Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Blind Item #4

Good luck winning that lawsuit. The alliterate former actress wanted press outlets to have to pay her for photos, not the agency that took them. Notice they are not being mean to the outlet that took the pictures, only the ones using it. If you leave the bubble, this is what happens. I'm also not sure how you can compare someone in the woods you invited to being pursued in a high speed night time car chase, but, you love pulling that comparison. 


  1. Okay am I the only one that is done with the puff Markel pieces? I mean enough already. Would rather hear about her daddy issues and how her dad is entitled to care, what's the real dynamic there.

    1. Oh yeah, i am done! I just dont care! That baby tho, is adorable!!!!

  2. HRH SMegan Markles Windsor?

  3. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Sparkle Farkle? I’m starting to wonder how intelligent these two really are. Getting papped in the middle of the woods with a shit eating grin on her face.

    You’re supposed to leave the world better than how you found it, not go scorched earth like an imbecile.

    1. I wish more people followed the words in your last paragraph - 💗🌎

  4. Friggin fat head Markle. Damnit, that poor baby, she doesn't even care to hold him properly.

    1. No kidding! I felt so bad for that baby!

    2. The doll feels no pain. I felt sorry for the dogs whose expressions looked like they hate their lives.

  5. I never thought i'd get tired of making fun of Fat Markle but that ship has sailed...

  6. MM is a princess. Show respect.

    1. No...MM is a douchess...

    2. She’s a below-average actress yacht whore who preyed upon, then bagged the retarded, immature, codependent simple son, but will soon be rid of him as is only a stepping stone for her and her delusions of grandeur. I doubt she gives a shit about her child - that’s how sociopaths work.

    3. She's a Duchess at the moment, not a princess. And she and Handbag are close to losing those titles.

  7. I honestly never have a toss one way or the other but since the “step down “to move up ,around conquer the world and acting again(The Disney plug Harry have Ivers was cringe), I’m
    Just kind of disgusted. Oh and now the lawsuit....🙄

  8. And all on taxpayers dime still(cottage,security). It’s kinda gross and definitely manipulated

  9. MJ dangled blanket out the window with more care than MM did securing her baby against her during her staged forest walk.

    1. @COWPIE made me snort cake up my nose laughing

    2. Someone already made a meme of Sparkles head on MJ’s body dangling Blanket.

  10. It's even worse here in Canada, we have the international media and the local media reporting on every fart she makes.

  11. Guarantee you she was being paid to do that dog walk. The baby carrier, her clothes, baby clothes, her boots etc. Everything would have been picked for how much she'd get from the media coverage. This is her thing. playing the Diana card to harry every time her best laid plans are ruined! Wont be long before we get the tearful interview about her invasion of privacy etc.

    1. I wonder just how long that will last now that she is not royalty. I mean truth be told unless she is dressed up in some effing expensive outfit she tends to look wrinkled and scrubby just like Harry.

  12. Can they please stop with the comparisons to Princess Diana, Rachel couldn't shine her shoes. I, for one, am so done with hearing about her.

  13. The poor baby was holding for his dear life not to fall, but his mom was to busy posing for the photos she arranged.

  14. Fat Markle doesn't have to worry about high-speed chases.

    Ain't a car in the world which could get her tonnage past 30 mph.

  15. @Cowpie
    yeah...but MJ was holding an actual kid....
    MM was lugging a plastic doll.

  16. That pap just happened to be strolling in the middle of the woods with their camera set up ready to point and shoot, what luck!

    The thing I find gross about them is they trademarked Sussex Royal for a huge array of merch back last summer., so this all was well-programmed in advance. Go and fame whore, but you can't quit the family and then cash in on its name by putting it on athleisure wear.

    @ heather you will get your wish, as the father is giving an interview to one of the UK tv stations in these days.

  17. @gauloise-I saw the DM article where he said "time to look after daddy", I cannot stand Markel, but this is the one time I would defend her and say just because you throw money at your kids post divorce, it doesn't entitle you to care, go pay for a home.

  18. My feeling is that the Harkles don't have as much money as they say they have. I think some of their lawsuits have been filed because they could really use the payout. Meanwhile, the legal fees must be killing them.

    Ironic that Meg originally cut off her dad because he was doing paid pap shoots when she now spends much of her time doing paid pap shoots.

