Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A- list actor who is a former superhero confirmed what I told you weeks ago. He spends his time online looking for fellow gamers. The thing is, the ones he is looking for are well underage.


  1. Replies
    1. Is millie bobby brown a gamer now?

  2. my fornite squad are all like 9 year old black kids, or at least sound remarkably like what I would imagine them to sound like. tl/dr - they're all a lot better at the game than I. Is Cavill playing "modern girl" or "shopaholic" and offering super-hero advice on their look?

  3. Is he stalking tweens on Roblox?

  4. And Cavill will continue to get away with it until he becomes unprofitable.

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    i really hope this underage crap and Henry Cavill is not true. I love him in The Witcher and will have to stop watching it if it is.

  6. >Cavill blind

    Into the trash it goes

  7. @Jim

    True dat.
    Last month, Cavill was focusing on Greta Thurnberg, now he takes any well underage gamer. That makes no sense.
    By the way, the online community for a game such as Total War: Warhammer II would be 99% male, so good luck for finding underage girls there, especially given the amount of sexist conversations...

  8. #CavillisNotGay....

  9. Cavill has been saying for a couple years now that he plays games online and is a gamer and plays in his trailer in between takes . It is what helped get him the Witcher.

    Any screenshots of him playing?? Any pervy messages? Franco and Weiner had screenshots and messages. You have any ENTY. Probably should end them to the police.

    Also, you are playing a dangerous game here ENTY if these blinds are made up. Some actual pedophile could pretend to be Cavill and lure an innocent girl into a dangerous situation.

    And, I highly doubt he is using gaming to pick up chicks especially since he use to be closeted here. You just do not like him ENTY. We get it.

  10. @TeeHee@U

    I doubt that many underage girls, especially ones who would like to a relationship with Cavill, are reading this blog.

  11. Was asked in a promo interview 'Xbox or playstation?' and answered 'PC'. It's now become a meme.

  12. Sounds like Enty is trying to have another Gamergate fall in his lap by connecting gaming to pedos. Good luck with that, if this blog couldn't handle the 4chan folks bouncing over then the gamers will definitely wreck it.

  13. You would be surprised @Angela. These blinds end up the DM comments ALL THE TIME. Takes one person to read it, believe it, and to spread it to others who believe it who might go looking for Caill on these games. And, kids these days know more about computers than adults. Just saying. Do not make up crap like this if it is not true and there is no evidence is all.


  15. It's strange, Enty's obsession with Cavill. Cavill only once dated a 19 year old college student when he was 33, look for yourself, she did not look young, she looked more 20s.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I dont believe any of this. He seems like a decent person.

    1. Perhaps, but with most of this herd it's a definite that Cavil is a fat, yachting pervert. Oh, wait -- he's not female. So scratch the whole "being called fat even though he isn't" thing. That only happens when incel wannabe men are taking out their rage on women over confusing and unrequieted fetishes for their slatternly spawners.

  18. @TeeHee@U

    It would already be problematic enough for an underage girl to try willingly to find online a 36-year-old actor rumored here to be a pedophile and to be approached by an actual pedophile trying to pass as the actor.

    Of course, the whole blind makes very little sense to begin with. If Cavill was into underage girls, why would he try his hand at online multiplayer games to meet them? Players can be on a different coast, for instance...

    Once again, this looks like a "favor" to Kaley Cuoco, or, more accurately, a blind item made up and written to suggest Kaley Cuoco herself reads the blog.

  19. Hollywood actor is a pedo? No way! I'm not gonna believe it cos I don't want it to be true and I'd have to stop watching that show I like. It's not like he works in the most degenerate industry this side of hell or anything, and he seems such a nice guy in those puff piece interviews. Def not true.

  20. Agreed @Angela. I just would hate to think that something made up and false could easily lead to actual predators using this info to catfish young girls into thinking they are gaming with/ could potentially meet up with Henry Cavill when in reality it is a 50 y/o bald, convicted pedo that should be on to Catch a Predator.

    Henry Cavill once publicly dated a 19 y/o and has admitted to playing video games regularly.

    So, in gossip terms and because ENTY hates Henry for Kaley Cuoco's potential attention means: Henry is playing games to hook up with underage girls.

    Potentially dangerous game given how there is no evidence.

  21. Oh and these Milie BB Brown blinds? Ever think she just acts or tells her 14/15 year friends to act like and report to gossip websites "like high schoolers" are totally what Drake/ Henry are into!!

    She is the hottest young thing out there. Meaning...MBB looked like a 30 year old at the SAG awards. CHick and her PR team are playing the game as far as it can take her. And, it is not just her parents it is the industry.

    Always just think twice before you belive stories is my only point. Could be true, just ask where is the proof? And, why, if underage crimes are involved...where is the proof?

  22. I'm so annoyed by this. I want to want him goddamit...but I just can't. This site has ruined sexy, buff former superheroes for me.

  23. He's turning stoic and cool Geralt into some cheesy hero type. Hate it. I hope he's not scum though.

  24. He plays World of Warcraft
    He talks about missing the call for Superman while raiding.
    There aren't many underage girls in WoW these days, mainly people that have played since the early days.
    Besides, I have yet to see proof he likes anything less than legal.
    A 30ish man dating a 19yo is pretty tame for Pedowood.
    I tend to think this maybe personal.

    PS I loved how you outed Julia Butters in your blind reveal but didnt have the balls to name the 2 Predatory Producers that were stalking her.
    If you really cared, you would have kept HER name private and outted THEM.

  25. @Lorkhan this site is not reliable or trustworthy so don't let it ruin people for you

  26. Henry certainly has a fan base on this site! But I want to comment on his gaming.One poster makes it clear: 99% of the gammers are male! Since Henry knows this,and he is 'looking'might it be he's changed 'sides?'(BTW: back in the day when he just got into acting he was always shown with male buddies,partying and horsing around and even a rumor he might have been on a dating website (in the U.K.) similar to Grindr?) Just say'en. lol



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