Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Blind Item #1

The permanent A list mostly movie actor's son is still using drugs and now everyone else knows it.


  1. Cameron Douglas, Michael's son?

  2. Tom Hanks son Colin

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I was thinking Chet too

  4. Is Hanks A list? I would think he's A+ by now.

    My first thought was RDJ's son Indio, but RDJ is definitely A+ now too.

  5. Agreed on Chet Hanks. He was the subject of a DM article.

    Also, jut wanted to add I love all the Tom Hanks pissed off at Ricky's monologue memes. Never knew of all the dirt on Hanks until a couple years ago. Bet he was nervous. He should have had a sense of humor like Leo did because it made look Tom look like he had something to hide. The ones who always look morally outraged usually have the most to hide

    1. Ya don't think maybe it's just that Gervais is a cunt?

    2. TH looked like the vegan cuisine gave him gas.

  6. Ayye having private meltdowns are bad enough. But public can be soul crushing. Here's to a better 2020

  7. @TeeHee - having followed CDAN since the beginning of time, I have yet to read anything conclusive on Tom Hanks to put him in the same category as the rest of the Satanic Baby Eaters.

    However, yes his pic with Oprah and a couple other things have been squicky but do we actually have any clear juice on him? I feel like it has only been loose speculation aside, of course, from the company he keeps.

    Do we have anything solid on this?

    1. Speaking of Satanic baby eaters, have you seen Justin Bieber’s Instagram & the video Yummy?

  8. Concerning that comment about Hanks. I completely agree. John Krasinski is another asshole people think is a 'nice guy'. If John was at the globes he would have made a similar face although he might have different things to hide. He's a huge defender of the CIA and I'm sure would have made some type of protest against Ricky's hilarious joke about them not making political speeches.

  9. Can you really blame his son? Imagine the shit that dude has seen... Hanx

  10. @Hunter, I have really based my opinion of the company that keeps Oprah, Spielberg, etc. and there has been a lot of speculation that he sexually abused children. There is this story of Sarah Ruth Ashcraft that alleged that Tom Hanks raped her when she was 13 and he was sold to him by her dad but then she adds the CIA mind control . But, that is one of the stories that goes down the rabbit hole that I don't know if I believe/ can be confirmed?? I also read that he went on the Lolita Express, but, who knows if that is true either?

    More than anything I just think he has known and supported the HW/ Geffen/ Oprah types and I am just judging him mainly by the company he keeps and his attitude. I feel like I read other stuff about him as well, but, again, none of it seems like it will ever be confirmed??

    IDK...just these speculative stories and his reaction to Ricky is what makes me think that maybe there is something more there? Honestly, I hope not though.

  11. This has got to be Chet Hanks......Jamaican patios on the Red Carpet? Seriously? You are there to honor your dad, not advance your career. Was it my imagination - the camera focused on the 3 kids to Rita's left side. I noticed Chet slid into Tom's empty chair next to Rita and the camera cut away.
    A Bizarro night for Tom Hanks......

  12. Tom Hanks looked bloated AF. Is he on some kind of meds? He looked horrific.

  13. Tee, I get the feeling he is all up in it. His casting initially in drag is clue one. Later Big and Philadelphia. Man with One Red Shoe? This is all mind control. THEN omg how I hate the entire subculture that came from that Private Ryan WW!! shit show that was used as a fundraising scheme, ultimately, to build the monstrosity on the landscape of New Orleans. They just opened an adjoining hotel, like last week. Hanks and SPielberg were in New Orleans all the time then.. I have friends that are family of STephen Ambrose, who got his start as Eisenhower's biographer, ahem who were involved from the get go and got to meet all the GODS like Hanx and Schpielberg. meh. They actually changed the name of the museum to increase fundraising potential because they had milked DDAY to death.

    ANYWAY They also used sound and that epcot like shit to show films to old men who literally had breakdowns from the flashbacks. LOVELY. Greatest Generation Terrorized GERIATRICS? oh I could go on . When I see images of Hanks i get a bsd taste in my mouth. Really bad.

  14. +1 MyDog, If any of the rumors are true then no wonder the son is an addict. Doesn't take many overheard conversations or walking into the wrong room to mess up one's worldview.

    I was surprised by his reactions to the jokes, he started out as a comedic actor, surely he's heard much worse before.

