Monday, January 13, 2020

Blind Item #1

This mogul/wannabe rapper threw a big check to his ex and asked her to come back to try and quiet the noise on his recent revelation. He figures having a woman in his life will make all of that go away. Considering the fact he beat her and forced her to get an abortion when they were together before, it must have been a really large check.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    He's gay and getting women pregnant??

  3. What was the revelation?

    1. Came out in a song. Cassie is married so its not her!


  5. There's forcing and there's persuading.

    The former happens much less frequently than this blog suggests.

  6. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Down-Low Diddy.

  7. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Yeah that Cassie girl found a convenient boy-toy and married him whether it's real or not. She wanted out of the Diddy Beard Game.

  8. What's new Diddy been trying to cover up that he's really into men..
    Ask Usher

  9. What's new Diddy been trying to cover up that he's really into men..
    Ask Usher

  10. Yeah it's been out for a bit on the beating and cheating with women. Maybe something new came out about him hooking up with guys.

  11. So Diddy is gay...why is he so secretive about an open secret. Even Sharon down the street knows this old news already.

  12. @Habibti - surely you know being gay is quite frowned upon in the black community.

    Based on his career, he cannot commercially afford to come out as gay and neither can Fofty.

    The colorful kid in the cowboy hat, Lil Nas X got lucky but without another hit in the near future he will be quickly forgotten.

    The one thing I love about Lil Nas X is his insane outfits worn without shame to capitalize on & promote that cowboy song, two thumbs up for commitment.

  13. +1 hunter, It's always the elephant in the room.

    @Habib, Seems like more of a bi vibe from him, like Brando.

  14. +1 hunter
    Agree on all!

  15. isn’t the reason why Diddy ex die is bc he is (allegedly) HIV+ & she was too bc he infected her & then she died from pneumonia caused by AIDS?

    that’s so messed up.

  16. also I agree, bi men exist even tho they’re seemingly rarer

  17. Being gay is frowned upon in the Black community? The White community is so accepting, the more you know...

  18. Guys are so tenderand understanding about what you have to do until you just can't do it ... then all hell breaks loose.

    I had the same fight for over 6 years once until one night he woke me up to apologize for being so hateful I tried to go the adoption route.

    No idea what changed his mind but he took back all that screaming at me THERE ARE TWO LIVES AT STAKE HERE and finally admitted (just like Science Sez), there were three.

    My heart goes out to any woman forced into an abortion. It may relieve her guilt somewhat, if any, but it really screws with your self esteem.

  19. Woke me up ... with a telephone call years after we split.

    Better late than never.

  20. When I read these types of blinds, I like to put myself in her shoes and believe that I'd have more self-worth than accepting money, any level of money. To come back to a man that beat you up? PLEASE let me keep my self-worth.



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