Monday, January 13, 2020

Blind Item #2

It took the media long enough to finally report on what I told you a month ago that the permanent A list everything in her mind singer/actress and the foreign born A- list singer were not getting along at all and it is really unlikely they would perform together at all during that huge event next month.


  1. Replies
    1. Why hire shakey when iggy will work with jello for free?

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    And now no oscar nom

  3. so jlo can sit home and watch shakira rock the half time show. besides jlo cant use a double in a live show so she might as well stay home.

  4. I would’ve been surprised if she got the AAnod,and very little does surprise me anymore. Then again,didn’t see Hustlers so have no idea how her performance was. She got a Critics Choice nod as well as GG so had to be solid

    1. Surprisingly, she was really good in Hustlers.

  5. But who gets along with JLO?

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Finally heard this on the Kidd Kraddick morning show this morning as Kellie Rasberry's top 5 entertainment news. Enty had said this ages ago.

  7. Hustlers has to be one of the worst movies of the year. J Lo obviously just wanted (again) some vehicle to show off her body, because she's not the worst actress and has enough connections to be cast in some halfway decent thing. Someone had to be paying off and PR-ing mighty hard to get her nominated for this dreck.

  8. The Oscar Nazi: "Haha J-Lo, no nomination for you!"

  9. JLo? I'd rather listen to Mime on the radio.

  10. Anonymous8:59 AM

    They have to do it now. They've told everybody it's happening.
    Just bring in a bunch of other acts from their genre and period like Pitbull and Diddy and make it a 90s-00s Miami Blowout Superbowl Halftime. It will be fun. Lopez organizing and then pulling it up it will cement her legend.

  11. I thought Kidd Kraddock was dead?? wtf?

  12. Lopez can't be the only draw, she can't sing and her dancing is old

  13. +1 MissDavie, Everything could use a little Pitbull 👍

  14. @lintmag.... and sad thing is her body IS amazing and she works hard, no doubt... BUT to act like she did every choreographed sex scene and cast shade on a body double etc AND to act irate you weren't 'properly recognized' for your acting ability is so beyond.... like ego doubles a million! Go ahead and marry serial cheater A-Rod who makes all his women get fake boobs and guns and is USELESS whiny voiced on ESPN. JLo, you are gorgeous, obviously ambitious.. wake up and don't end up like Madge... super sad, pathetic, desperate... dating closet dancers and whoever will have her/you to 'stay' relevant... honestly you are LOSING not maintaining appeal with that sh*t!

  15. Jello will be even pissier now that her oscar nomination didn't happen.

  16. Kidd Kraddick is dead, but his cohorts carried on with the radio show in Dallas, it's very popular.

  17. JLo at the superbowl half time is the end of talent at this gig. Next year we'll have The Dweezil Zappa Band (no offense bro - you're a great guitarist but...) and Bjork. Both more talented and JLo



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