Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Blind Item #4

Always showing his level of tool-dom, this A list manager loves taking shots at any female artists who don't work for him. He has been trashing this former tweener turned A- list singer/bad actress who is an ex to one of his artists. 


  1. Scooter Braun and Selena Gomez

  2. Did anyone see Bieber's bizarre social media activity yesterday? He was posting pictures of babies with the hashtag yummy *barf*

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @MyDog, It's safe to assume that Bieber's mind is gone, too much trauma and too many drugs. Working his way to Britney status.

  5. I did @MyDog. There was also someone who posted a link to an alleged co cession he made at a Hillsong service ;RE Selena and their unborn child at one point)- it is bone chilling. If true-absolutely-sickening

  6. @Brayson Agreed. Bieber's living on borrowed time at this point.

  7. @Tricia Holy shit :(

  8. I’ll try and find it

  9. Damn all these young people so screwed up is really depressing. I dodged some real bullets by not getting my children involved in this shit. It was crazy for several years they were targeted (my daughter looked like shirley temple with blonde really curly hair and my son looked like an angel..people were always taking their picture... had an agent who is now HUGE who just had me send her updated poloroids, whatever, every six months. My son got cast in a commercial and made decent money from it, but I was already over the other parents and the whole process. THANK GOD

    I feel for Justin, Brit, and even Corey, and all of those other lost souls.

    1. If you love your kids, don’t put them in show business. The things I witnessed during my time in the industry would make your skin crawl. You made the right choice.

  10. Tricia - I found it - look on Gossip Cop. It was a rumor going around in 2017 about what Bieber supposedly told his bible study class.
    I googled Bieber unborn child with Selena came right up

  11. If all the stories about what he went thru with his "mentors" to get into and be successful in the business are true no wonder he's messed up. I feel sorry for him--mental illness is no joke

  12. It's somewhat alarming that the artists he manage have such documented struggles with mental health and/or drugs. I hope Ari wises up and moves on. She's too good for him.

  13. @TSM i totally agree that enty is usually the tool here. This is entertainment and we have to take w a grain of salt. However, it is not a stretch to believe Bieber & Selena were pregnant and Justin spilled it when giving a testimony. Almost every woman I know has had an abortion (okay, maybe half) and statistics show that's about average
    The regret and remorse especially within churches is huge, and he wouldn't be the first to ask forgiveness for this.
    So while it's true that enty is likely full of shit, this is probably not one of the times.

  14. So Beiber is gonna O.D. Ariana is gonna leave and Swift will re-record and make is (borrowed) investment worthless. At least he has the PMK crew.

  15. Scoots B. Perhaps it's just a side effect of the media age we live in & I'm feeling very old school, but it still makes me twitch when I see managers and momagers with celeb profiles of their own.

    Selena got stung by a Portuguese Man O War, was it something about that?

    Bieber worries me, and the "confession" tale referred to above (if true) would give a very plausible explanation for the psychological hold he and Selena seem to have on one another. Something scarred deeply there.
    God help me, that yummy song and video are horrible.

  16. Selenas done almost everyone at the hillsong congregation. Justin most likely wasnt even the father

  17. @ZZZ, Depends on what blinds you believe. I meant more like he's going to need around the clock supervision because there won't be enough marbles left.

  18. Watched the Yummy video to see what all the talk was about. My mind wandered to Weird Al Yankovik doing a spoof Pukey video. Does Weird Al do videos anymore?

  19. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Even doing a commercial/ having an agent, is dangerous.
    Agents? They are often not what they appear.
    The only safe way is to avoid that business... entirely.
    Don't share your family name. Don't share your address; and don't pay them any money.
    They tried to get my daughter once...at a dentist's office for kids.

    No place is safe.

  20. What do expect of a man who goes by a preschool nickname. After someone’s dog. Man child over aged frat boy who buys his own hype, not unlike Massimo Gianulli. Life will teach him, too. Eventually. It always does.
