Sunday, January 19, 2020

Blind Item #2

Apparently even when he is in the same town as his wife and offspring, this A list singer/bad actor stays in a condo so he can "focus."


  1. He is living the life all married guys want to lead!

  2. Hopefully he is focusing on those divorce papers. It has been painfully obvious for years that their “undying love” for each other is all acting. I understand celebrities and PR but come on. No career is worth being miserable/living a lie over. We all die one day, live life to the fullest with people you truly love. Everyone deserves happiness, even them.

  3. Justin----- he thinks he all that and 10 bags of chips
    He's horseshit in my eyes, nothing less

  4. Well, sounds like a win win for JB and her kid.

  5. Remember when Kanye said this twerp was the Sinatra of our day?

    ha ha

  6. Oh, sorry, he said Jay-Z was the Sinatra. Timberlake the Michael Jackson.

    In terms of masculinity, I'd buy that.

  7. NikkieP-- well said! What's the point when everyone is unhappy and rarely even coexisting?

  8. I only feel bad for their son. his mom is an antivaxxer & closeted (never romantic/sexual/in love w/his dad, just friends, & I doubt he’ll notice until he’s a lil bit older) & his dad a known asshole w/an ego he doesnt deserve.

    Hope he can grow up mentally happy & not messed up from this clusterf/ck created by 2 selfish hasbeens.

  9. Id stay in a seperate house too if i married a lesbian

  10. Whenever I see Biel and Timberlake in photos, I get the sense that she isn't at all comfortable in her role as Timberlake's wife and she feels diminished. Like she isn't living up to his expectations.

  11. That is too bad. I remember seeing an interview with Biel, her father, and I believe a brother prior to her becoming involved with Timberlake and they appeared to be very protective of her. Men are protective of women due to what they will lose not over an insecurity.

    It would be a shame if that interview was a show or her family was taken advantage of.

  12. Hes got me fooled. I think hes hot and a dynamic entertainer. Not an actor though.

  13. @TheBPlot

    It could be the asset retention plan. You know... feign a little hanky poo in the press. Post some doodie on CDaN. File for divorce.

    Crazy things are coming...

  14. She’s definitely straight. Was straight a decade ago and nothing has changed

  15. He doesn't live with her cuz she got a a girfriend homies

  16. Nikkie P - well said!

  17. Yep she likes women Silas isn't his kid you can totally see that if you look at the kid hard enough. All jt is doing is being a dad like Paul did for him when his father was gone the only diff biel lied to everyone by saying this kid is jts to try to stay relevant and have ties to everything he owns. As for Sinatra comment Jay z calls jt young Sinatra facts
