Thursday, January 16, 2020

Blind Item #2

In what will be the biggest moment of her career, this A- list singer is arranging to have multiple sober companions with her for the entire week before her worldwide television appearance.


  1. Performing at the Grammys

  2. She's singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl.

  3. Barf. Another crap performance of our national anthem.

  4. I hope she pulls it off. She has a great voice.

  5. Meh I highly doubt she is singing "live" so I guess they will be there to ensure she doesn't screw up her lip synch?

  6. They’ll be there with the Narcan at the ready.


  7. Why the hell would anyone get Demi Lovato to sing anything at the Super Bowl? Ugh. She’s the worst.

    Yep, Freebird. She will butcher it, 100% guaranteed.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sad. Demi. Sounds like the Grammy producers aren’t taking any chances, With complying with the insurance requirements. Sometimes an abundance of privilege, access and wealth aren’t healthy. Flipping that coin, for the love of Christmas, wake up and use your resources to get healthy before it’s too late,

  10. Like the guy on the talent show said, it's all autotune.

    Lol @ the poor desperate saps spending time with her.

  11. @J, they get paid,so... And yes,everyone is prerecorded for the National Anthem.

  12. Paid to be babysitting a miserable solipsist junky. Nein danke.

  13. Demi Lovato is highly underrated as a vocalist. Don't listen to her studio stuff, you tube her live performances.

  14. quite a collection of lip synchers for the superbowl this year.

  15. Sober companions, how 1% of her.

  16. Just because the Super Bowl is in Miami doesn't mean every fucking performer on the show has to be Latin. Nobody GAF about Demi Lovato, JLo or Shakira anymore.

  17. But this is Jay-Z stealing money from the NFL doing "consulting" work on the entertainment for the game.

  18. One more reason I’ll be watching the Puppy Bowl instead.

  19. Lovato doesn't sing, she screams, and it's frickin' annoying.

  20. Can we swap Lovato for JLo for the half time show, at least Demi can really sing.
    I'm not tuning in to watch JLo lip sync to Ashanti songs.

    1. You said it Brayson. Just watched a video of her blasting the NA and big girl has some pipes. JLo needs to pull out with the flu

  21. Demi Lovato

    I know Demi is messy, and I know though a lot of that probably has to do with the abuse she suffered as a child actor, but boy o boy, can the girl sing. You guys should look up on youtube when she sang the national anthem at the world series, 2007 or 2008? It’s one of the best national anthem performances I’ve ever heard in my life… I literally have it on my fucking iTunes it’s so good. I hope she finds recovery & happiness again, I always have sympathy for what child stars endure bc I think their later on addictions have everything to do w/that young abuse. I think of Bieber the same way...F*CK usher & diddy. looks like usher went victim to abuser. sad. It was normalized by diddy for him & then him to bieber. I ndustry is evil

  22. I wanna see it . much better than biebers hillsong whore!

  23. "Sober companions" include friends who are sober who she likely reached out to, who are happy to be supportive.

    She's not PAYING a crew of sober strangers to hang out with her. From her time in the recovery community I'm sure she has a strong group of people she trusts if she chooses to.

  24. As long as she doesn't sound like Fergie, she's golden.

  25. Right because in her documentary she went through How Many sober companions? And wasn't Henri Levi initially one until she F**ked him? Sounds like a Great plan! If she messes up either of these performances, her singing career is done.

  26. Who cares fuck the national anthem
