Saturday, January 25, 2020

Blind Item #3

It isn't the after effects of the OD, it is that this A-/B+ list singer is still using. That is why she is sounding like crap and even the recording she is going to use for lip synching sounds like crap. She better get a decent recording done or people will be talking about that massive live event for years to come.


  1. Demi Lovato, national anthem at the Super Bowl, I hope she doesn't die on stage

  2. Wilmer deserved better.

  3. Pressure is gonna be a touch too much for this poor kid. Bread is burnt even before it hits the toaster.

  4. Anonymous9:03 AM

    A used up has-been.

  5. poor kid, another one chewed up and spit out by the hollywood machine..

  6. @ Entwad - I agree with despising pedophiles, but why do you hate their victims/survivors?

  7. Haters gonna hate Mango. Anyhow drugs don’t do your voice any favors see Whitney Houston when she tried to comeback. And this one wasn’t anything close to Whitney when it comes to singing.

  8. Bad idea to hire her

  9. She will probably nail it since so many want her to flop.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    National Anthem is never a good idea.
    If it's good, it's forgotten.
    If it's bad, it is always remembered.

  11. The worst anthem singer was by far Steve Tyler at a Patriots game.
    I hope they learned to never have him sing it again.

  12. Carl Lewis was the worst ever by far. Look it up on YouTube. The players were laughing at him it was so bad.

  13. She's taking a HUGE risk lip synching at an event like that. What if the disc skips.

  14. @John Doe, what if the record is scratched, what if the tape breaks? What century you living in bah?

  15. @HS. Whether recordings are stored on magnetic media, optical media, flash media, or in a cloud the recording is an electronic file that can be corrupted. Whether she streams it or plays it on a flash drive or an 8-track player it can still skip or fail and not play at all.

  16. She's stayed too long at the party. And she refuses to leave the party. And, if we are honest, she probably didn't ever deserve to be at the party. Demi simply is not good looking enough to be a lead actress in Hollywood. At least, not in the roles she seems to prefer (aka the "hot lead"). Certainly, she's better looking, far more so, relative to other members of her gender, than am I. But she simply isn't good looking enough in an industry where good looks are a huge portion of the job requirement. Certainly, acting talent can over come less than perfect looks. But she isn't a good actress. Nor does she seem interested in hard work to improve. Ditto wrt music. She doesn't have a good voice. She can't write her own music. So what can she offer in the entertainment industry? I'm sure there would be demand for some type of reality project, but it seems like she doesn't want that type of scrutiny, even for a highly managed "reality" project.
    I think a lot of her problems stem from her realizing that she simply doesn't have the goods to be a star. Given her popularity as a child actor, she still has enough fame/celebrity to garner our interest, no matter how passive that interest is. But she's not ever going to be an a list actress or singer, and I think she's smart enough to realize that deep down. IMHO this really drives a lot of her destructive behavior.

    1. Agreed. She should have never been at the party.

  17. I really hope Demi gets help. I root for her to get better.. too sad.

  18. Patrick- she definitely does have a good voice... sorry but that's a crock to say she can't sing. And lol she is gorgeous.. one of the better looking people in hollywood. Not sure what your ridic standards are but come on.

  19. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Demi Lovato needs to take whatever wealth she has managed to accumulate and call it quits. Move far away from Los Angeles and never look back.

    Either that or finally spill the beans on her abusers once and for all.

  20. She sounded absolutely amazing and looked stunning at the Grammys tonight