    Also, Harry has no job skills. Danger ahead.

  19. Even if they run out of money they'll get bailed out by someone.

    That job emptying grease traps at Der Wienerschnitzel which big-brain Harry is qualified for? That won't happen.

    "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."

  20. Yeah, I thought this lawsuit rumour was strange. She's smiling in the photos. Why would you smile at someone taking your picture when you've probably called them to take it.

    Frivolous lawsuits are decidedly un-Canadian. Save some money, Meghan - don't call the paps. If you want attention you would have been better off staying in England.

    1. Except in the UK, pap shots like this would never have been published. That's been a tacit agreement between the UK newspapers and the BRF since Diana's death. These pics would not have been published in the UK prior to the Sussex's exit from the fold.

  21. Oh, stop complaining folks. I love me a good Meghan and Harry blind. LOL. Here's the thing: When you are a celebrity wannabe like Meghan, the ONLY thing worse than being attacked and mocked by the paparazzi is being completely ignored by the paparazzi. I think she's terrified of the latter and she senses that its going to happen. She's doing what Paris Hilton did back in the day...stage poses with important people and pay the paparazzi to show up and take photos, then pretend to be annoyed when they do.

  22. Why wasn’t that baby wearing a diaper? Yes diapers are thinner if they haven’t been used but not that thin, at least not that I’ve ever seen.

    And I think children should care for their parents in old age. How disgustingly selfish is a child that was raised with love and privilege, to not do everything they can to care for the parents that cared for them? My family knows that if they need it, they are always welcome in our home. My father, stepmother and aunt all have been told this repeatedly. I couldn’t begin to repay their love and care and I would consider it an honor and privilege to try. Nursing homes are abusive hellholes and anyone that would send their parents there....yikes. They must not watch the news.

    1. That kid has been photographed multiple times with no diaper as early as one month.

  23. Basic bitch MeAgain. She's so stupid and delusional.

  24. Canadians don't want to pay for their security. He's no longer a senior Royal, no HRH, and they're not in Canada on official business representing the Crown, so no dice. She's trying to whip up media coverage to prove that they need security. In a country that very few politicians qualify for security, and even celebs have few problems, even when they do have security.
    They are a train wreck and will be a political problem to be addressed in Parliament some point. Which is never a good look.

  25. Anonymous8:34 AM

    did anyone actually see that baby move? it looked like a doll to me. Who goes out with their baby and 2 dogs?? What if one of the dogs pulled hard (like mine do) an she fell. One dog is enough but 2 has me thinking that she wasn't holding Archie. If she was holding the real baby then she is stupider than I thought. So dangerous.

    I am not over the MM / PH blinds.... keep them coming Enty!

    1. Zoom in on those photo's - there's a black string wrapped around the "baby's" wrist & round Me-again's neck as if it's holding the child's hamd up that way (?) hmmmmm...... 🤔😏 #Megxit #TruthAboutMeghan #BoycottSussexRoyal

  26. The Sussex Succubus strikes again.

  27. Maybe the baby was drugged, if it was real.

  28. Also is that the same beagle she had before? Didn’t it get to the U.K. and immediately break both of its legs? Where has she been hiding it? Will she take back the dog she left in Canada now that she’s there? So many questions! This is endlessly fascinating.

  29. That photo was ridiculous, and it also demonstrated that she is too stupid to understand that that baby is way too big to be strapped on to her any longer, and needs a stroller.

  30. It’s not a baby, it’s a doll. No baby just hangs like that, especially if they’re about to be dropped. (Notice the carrier is falling off one shoulder.)
    And walking 2 dogs while carrying a baby? I don’t think so.

    1. It’s also like a 3 and 1/2 foot doll.

  31. Iam just bored by her now.... she's all over gossip everywhere!

  32. Oh, and she’s wearing the carrier backwards.

  33. If she is half as bad as these blinds indicate, she is a wicked human. I had seriously never heard her name mentioned once prior to Harry becoming a new client through his friend. Look at her now...

  34. Oh, Sparkles. You done did it again. For shame. :(

  35. Dumb & Dumber, question is: who's dumber though?

    So far they have not gotten ONE thing right since their marriage. Everyday is a new opportunity to show the world that the don't have 2 braincells between them.

