Sunday, January 05, 2020

Blind Item #2

Just in case you thought it was diet and exercise for the foreign born one named A list singer, it was not. It was gastric bypass.


  1. Of course it was, Adele.

  2. Replies
    1. She looks good. Id do her if drake wont...

  3. Who cares how she did it, she is saving her life.

  4. Now if someone could only teach her how to do her makeup in a way where she doesn't look like a drag queen.

  5. Leave it to the media. Hate for her weight, hate for her losing weight. Let's just concentrate on that phenomenal voice for a change.

  6. Enty is upset he can’t be calling Adele a drunken sot anymore. She looks fine.

  7. So? Good for her - believe it or not, it's still an uphill battle even with gastric bypass.

  8. My friend had one of those surgeries (gastric band) and lost over 150 lbs.

    It was great. She has regained a bit.

    Some people just have no f'ing chance of losing the weight naturally - these surgeries are a godsend for them.

  9. My friend is going to get this surgery soon. She knows it's a total life overhaul. Maybe Adele can be a positive influence for her.

  10. Adele is nearly unrecognizable.

    I feel for people who resort to these kinds of surgeries. It’s brutal and they can never eat normally. Hopefully Adele quit drinking.

    Mariah probably still drinks because she can get drunk faster after her gastric sleeve surgery.

  11. T.W. yesterday the Daily Mail had pictures of her on the beach with various cocktails in her hand, so it doesn't look like she's stopped drinking, but maybe she's cut down.

    1. If she's drinking after bypass that's really bad. Transfer addition to alcohol is common.

  12. Geeeeeez I wonder who this could be

  13. She doesn't have a phenomenal voice, and she was too lazy to even finish her last tour. She had no consideration for the fans that she stood up.

  14. If true, what a shame she feels she can’t be honest. She could help someone in a similar situation with her famous candor, but I understand if she wants to keep her weight loss tactics private. She was judged for being heavy & is probably afraid of being equally judged for her choice to be the opposite. Either way, she looks happier, younger & healthier, so good for her.

  15. She has that tell-tale oval head like other people who've had gastric bypass. I don't why she did it. She wasn't even that big.

  16. Even with gastric surgery you still need to adjust your diet. My sister and law and her husband both had it, never changed, and have since gained it all back and more.
    Good for Adele for losing weight if that is what she wanted to do and wasn’t pressured into it.

  17. @cheesegrater 15,I was trying to think of what to call that look! I agree,she wasn't big enough to go that route,and if she keeps drinking as much,she is headed for trouble. I thought she looked haggard,even though she looks a good weight. The people I know who have had this done have had worse health problems than before. So good luck to her.

  18. My daughter had it done age 21, she's now 40. Studies to date now show you will lose a ton of weight initially, however, in the end you end up only losing 25%. It's a life long battle/life changing surgery. It's brutal.

  19. Ugh. What a sellout. She looked just fine, but of course exception to most the ppl of cdan. Now she gonna look like don king the bobblehead.

  20. It was such a rapid change that this doesn't surprise me. To me, she looks increasingly like Sarah Paulson's little sister. Beautiful before and after, I hope she continues to do her career on her terms, and is as happy as she seems.

  21. @Vita: I think she looks like a cross between Kate Winslett & Emily Blunt.

  22. Adele- those bony collarbones tell the story!

  23. The big problem is this, people who do the bypass usually gain a lot of the weight back because they didn’t learn good habits like exercising and eating right to lose the weight, so they continue doing what they do. Look at Oprah, she’s done this 2 or 3 times in her life, attributes it to using WeightWatchers, gets a ton of money endorsing them, and gains the weight back. This time she’s doing a motivational tour too.

  24. She’s gorgeous and talented when big or small. Personally, I think it was something less drastic, like a lap-band, which is reversible. Still gotta be careful tho. But hey, whatever makes her happy & healthy!!

  25. No, she doesn't look great. Too much weight dropped way too fast. It's not healthy either.

  26. The thing thing many ppl don’t realize is after gastric bypass, you’re not supposed to have ANY alcohol or coffee FOR LIFE.

    Yes, that’s what I said, for life. Would Adele obey such a thing? LMAO, no. Let’s hope that doesn’t mess w/her health. I’ll be curious if this major weight loss affects her voice at all.

  27. @kelli

    The lap band isn’t being used anymore - they’re actually taking it out of people & performing replacement surgeries. It had issues w/infection & organ construction

  28. She should have done WW it works great but one can't drink on it. You can drink on keto. The hard stuff.

  29. With respect, she doesnt look healthy. Like shes getting proper nutrition. She gave up being able to manage her stomach on her own. Its kinda sad.

  30. It's STILL diet and exercise, even with a gastric bypass. I know. I had one a few months ago. You still must diet and exercise. A RNY is just a tool to help.

  31. I've been on WW four times. Diets don't work. Surgery does.

  32. lifestyle changes work - sustainable ones. Not diets. Learn to fuel, not just feed, yourself. Movement and motion too and anytime, not just in a gym. Dance at home for 20 minutes, congrats you just did more cardio than some ppl do in a year.

  33. I had gastric bypass 14 years ago. I lost 200 pounds in 13 months. At present I have only gained back 35 pounds in all that time. I had surgery last summer and it sidelined me for a bit. I usually gain a little in the winter and slim down in the summer. I would not be alive without it.

  34. I had Gastric Bypass in 2001. I kept the weight off (100&Change) since then u til just recently when I was put on a medication that had the side effect of weight gain. I regained about 30lbs, but am working on getting it back off. I still can buy clothes in a.c."regular" store. Anyhow, as soon as I saw those new pics, I knew ahead WLS. People who have had it often have a specific look...tired, wan, pale and eyes that are a little dead looking. I have a picture of me from a couple of years ago when I had unintentionally lost a lot more weight due to stress. In the picture I was tiny. I was wearing 3 shirts and a sweater because I was always cold. I had Adele's look...lights on, nobody home. I collapsed that night and ended up in the hospital out of my mind, couldn't walk, recogniZe my parents, had no manual dexterity...mostly because of malnutrition. My potassium levels were so low, they were surprised I hadn't had a heart attack. Adele has that look. My friend was bulimic and anorexic in HS and swears she has radar for other people who are, too. She always says, "You got it, you spot it." Adele, I see you, girl! Btw, we can have a cup of black coffee. We are supposed to avoid all carbonated drinks forever because the gas can stretch the stomach.

  35. I have an older cousin whose wife had one of the earliest bypasses, in the eighties. They called it stomach stapling back then. Never lost weight, I assumed she digest the staples. Then they won $15 million. Barely moves now.