  15. Hanks and his Patois speaking mess of a son.

  16. @momo....Wow. Thanks for sharing. That is terrible. I have had a few family members with PTSD (Vietnam and Korean) that really messed them up for life)and one would often wake up in the middle of screaming from flashbacks. It really is awful to force past veterans to watch Saving Private Ryan. Yikes. I am not a veteran and it was gruesome when I watched it the first time. :(

  17. Not a believer in the TH sanctimonious bs, however, I'm sure he'd trade it all if he could cure his son of his illnesses. I felt badly for him and his wife, actually.

  18. Based on what I've read on this site over the years maybe Hanks has some fear of Ronan...

    1. In the 80s, all guys grabbed womens asses and were propositioned. And Hanks left his 1st wife for Rita. Im sure he has some mistress and flings in the past. As far as the 4chan crap, some crazy ass people with no life.

  19. Nice kid, Tom.

    You're dad of the year.

  20. Chet Hanks/Haze certainly appeared off the rails a bit. He seemed overly animated several times when applauding, glaringly so compared to the rest of the audience. During his dad's speech he was yelling out, "Love you, Dad" which, by itself isn't incriminating, but again he was overly animated and actually interrupting his dad's speech. He was like a little kid who didn't have awareness of his surroundings or social cues. Addiction is tragic, regardless of fame or status.

  21. Chet Haze is a POS, plenty of previous blinds intimating Tom is a creep.

  22. I thought RG was pretty mild actually - funny but he could have really gone for it had he wanted to. Tom Hanks expressions did him no favour - he just looked like an uptight prick with no sense of humour 🤷🏼‍♀️

  23. Often wonder what Peter Scolari has to say re his BosomBuddies co-star. Seems that Hanks' career took off after that sitcom and Scolari's stayed at a low simmer.

  24. I really dislike the entire Hanks family.

  25. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Chet Haze. Mark my words. There is something sinister about Tom Hanks.

  26. Tom Hanks might have looked bloated because he has type 2 diabetes @freebird. Maybe it was from that?

  27. @marjorie Scolari got the role of Lena Dunham's dad in the series "Girls"; he got show his junk in a shower scene then come out of the closet. Emmy-level sh*t for that turd of a show

  28. Liz Crokin's Instagram feed is always interesting to have a read of if you want to find out more about these 'types' like Hanks. (And as she points out, Gervais' speech was on the teleprompter, so all worked out beforehand - except the sheeple won't quite understand that).

  29. Tom Hanks isn't permanent A+ list by this point? I can't think of another actor who is more well-known.

  30. Has Tom Hanks suffered a stroke? His face looked very strange...almost his mouth gaping.

  31. I was reading a list of previous Cecil B DeMille award winners (can’t remember where.) So many pedophiles it’s pretty unbelievable.

  32. Tom Hanks was practically a saint by the time the Globes ended. When someone's painted as a saint, there's another side hiding.

  33. ===And Hanks left his 1st wife for Rita.

    Oof ... that makes a LOT more sense. She AND his first wife both worked on his drag initiation "Bosom Buddies"? Huh.

    I used to catch Oprah any time I went with my fairy godmother to the 7th Ward hair salon she used in New Orleans. ALWAYS at least a 3-5 hour wait but ... some of the best hair and most reliable chit chat in the city.

    Rita was on one day and, "proving" to Oprah that Tom would pick up his phone if She called, she up and dials him on effin' speaker!

    Creeped me out. I'd been sitting there thinking she was fun and he was lucky but immediately felt a wave of pity for him. People who use speaker without notice are people I never telephone twice if I can help it. If they'd planned to handle it thus, it's even more creepy for being Fake.

    (Poking around, looks like I'll have to watch The Terminal now. Apparently her Bulgarian Dad inspired his character study of Viktor ... a left-handed sort whose best buddies each are living on a blackmail-worthy crim bubble but who finally makes it to America in a loaner US Customs agent's jacket.

    I love oddball Hollywood Homage films ... they often have more telling features than the grandIOse pictures designed for hustling us along via Mirror Mirror en masse [mental] blockbusters allegedly shaping the "culture" by Norming ever more degenerate taboos while the pendulum pitches woo or takes a swing at war and other Interested Party status quo, depending.)

  34. Sarah Ashcroft claims she was raped by Hanks as an underage person:




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