  36. The pics were taken before Harry got back. She probably called the paps but couldn't admit that to Harry, not after all the protesting and dramatic weeping about the great pap menace. So now, this bullshit.

  37. The fact is that now he's just celebrity offspring and she's a former actress, who GAF? They're Canada's problem now, much to the relief of the UK and the US.

    1. Hold your horses! It ain't over till the fat lady sings the song of 'who pays the millions of dollars of security they apparently need'? Because they are so special, understand. Until then, still UK's problem.

  38. Hey do you think she'll have to blow Charles when they go crawling back to the Firm?

  39. That "photoshoot" in the woods was absolutely ridiculous for someone complaining so much about her privacy.

  40. Yes Meg sue the people who can prove you are not in Canada, good idea. LOL her world is crumbling around her, expect more crazy in 3,2,1...

  41. Where were her nannies in the pics?? Couldn't have been too far away I suspect.

  42. It's mind boggling how after all this time she stil looks awkward holding her baby.
    Who takes a child, in a carrier that he's clearly outgrown, walking in the woods with two dogs in casually held leashes. At minimum he should've been secured in a proper baby backpack. Me personally I would've used a stroller so that I had free hands to control the dogs.
    What a fiasco. :(

  43. Ok, Pierce we get it. You hate MM because she stopped talking to you when her romance with Harry started. Get over it. And, if you're wondering why this site keeps beating this story to death, it's because of it's ties to the Daily Mail. This site feeds the DM and right now, the DM should be called the "we hate Meghan Mail."

  44. Red Velvet Boots-- If you caught the Bachelor highlights from Monday, don't you mean, "finasco?"😉😂

    And, completely agree on fearing for Archie's safety in that harness...that was the wonkiest carry yet. Also, I was shocked at hearing she was mad about these telephoto shots invading her privacy, bc isn't she smiling and making direct eye contact into the lens?

  45. FourthTurning, good theory, but more because she's an obnoxious swindling welfare hypocrite and he's a cretinous Nazi-approving chubby-chaser.

  46. @J, Maybe we're looking at this all wrong. She's stealing from the rich who steal from the British peasants, she's like a modern day Robin Hood except she's not giving any money back to the poor.

  47. Well, Friar Tuck anyway.

  48. According to Meghan and her PR,
    she's already got offers from Givenchy for a modeling contract.
    Not sure you'd need to call paps, if Givenchy is in the bag?
    The claims she makes with her PR are pure comedy.

  49. Enty may be posting these as a favor to the Daily Mail who Mme. Markle the first ex wife of the Duke of Sussex is suing.

  50. @J, Hahaha, good one. You really should make a collection of your Farkle comments, they're right up there with the SJP horse jokes.

  51. She's really bad at this. All of it.

  52. Why is Jessica Mulroneys company registering Sussex Royal websites? MEGHAN MARKLE, The absolute arrogance of this woman knows no bounds. She's sneaky and devious. She obviously believes that they are going to be allowed to continue using the title. I should be disgusted but I'm not surprised at all. Even less surprised that Mattel Mulroney is up to her eyeballs in all this too.

  53. Who would have guessed that a low class hooker/actress would not have been a good choice for a royal prince? At least she brought diversity and vibrancy into that stuffy old institution, eh.


    1. <3 You know its bad when RR steps out. I too, have ragged on Megs as her behavior is odd sometimes. But the straight obsessive hate is far far worse to the point of being frightening. They def need security. All the obssessed haters should pay for it.

  55. Anonymous2:19 PM

    She was merching that baby harness. It's an Ergobaby 360 mesh baby carrier and is for sale on Meghan's Mirror. All you Meghan sugars be sure and grab one cause they need the money. According to DD on Twitter she got fired for doing such a piss poor job on that pap stroll.

  56. @Okani, vibrancy? You must be American, the country that thinks being a Kardashian is so cool. Narcissist disorder drama though, for sure.

  57. For a laugh, read this news article. It was distributed locally. Think of how you would feel reading this in your local paper.

    Tldr: Like many in British Columbia, you may be worried about running into Prince Harry and Meghan in your local dairy aisle, and not knowing how to behave properly. […]

    Curtsies are not required, nor expected, when meeting a Royal, but they are not out-of-line.

