Thursday, January 30, 2020

Blind Item #2

As I previously told you, and has now been confirmed, the A list everything in her mind and the foreign born former A list singer are to the point where they can't even share the same stage this weekend.


  1. haha I can't wait to see what happens. Might be worth tuning in.

  2. Yeah, this sounds like it could be the best half-time show in years. Let them fight!

  3. I might have to actually watch this year lol

  4. I may actually watch the beginning of the halftime show to see this. Nah, I'd rather watch the kitten halftime show from the puppy bowl.

  5. When was the last time the super bowl half-time "entertainment" wasn't an estrogen festival?

    For fun this year, see if you can count how many commercials feature a white person as the smart person in whatever scenario the commercial is presenting.

  6. Luckily it's a pretty big field, they can put one on each side.

    @ZZZ, Never underestimate the power of #latinapower.

  7. Best halftime show I remember was Bruno Mars and Beyonce.

  8. I knew their asses were outsized fat, but only one can fit on the stage at a time?

  9. Oh J, Both are fit, you know you could bounce a quarter off both their a$$es. Now only one can sing, but at least they can dance.

  10. Hilarious! I liked the idea of them sharing the stage though...jlo giving her a little extra hip thrust in her booty shake, shakira knocking her off balance with her chest-heavy belly dancing will still be fun to watch how they try to appear to get along

  11. I have no idea what the NFL was thinking when they signed two strong willed Latino woman to share a stage.

    My guess is: Half-time Fireworks!?


  12. $10 says they are indeed on the stage simultaneously, dancing together.

  13. Who can ever in this world...ever top...Prince? It's never gonna happen.

  14. *Kramer* - catfight!

  15. Who's playing again? Oh right, yeah can't wait to see the low ratings on this game.

  16. Something smells like lavendar about JLos engagement...pee..uuuu! Or so some say.;)

  17. They will be fine during the performance..backstage will be a nightmare!

  18. The halftime show press conference just started a few minutes ago, let's see if they stand up on that platform together! I may come back if a throwdown starts. No worries, they came out together but are sitting several feet apart.

  19. JLo is all dressed up Shakira is in T-shirt and jeans and still looks hotter than JLo

  20. They are both being paid more money than I will make in my lifetime for 5 minutes of lip synching....and they can't get along??? Geesh. They are both irrelevant, talentless hacks. Who cares about them. I will be on bathroom break during their performance.

  21. I think Katy Perry had the best halftime show, it was fun.

  22. Was Jen THAT good in the stripper movie? Was it THAT much of a stretch? Some people were suggesting she deserved an Oscar nomination. Wtf? I assumed it was her PR machine going into overdrive. Man, can you imagine how big her ego would be if she won an Oscar?

  23. @Slim, Oscar, forget that, how big would her ego be if she ever found a faithful man who wouldn't cheat on her? The odds are pretty low on either so we'll probably never know.

  24. I really hope jlo does her "taco flavored kisses" theme song from southpark

  25. @ longtime

    I think J is right about one thing. They'll be out there performing and there will be no hint of this discord. Maybe it exists, but this is too big of a moment to blow it, and they both know it. That said, a cat fight breaking out between 2 past their prime sex symbols in skimpy clothes would probably be even better that the game.

  26. Shakira has a hot body but her voice sounds like a yodeling goat

  27. @roxanne: And no one can top WhitneyHouston's rendition of the NationalAnthem. Whitney's anthem should be played at all games!

  28. Anonymous7:09 PM

    My money is on Shakira. Shake that moneymaker honey.
