Friday, January 03, 2020

Blind Item #1

This back in the day going to be a huge star teen who was in an installment of a massive franchise directed by an A++ list director and starring a foreign born permanent A+ list actor, is so out of it right now that his sex workers have all left him and all he does all day is drink and do drugs.


  1. Replies
    1. Can't believe I was obsessed with him when I was 12.

    2. I saw bar pics of him this week. W t f... not sure why I’m surprised that hollywood people let themselves go to pot, but I am....

  2. The Termintator/Arnold S/James Cameron

  3. yes and welcome back Enty must have been a real good time.

  4. What, sounds like a great retirement plan while you're waiting to die.

  5. As East Belfast's legendary footballing genius, George Best once said:

    "I blew most of my money on women, drink and drugs. The rest I wasted."

  6. Did he fall in with the wrong crowd or is he self medicating?

  7. +1 Vic, Words to live by, he enjoyed what is best in life.

  8. @Tricia13

    Bingo! Cameron/Arnold. Please refer to Alyssa Milano.

    Everywhere Arnold goes destruction follows.

    Wasn't Jesse "The Body" Ventura in Predator? Yeah he was. He's the ex-Navy Seal who bragged about killing people but never experienced war and was never sent on a mission.

    Ventura sued Chris Kyle's estate for having his pants pulled down.

    1. Jesse continued suing Kyle's wife after he was murdered. Total asshole. (Was a horrible governor too.)

  9. Star Wars Episode II, III, - Hayden Christensen
    Just to be different.
    It seems that Canada can produce misfits tt.

  10. I remember there was a sorta scandal involving Edward as a teenager (details are hazy) on set having an affair with and subsequently living with his studio tutor. His family was all messed up, his aunt was his guardian but she sued Edward or his mother-then I think his mother also sued and the tutor took him to court for battering her.It was a big mess. Everyone wanted a piece of this kid. Very sad.

  11. @SlimKeith

    Perhaps that did happen. Furlong shacked up with his acting coach. Drew Barrymore was dancing at clubs when she was 12. Once these kids have their innocence stolen the floodgates open.

    Parents allow their children to become slaves of the industry for cash. Kid realizes he's getting screwed and robbed. Shacks up with the acting coach who is essentially taking on the role of guardian with the very same motive. Theft.

    Who started the ball rolling? Look at Alyssa Milano.

    Schwarzenegger is turd. You do not get to be Governor of California without kissing Getty backside. Reagan too... The Gipper attended Bilderberg meetings at Bohemian Grove. Nixon said it was the most faggoty thing he'd ever seen.

    Karl Rove approached Schwarzenegger to be California Governor during G.W. Bush tenure as President. These people believe you have to drive others down to rise up. It isn't simply competition.

  12. Jesse Ventura's wife was a dead ringer for Elvira.

  13. Lady was not a tutor and still teaches today in the Seattle area. Her teaching credentials should be stripped and Mr.. Furlong should seek legal advice about perusing a lawsuit against her, his relatives and agents.IMO

  14. wasnt he also pimping MONICA KEENA???

    Her looks were terrible while she was his gf ...



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