Monday, January 13, 2020

Blind Item #11

I had a chance to catch up with an actress who starred on a reboot back in the day when reboots were first becoming a thing. In fact, they kind of made it mainstream. We got to talking about this A list celebrity who is in the news every day. The actress said that a producer promised the celebrity a recurring gig on the show if she slept with him. So, the celebrity did. She did get the recurring role, but it was just two episodes. The celebrity was really upset. The actress said that happened a lot on the show and that it was not a fun work environment at all.


  1. Megan Marklemfor 2?

  2. Technically MM is a celebrity/ ex-actress right now

  3. Meghan Markle /90210

  4. Maybe annalynne mccord

  5. Annalynne Mcord is probably other actress /90210

    1. She was on the show for a long time though, I thought.

    2. Oh, wait. You mean Annlyn for the one telling Enty about Meagain sleeping w the producer. Yes, I agree.

  6. I'd feel bad for anyone except fat Markle LOL

    1. Famewh*re shaming is perfectly acceptable and Maggot Markle is the epitome of famewh*re

    2. @mydogsmiles You're a teacher???!!! God help us.

    3. Those eunuchs who constantly fat shame women who are not and never have been fat do it out of a repressed fetish for their fat mothers who obviously didn't raise them right, preferring to bathe them in her own body waste and then laughing at them. Understandable they're not right in the head.

  7. I'm so happy Enty and ALM are buddies again. I beleive there was a falling out awhile back when Enty was writing blinds about her piece a lot.

  8. 90210 seems too recent to be a back in the day re-boot wasn't ALM also on the Dallas reboot?

  9. n/m the 90210 reboot came before the Dallas reboot and she was in both of them....

  10. I'm thinking Dallas as the reboot, but no idea on the actress.

  11. Female "A list celebrity who is in the news every day" does sound a lot like Markle.

  12. What reboot though made reboots mainstream? Probably not something on CW, and probably not something cancelled after one season.

  13. Love the video of the Eunuch Half-Prince begging for a job for his talentless fatso wife.


  14. I love Dallas theme song.... Thanks for reminding Iam off to listening !

  15. @J So cringey. I love the Disney guy’s face throughout the interaction. Like he’s seen plenty of groveling in his lifetime but coming from a prince is a different kind of animal.

  16. It's really hilarious. And off-the-charts desperate.

    Diana was pretty shameless... but I think even she would be mortified by what her love child has become.

  17. Technically she did get a recurring roles, it recurred for 2 episodes! Its all about reading the fine print!

  18. Annalynne and Meghan. Meghan was in 2 episodes of 90210..

  19. Instead of Peach Pit (or whatever), they should have filmed Fatso Markle's episodes at In-N-Out.

    Firstly, to honor her interviewing technique, and secondly to save her the trouble of driving there during each filming break.

  20. I wish they'd reboot or bring back Better Off Ted. 😢

  21. Fanny Farkle is holding Archie hostage in Canada while Harry the pussy-whipped-ginger cleans up her monumental wreckage. I thought her whore grift would last at least 5 years. My bad--guess I'm not as jaded as I thought. She is a TRUE, ruthless climber. This was record time

  22. @Sunkist, You've got to give her props though, being able to grift a family of historical grifters? End of the day, not our problem, it's those suckers in the UK who have to pay.

  23. The best part of H&M's defection is that little stories like this will be coming out on a steady basis. I can't wait!

  24. Wouldn’t Markle be described with Enty’s fav modifier, “alliterate”. And can u be A list if you are well
    Known yet universally hated?

  25. Haha, the USA gets its own Sun. Guess our press was trashed so we had to borrow:

  26. @J, Wow twitter took that video down but of course a conservative reposted it. So cringe, looks like Harry is finding out that the BRF doesn't have as much influence in the US as the UK. I'll try to post a link to the video.

  27. Harry selling his wife to Disney video:

  28. Why hasn’t Enty posted a blind asking why Maggot Markle asked to apply for asylum at Canada House right before she fled the UK. Was it to prevent being denied entry or because she owed a huge debt to the US’ IRS?

  29. How excited do you think MM is at finally being considered/called A list for anything?

  30. Anonymous3:27 PM

    It says back in the day.
    I'm going with Maureen McCormick or Susan Olsen from Brady Bunch.

    They did a reboot, "The Brady's", plus several movies.
    Not sure who the guest would be.

  31. DaryisBigFan, didn't they do a reboot with the house being given a makeover... some reality show?

  32. Is this really a shock? Farkle was basically in house full time hooker for ratner and co. Lol

  33. So the guy who loaned them the mansion for Christmas is buddies w the Clintons. Harry has no idea what a royal mess he’s gotten himself into now. Imagine all the hidden cameras in that place & now that guy has plenty of blackmail material. No royals around to protect you when you choose to go rogue.

  34. Why is Beyonce holding her round purse right over her hoohah like that?

  35. this iger voiceover nonsense is just a deflection for the sheeple

    Harry and Meghan know if they blow their noses it will be reported

  36. Lol at “fat shaming” being a “horrible form of misogyny” 😂😆🙄

    I like how fat shaming is bad, but smoker shaming is ok 🙄

    I hope it’s Meghan Markle. Then she can get on her high horse about being taken advantage of and maybe even do a #MeToo! Oh the chutzpah!

  37. yup, sparkles and 90210.

  38. @ J: LOL! Again. Thanks for the laughs.
    @ Brayson: Thanks. So cringey. Igor appeared to be looking for an escape.

  39. As someone who needs to lose 20 lbs, I will "fat shame," the fuck outta you and myself.
    It works.

    If I understand this correctly, ALM is saying Yoko Oh Hell No was promised a recurring role if she put out and all she got was 2 episodes. Lol.

