Sunday, January 12, 2020

Blind Item #1

The A list singer/wannabe actor wants his co-star banned from the press tour for their upcoming project. Pretty typical move for the a-hole.


  1. And the actress he held hands with amongst other things I bet.

  2. More accurately- his wife wants her banned.

  3. lol this is so extra.
    does Timberlake still think it’s 2006? you really think the demo you caught then gives a shit about you now

    And besides, your ‘wifey’ likes pussy exclusively. Dude, JT, you’re a relic of the LATE 90s/EARLY 2000s! You *seriously* think you’re safe in relevance? Oh boo, no. You better hope you and Biel’s secret stays secret (plot twist: it won’t, & you won’t have any clout left to stop it)

  4. Timberlake can’t stand sharing an interview with someone.

  5. Wow. It's one thing to read these for entertainment, it's another to think you know these people personally based on the mightbetrue/mightnotbetrue blinds on this site.

  6. Somehow I doubt it's Jessica Biel who wants her banned.

    Wow. This ruins the poor girl's career if he is able to do this. How sad.

  7. I have always disliked Justin since the whole Britney thing. He is the original Taylor Swift when it comes to unnecessarily trashing an ex in public and being the perpetual "victim."

    I fear Wainwright(? is that her name) career might be ruined over this when I think Timberfake/Biel relationship might be open. His mistake was getting caught publicly.

  8. His mistake *wasn't* getting married when he can't keep it in his pants?

  9. Well yah. Haha that is a given. But, you know the Hollywood type. Image is everything. If a male does not get married and is in his late 30s/40s he is automatically "closeted.

  10. My late mom, Boo Hearne, (yes, it's been a year) predicted 2020 would be the 'beginning of the end' for all the Blue Meanies of the world. Wow, was she right! Oh, how the mighty have fallen and will fall. Fasten your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy year!

  11. @Fionafab: Can you channel your mom from The Beyond? She was very entertaining.

  12. Justin Timberlake. He loves throwing women under the bus. I bet he's an abusive piece of shit to Biel.

  13. rabbit: Sadly, there was only one Boo. However, I remember so many of her stories that perhaps I can add something to current happenings should they relate to her experiences with that person. I use her email address just to keep her alive in my life. Someone commented on CDAN that 'she upset the wrong people.' No, dude, she upset the RIGHT people! Always did. I will comment only when I feel I have something to add to the conversation. Thank you for remembering her.

    1. I always enjoyed your mom's postings - she is missed.💗

    2. Miss her too. Always enjoyed her posts

  14. Blame the woman Miso.

  15. Both of them, JT and whoever isn't his wife but is playing public footsie with him, share some blame.

  16. It all comes down to how well liked you are. Cruise and Jackmans lavender marriages are verboten! JT better be careful not to cross the homo mafia...

  17. Whatever your opinion is, that they are or aren't straight, Timberlake and Biel do have a kid together. So it is pretty slimy for anyone to get involved with him knowing he has a wife at home.

  18. Fiona: I was one of the people who did not always agree with your mother, and was never shy in telling her so. But I also appreciated the interesting angle she brought and expressed my condolences to you at her passing.
    Your mothers predictions sound accurate to me. The tide is turning and has been for a couple of years now, and it's a good thing. History will not be kind to the 'Blue Meanies', not kind at all.

  19. @Fiona your mom was one of the very treasured commenters here, and we miss her sensibilities dearly. Hope you are doing well

  20. First off I doubt jt would do this it would make him look guilty he's not stupid. Secondly jt is so much more than 90s 2000 he's phenomenal. Next biel is a lesbian and lastly Silas isn't jts biel stepped out on him the kid looks nothing like jt. Hope that helps.

  21. Not the first time this arsehole has thrown a woman under the bus #janet #neverforget
