Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Blind Item #11

Coming back to the table with streaks of blood you missed from beneath your nose is not the most attractive thing ever. This A+ list actor if you watch his hit streaming show or read his Twitter but B+ list otherwise should really look in a mirror first. He is picking up some bad coke habits from his significant other.


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  3. @Brayson Just checked his Twitter and he doesn't post much on there.

  4. @MyDog, Well then f*ck that, I love them both.

  5. Pedro Pascal? :(

  6. Penn's not a bad guess, although it would be odd to wait three years into a marriage to pick up a coke habit from his wife. Also everyone I like cannot be turning into cokeheads. 😅

  7. I always like the run some water over yer fingers and snort some wet off em, to help flush the drugs out yer sinuses and into uer belly. Dont know about blow, but when a sinus full of meth breaks loose and drips down for a swallow, there is no hiding the cringe and shudder.

  8. I bet penn is correct. a+ if you watch you