    They are called […] “Sir” and “Ma’am”.

  58. Markle's too stupid to put a diaper on a doll, she's not bright enough to pull off that one.

    And Harry's too stupid to figure out his wife is playing him 24/7.

  59. 1. I don't know what Harry and Meghan's plans are but copyrighting "Sussex Royal" is indicative of NOTHING. Parties will copyright names not only so they can use them but also to prevent others from using them. Case in point: William and Kate copyrighted "Kensington Royal" or something close to that. I highly doubt they'll be selling little tchotchkes soon.

    2. Meghan and Kate are both princesses by virtue of their respective marriages to princes and this is reflected in their titles. Meghan's title is Princess Henry. (Henry is Harry's real name) Another example of this would be Princess Michael. Michael is her husband's name.

  60. Where did you read she was mad at her woodsy photo shoot? The one she shoved the baby to side, dropped the shoulder strap, so you could see her face better?! And then kissing his head, while lovingly looking at the camera? For real? She’s saying that was an invasion?! Did ANYONE think they were planned?! And I agree with the poster above. It’s dangerous to walk dogs and have the baby in carrier. Especially in the woods, where even a well trained dog can chase a deer or squirrel. Get the off roaring stroller. I love dogs, ah e a few, but even I would have never pulled this trick while my babies were in the Bjorn. What if you trip?! Sigh..

    1. Can you believe the gd New York Times reported the gd Harkles issued warninga about the pap photos. That paper is officially ridiculous now.

  61. As others have said, that was a doll. So no worries if it falls to the ground.

    I'm sure she had a good laugh at the photographers that rushed to document her pap walk.

  62. Anonymous5:47 PM

    There's no such thing as 'royal'.

    I cannot believe the sheep still read that UK tabloid garbage.

  63. @Astra Nuts to that. My mom expects to go into a home, and we expect it as well. I would NEVER put that on my kids. You do you, but best keep quiet about other people who are doing what's best for them. And wherever you live must be scary, because no, nursing homes aren't like that at all.

  64. Will they be divorced in more or less than 10 years?

  65. Lol OKay, good luck to your mom. I know I wouldn’t trust my vulnerable elderly to a bunch of strangers but, y’all’s choice. And elder abuse happens absolutely everywhere so it’s not a matter of where I live being scary, it’s just a fact of life that most nursing homes are hellholes. I can understand people not wanting to face facts though. It’s much easier to shunt your elderly and now useless loved ones off to some overpriced dump to die, so they don’t inconvenience you. If my comments offend you, too bad. Probably because you know the facts but just don’t want to be made to feel bad about sending your mom to what’s essentially a human “no kill shelter”. Although the animals get treated better. If my comment makes one person reconsider dumping their “inconvenient” family member into some abusive hellhole, my job is done.

  66. Lucky Dog-- I actually heard it on morning news, but from YahooNews, "Markle’s lawyers filed a cease-and-desist to British media outlets this week, threatening legal action if they published photos of her taken recently while she was walking with her son and dogs on Vancouver Island."

  67. the dogs look so sad and the way the baby is being carried made me anxious,she is in a large public area, i dont understand her having photo issues?just sad

  68. Y'all are like a swarm of flies teasing on shit. With less class.

  69. Classy comment, unknown.

  70. @harpers1niter Jessica Mulrooney is the biggest joke since, well, Megan Farkle. They are like cartoon characters - gah those lips on Mulrooney are truly clown like. And her Instagram account is like a parody, only it isn’t. Yikes!

    Farkle thinks she can pick up where Diana left off. She isn’t even in the same league, not even close, even married to her son. Farkle has no intention of “obeying” any orders regarding using the titles & royal status she no longer has. Remember regime & “the duchess of Pork” weight watchers campaign. That was regal compared to what Meghan & Harry will do.

    She is of the gutter & because so she will drag them all through the mud & the courts. I wonder what social climbers like the Clooneys will end up doing... drop her like a hot potato? methinks yes.

  71. @Unknown

    Princess Michael of Kent? The one who wore the blackamoor brooch to Christmas lunch to meet Meghan? Nobody cares about those people... & she isn’t Princess Henry... Her Majesty, the Queen, made sure she didn’t take that with her... I hope they counted the china & teacups



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