out better than being a getting older fast actress on a barely there cable show. After Suits ended the best she could have ever hoped for was something on the same level. She was never going to get a movie lead or a starring role in a big tv series.
    Of course she's still going to need to luck out to get anything really BIG but her chances at least exist now. Prior to the marriage it would have been almost impossible.
    As for Harry. What a waste of a once hot ginger boy. Sigh.

  40. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Wow. I never thought of that. She really has no protection from her family airing all of her dirty laundry any longer. They are going to want big paydays to be quiet.

  41. Won't be surprised if MM ends up like Lady Hamilton - alone and ill in the ghetto.

    1. Ghetto??? Which one Abby?? Please be specific as which ghetto you refer to since she didn't come from one. LOL.

  42. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Her dad is a real piece of work and he wonders why she refuses to speak with him. I cannot say I blame her

  43. The story isn’t really Meghan any more. The story has become “Is there anyone really in charge at Buckingham Palace?”

    It’s becoming more and more clear that the person really holding things together since 1952 has been Prince Philip. When he retired is when it all started to spin out of control. Charles is useless.

    William is pretty much their only hope, but to save the ship he’s going to have to throw most of his family overboard.

  44. Yes, Meghan achieved fame and maybe even wealth, but she’s already a joke. She’ll just end up being notorious and pathetic in the long run.

  45. @Nutty, I think William is up to the challenge, they might have done too well with him.

  46. Well..considering the comments we all saw even before they got engaged..I’m not saying folks in the uk are all racist but there was a lot of racist vitriol hurled at her on tons of platforms.

  47. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Markle is about as interesting as watching paint dry.
    If you are still interested in this call girl, you need to get a life.
    Even half a life will do.

  48. @Angela , Meghan was wearing padding under a white dress to look fat. She wanted to use her weight gain to promote a positive body image to gain sympathy. The baby almost certainly was born by surrogate, I don't care, but the Royals sure do. I suspect the first appearance of baby Archie could have been a doll,I would have been tempted to put a mirror under the nose. I am on the fence about the hiking baby. I glanced at several women and men even,with similar carriers. Not one was as clumsily attached as hers. And here's a thought,can't someone else walk the dogs while you have quality time with the baby? She brought the criticism on herself. She is basically a walking blind.

  49. Does anyone think the monarchy will last much beyond Elizabeth?
    Charles is a dud and William is not much better.
    Also, people are less tolerant about seeing their money thrown away on a bunch of wastrels.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Can someone link me to mm's baby bump "between her thighs"? I can't find the pics.

    1. They only exist in the jealousy-fevered brains of the petulantly insipid.

  52. The thing is, once the Sussexes are no longer officially royal, what's their point? Sure there's name recognition but that lasts only as long as a few commercials. Neither has any real substance or value to back up their appeal.

    As for speeches, people are going to catch on that it is a waste to pony up $500,000 to listen to Harry whine and act a mess on stage or Meghan drone off paragraphs of Me's and I's sprinkled with other people's quotes she's plagiarized as her own and repeating stupid shit like "shining a light." Tired, boring, who cares. Now if Harry shaves his head and starts going after paps with an umbrella, that might fuel further interest... cuz that boy ain't altogether right in the mind.

  53. I thought she wanted a quiet life? Isnt that why Harry gave up everything for her?

  54. https://twitter.com/dreamsduchess/status/1104518633542303744?lang=en



    You're all desperate, sooo desperate to pin racism onto anything, it's completely lost its' power, and the only ones who don't realise are those who shamelessly use and exploit it as a weapon to shut others up.

    Unless you imbeciles can actually give reasons, or just ONE FCUKING SINGLE REASON, as to why anyone should like MM, besides for her skin colour, you have nothing. NOTHING!

    You are the ones who are judging her by her skin colour, you are the ones who engage in racism, the racism of low expectations, everybody else judges her by her character, which is a fucking cesspit of mental illness.

  56. @Urban,

    Emma, Lady Hamilton was the wife of Lord Hamiltion. She had the world at her feet. She made a stupid decision to become the mistress of Horatio Nelson. After he died, she was broke and ended up in what was basically a London ghetto.

    I did not post that MM would end up back in the ghetto implying that she was from one.

    You're acting snowflakey. This woman and her husband have or should have zero influence on our lives. Sounding kind of like people who get so wrapped up in soap operas that these programs have an actual effect on their lives.

    These are interesting discussions but do any of us really care about a 3rd class actress and her 3rd rate royal, or ex royal husband?

  57. Anonymous6:35 PM

    @Unknown the photos of the moon bump around her knees was just used in another video. Check out the video discussing the wandering moonbump but at 3:17 in the video you can see the bump down around her knees.


    This has been seen multiple places but I just happened to see it here.