  40. “smoker shaming”? 🙄

    And why do some of you hate MM so bad? Did you bash Kate like this for being a social climber too?

  41. Yep, smoker shaming. Being fat is worse for your health than smoking, but one is ok and the other isn’t. It’s hypocritical and no, I don’t smoke. It’s just amusing to see people get all indignant over someone “shaming” them, while having no problem whatsoever with shaming others.

  42. Kate managed to social climb herself into a position that is very demanding and difficult, yet she is doing a fine job. She takes it seriously, follows the rules, doesn’t stir turds and most importantly, seems to give a damn about representing the royal family and the U.K. in an appropriate manner. Nobody thinks she’s perfect but at least she’s trying. She keeps her mouth shut and is a team player. She will make a fine Queen Consort and a mother of a future King. She also dresses lovely, repeats her outfits and buys classic clothes she can wear for a long time.

    Meghan made it known from day one she was there to preach her faux woke bullshit, and “modernize”’the monarchy, something that nobody really wanted or asked for. She’s arrogant, refuses to do the job as expected, and when called out on it, tries to play the poor me, everyone is racist and sexist BS card. She’s also spent vast amounts of money on ugly, ill fitting clothing that she won’t wear again. She treats her family like crap and has ghosted everyone that no longer has any use to her, she even left her dog in Canada and the one she brought to the U.K. got hit by a car, and we’ve never heard another word about it, poor thing. Meghan whines about how hard it is, how she’s “surviving, not thriving”, which is so tone deaf and stupid it defies comprehension. Kate was also not rumored to be a prostitute, like Meghan.

    If I saw Meghan Markle in the street, and she was a nobody, I’d steer clear regardless. She’s got glittering spider’s eyes, devoid of anything other than grasping ambition and restless instability. Her permanently frenzied rictus is unsettling and screams STAY AWAY.

    I’m not a super fan of Kate but I do think she’s beautiful and I love her style. I can think of only a few things that Meghan has worn that were appropriate and/or flattering. She’s like a caricature of “woke feminist middle manager in a Fortune 500 company”, not “royalty”. Which to be fair, isn’t her fault, she’s American and we don’t know much about it. But there is no excuse for her refusing to conform and learn her role. Her arrogance and conceit is so ugly and she seems to relish the trouble she’s caused.

    Hope this sheds some light on it for you.

  43. Anonymous9:16 PM

    would you please stop promoting the "Good Kate Bad Markle", "This person is Red, This person is Blue" black or white, all or nothing, ridiculous Dichotomy???
    It is Illuminati rhetoric.
    Humans are not "all this" or "all that". Humans have shades of gray; we all have good and we all have not so good.
    They have a shadow side: ALL humans.
    It solves nothing to talk about Catherine in comparison to Markle, or in comparison to anyone.
    Her husband William? He's no saint either...
    The Organization has always spouted this type of rhetoric in the media, hoping to make humanity think and feel this way.
    It forces humans to 'choose a side', thereby keeping us in a perpetual state of strife, conflict and disagreement.
    Baaaad Angie~~~ Gooood Jennifer~ blah blah etc etc. Load of kaka.

  44. ^^^Thats a disgusting comparison.

    Anyhoo, the additional problem with smoking is that it also poses a danger to other people (second hand smoke). It can also be unpleasant or uncomfortable for others. It hurts my nose to be around. So I don’t see smoker shaming as the same as fat shaming at all.

  45. yes it's disgusting and also accurate

  46. No of course you wouldn’t. Like I said, it’s only ok to judge, preach and moralize about the vices you personally don’t like or have. I always laughed when people would screech “BUT WE ALL PAY FOR SMOKERS” but somehow we don’t pay for fatties? Lol ok. And the air pollution you encounter on a daily basis is far worse for your health than smelling someone smoking once in a while, yet again, no outcry over that. Let’s be consistent here. If we are going to try and police everyone else’s health and bodies, let’s really do it. No excusing fat people. Or if we are going to let people do whatever they want and ignore the consequences, let’s include cigarettes and drugs in that too. Why not? It’s pretty hypocritical otherwise, whether or not anyone is willing to admit it.

    And what about weed? The same people that hate cigarettes are all about legalizing weed and with apparently little to no restrictions on how and where that’s smoked (other than the basics like not inside public buildings, etc). But tell me there’s zero health risks to smoking weed, it’s so healthy and good for you, right? Lol again I don’t care about weed, I don’t smoke it and I think it stinks but I don’t care if others smoke it. I’m certainly not going to try and tell them they can’t or complain about how I don’t like the smell.

  47. The hate on here towards Megan Markle is astounding! Ive noticed quite a few right wingers on this gossip blog. Take note that every negative HIT piece on MM is made in a Rupert Murdoch paper and that includes NY Post.
    Its racism straight up! Maybe read the comparisons between Kate and Megan doing rhe e acr same things but was spun totally different.

  48. Please note: Robert Byrd was indeed a KKK member earlier in life. Later in life he won an NAACP award as an example of how people can change. Racists exist everywhere on the political spectrum. Don't take cheap shots built on falsehoods.

  49. Why do some people describe Meghan as fat? She looked like she needed a sandwich when I saw her in the Jamaica bikini pics.

  50. You guys are crazy, Meghan is not fat, she has a normal healthy figure. And no I don't even like her.

  51. Astra - you summarised the problem with Meghan perfectly.

  52. Astrid- You did sound like a prissy know it all. Fwiw.

  53. Fame shame all you want but please stop talking about MM's weight.

    And NO- fat people are not the same as smokers. I didn't develop asthma at a young age because my parents were overweight. I did develop asthma because they smoked around me since I was an infant. What the hell is wrong with you?


  55. Def MM

  56. Reboots are lazy. I'll never pay to watch them
