Thursday, January 23, 2020

Blind Item #11

This former tweener turned adult singer who is probably A-/B+ list right now was a mess this week at one rehearsal for a big event. I thought she was going to have 24/7 sober companions. 


  1. Replies
    1. Good to see you're still hanging out!

  2. She's about to tank at the Oscars

  3. Must be anxiety since she hasnt performed in front of a crowd in years.

  4. Isn't she singing the national anthem at the super bowl?

  5. Yeah I was like nooo Oscars?! I need to see the films first lol

  6. First of all she will be lip synching to a recorded version of the Anthem, not singing live. So basically she has to learn to move her mouth in time to the music, which isn't always that easy. Someone fucked it up big time (maybe XTina or Gaga?)

  7. Shes never making it at this rate

  8. Who the fuck manages this poor kid? Coming off a near fatal overdose? Rumors she is still using? No public appearances in like... forever? Yep. Let's throw her in front of a couple billion people. Lypsync, or not, this is too much too soon.

  9. Absolutely useless.

  10. Demi Lovato is 27 years old - no longer a child.
    She's made her bed....or not. Sorry - after OD, having a stroke, getting better and going right back out there....not feeling sorry for this one any more.

  11. I'm odd man out here because I actually like Demi. Don't ask me why. I like rooting for underdogs and I've been rooting for her for a while because I saw that her career was over but I was hoping for a comeback. But, truth be known, this is another Whitney Houston-type situation. Our diva is not gonna make it.

  12. @Gator - I thought that was Selena? Can't really tell them apart...

  13. Doesn't Demi have her own rehab, or at least partial ownership? Probably not the best endorsement of the facility. I do hope she gets clean, drugs really don't work that well for her.

  14. Sad... Demi needs real help. Instead of trying to save her career, how about they start with her life first...

    1. They make money off one... the other, not so much.

  15. I too feel for Demi, only because she was raised in the Disney/Nick family.
    God only knows what she went through, hence the drug use.
    But yes, I get it. I hope her circle can help her get the help she obviously needs.

  16. @John Doe: I also root for the underdog. I'm a heavy smoker, worked in an ICU, and knowing what my life is becoming continue to smoke. Addiction is a hard battle to win; add in what the young ones have to go through to get to where there at....

  17. I have very little interest in gossip but I cannot help but say
    "I thought she was gonna have 24/7 sober companions"
    is a line I would have liked to come up with
    which is why I read the posts on this gossip website.
    life is drama, my friends .... the drama of whether we care about other people or don't, whether we have false idols or don't.

  18. Sure she is 27... but she is a product of the industry that controlled her childhood.
