Monday, January 13, 2020

Blind Item #3

This former A list mostly television actress was a big thing back in the day. Now, drugs and booze are her big thing. That and getting into fights with whoever she is dating at the time. She has caused so much damage to herself that producers are not sure whether she can actually pull off a reboot of one of her old shows.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Would the Reboot be Melrose?

  3. If not Heather than maybe someone from the Saved by the Bell reboot?

  4. Hayden P but not back in the day. She looks older than HL though.

  5. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Sounds like Locklear.
    Based on her repeated arrests and rehabs, it's doubtful that she can carry off a regular work schedule, esp.on camera.
    Why would she even try? Is Richie no longer supporting his ex-wife?

  6. It's Locklear and she is pushing for a reboot of Melrose Place.

  7. The steady work may help Heather stay clean. I like both Heather and Hayden. Sad what has happened to them.

  8. Didnt they already reboot melrose before?

  9. Garth saying 'Heather...?Heather..?' is stuck in my brain.

  10. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Heather Locklear. What a modern day show business tragedy.

  11. Such a shame, she'd play such strong characters but off camera got treated like a f*ck doll.

  12. Hey I never wish a downward spiral on anyone! best to you Heather... BUT that being said.. a certain amount of trainwreck press and loose cannon fodder IS good for a night time soap. People will tune in JUST for that. Amanda had ice running through her veins so ANY version of Heather will appear to whatever demographic will tune in and are they gonna reboot like the original 90210 with new kids and maybe adult cameos?

  13. I think it's Heather.
    As an aside I would love a malcolm in the middle reboot...see how they're all coping with middle age.

  14. First thought was Heather, but I’m gonna go with Lark Voorhis - SBTB

  15. Yet another reason to just stop with the reboots

  16. Hayden P is good for this but if there are Melrose rumors then Heather is perfect.

    She sure has the "it" factor on the screen, so does Hayden though her bloated face looks like a vanilla tomato these days.

  17. I'm probably one of the biggest MP fans (of the original), but even I think it's a mistake to bring it back. What will "Amanda" be this time - an apartment block owner and head of an advertising agency - the same as last time, and the highest she could possibly climb? Besides, it would be confusing regardless of whether they stemmed off from the original or the second reboot. The original reboot had potential; it's a shame they didn't give it another season to find its feet (much like the original); I did think Katie Cassidy was a good fit and played her character well.

  18. All of us old people that still remember how gorgeous young Heather Locklear was, dang.
    She really was the ultimate pretty girl in her day.

  19. Lets save producers time and $10 million. Shes not gonna be able to do it. Dont bother.
