Friday, January 10, 2020

Blind Item #11

When I think of showrunners who are truly miserable people, I often think of this three named one who is a living horror and this week, proved my point for me. He has always been dismissive and condescending, but he made a woman cry the other day for no reason. She walked up to him and before she could say anything, he went on a rant about how she was going to compliment him and then tell him she is an actress and she would be perfect for blah blah blah and just went off on her. Literally made her cry right there in a courtyard of a group of buildings. What she was actually doing was pointing out something he had dropped while walking. He didn't apologize at all.


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Roberto Aguire-Sacasa?

  2. I was going to say Kelley if E. can be considered a name and not an initial.

  3. Another one to consider if initials count as a name....

  4. I think Kelly’s kind of might-hes never been David Kelly(problem
    A Union thing) but it feels like a third name after all these years lol

  5. If you want a good laugh, I may have something showrunner-related for you.

    You remember how Sarah Paulson had reportedly left American Horror Story because she was disgusted by Ryan Murphy, who was paying the cast a pittance and had taken all the budget increase for himself, according to this very blog? Guess who's back as the lead for season 10, just after taking a few months shooting a mini-series produced Ryan Murphy...

  6. Michael Patrick King?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How weak is this person that she would cry over such nonsense? She should have laughed in his face.

  9. Yeah, I would've said, "Well fuck you then" and walked off. Also picked up whatever he dropped and threw it in the trash after he left.

  10. What an ass not to even apologize. Not that he should have gone off on a rant in the first place but DAMN...not to even look
    embarrassed and mutter “sorry”. Hollywood, do you see why we loved Ricky Gervais’ monologue?

  11. @17Steps
    "You" love hypocrites, so it shouldn't be surprising you loved Gervais' monologue.

  12. Ricky G is a truth teller and I love everything he’s done. Don’t give a fuck what you think....A Boy Named Angela

  13. Sorry @Angela, but in fact we did love Ricky’s monologue, and everything else he says about the insufferable elite, so piss off.

  14. literally everything in that gervais monologue could've been said by any other host and no one would've batted an eyelid. the fact that people fall for his "i don't CARE if you're offended!!! oooh! look at me stick it to the establishment! aren't i brave!!!" schtick as if he's not part of the hollywood elite himself is almost as hilarious as the fact he buys into it himself

  15. Agreed all fellow Gervais fans.Been trumpeting him here for many years. Everything he has done since Ep1 office(and his radio work which predates that) is a mark of raw, clever,and self effacing brilliance(minus perhaps, the film “Ghost Town”and he he was miserable doing it.) His inimitable humor is laced with irreverence ,empathy ,humanity and depth as well, which is a hard balance to create.He is Legend. Those that are humorless,Joyless,hypocritical,ego driven ,piously” PC” and ultimately take themselves waaaaaay ton seriously- likely won’t be a fan😉
    Plus he works his arse off to save animals.

  16. When I saw the description "miserable people" in the blind I immediately thought of our most miserable commenter. And like magic, it's here!!!

  17. I like the way he opens by establishing Jimmy's being even better than a run of the mill Leed's whore and nails down immediately his having accommodations at his charity hospitals. Jimmy doesn't appear to be feeling the love and rightly so imho. Thanks for the clip!

  18. I have only heard good things from people who worked with David e. Kelly. Now, Michael Patrick King is just the opposite — have never heard anything positive.

  19. for the record, i like gervais just fine, his work is great, especially the earlier stuff like the office and extras, and after life was a real return to form. but people go overboard praising these golden globes monologues like they're not jokes written by a staff of writers that are similar to the kind of jokes that have been told at every globes for the past decade. it's his *act* that makes it different, not the content. it's the way he presents the jokes. the only problem is he started believing his own hype.

  20. @Simon he writes his stuff. He was tweeting about drinking red wine 🍷 and writing it from his flat in NYC the week before(and listening to Bread) which kinda cracked me up lol). It’s him. That’s his oxygen. Nobody write that for him,or would go out on that limb. He truly doesn’t have AF to give because his work is so good his fan base aren’t going anywhere.

  21. @Simon Time for a fact check. Sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as we did and no....NO ONE was going to say that or even write it. THAT's why it got the reception that it did.

  22. Well if Gervais’s speech upset anyone, #itsoktobewhite is trending on twitter, especially after a kid that anonymously posted signs up all over his apparently very liberal campus was expelled. Yw

  23. @E

    "Most miserable"? I'm supposed to believe someone who calls CDAN a "shit site", "racist" and "homophobic" then returns to it? Someone who complains about being harassed by minions just because he got ONE polite message from an outsider? Sorry, but I don't take any lesson from bullies who pee their pants as sound as they realize they're not surrounded by other bullies. But thanks for the laughs...

  24. Gervais essentially told Apple (with Tim Cook in the room!!), Disney and Amazon to fuck off with their wokeness when they earn their billions off sweatshops in China. These companies control the world. That is the definition balls and no one else would have done it because they still want to work.

    Even if Netflix/ NBC studios did not support him, Gervais will always be filthy wealthy based off The Office residuals (I will always support him for that wonderful show that has gotten me through some rough days the last 15 years with laughter). SO yes, he did have that to fall back on, but, as Trisha said and Netflix/ NBC realizes...his fans are loyal are will continue to support him.

  25. I can promise you guys michelle pfeiffer and david e kelley, along with their kids, are really good ppl. they lived a little bit near me in norcal for decades. they are not like most of hollywood. this is Definitey not david e kelly, who is actually a nice human. i can guarantee he would never behave that way, or even have a personality or speech that could be even like this. youd have to interact with him to know what im talking about specifically

    anyway, rest easy, pfeiffer and kelley are two rare good ones

  26. Neal Patrick Harris

  27. What are you babbling about? Or is that the voices in your head talking again?

  28. How #empowered, bawling when someone says mean things to you.

  29. @E... I never had a doubt who “Angela “actually was.
    Guess someone got a little messy (and utterly incoherent) again on a Friday and now hopefully others can figure it out , as well.
    Ps-WTF was that attempt of a thought 😂

  30. @Tricia I've been jerking the chain somewhat there but maybe it's best for me to leave the multi-personalities to their own devices. I don't want to disturb the disturbed!

  31. Why not? The oxygen thief won’t even get it. It’ll be over their helium head lol

  32. Fuck me! The greatest expert of all times on alliterate celebrities featured in the Daily Mail in the last 48 hours never had any doubts on who I was????

    Care to elaborate? I'd be really curious to learn what a few too many glasses of red wine during the afternoon can get as results.

  33. And, for the record, I can't stand Gervais because of the sharp decline of his comedy after the end of "Extras", and especially since he stopped working with Stephen Merchant, which has resulted in terrible shows such as Derek or After Life or the catastrophic David Brent: Life on the Road. Meanwhile, Gervais had started to act as a bully on Twitter, regularly asking his fans to "correct" anybody who'd make observations on the quality of his work.

    His monologues at the Golden Globes have the same pseudo "edgy" and "provocative" vibe as his work on After Life. It's forgotten five minutes after the delivery, leaving only a few tweets from people "shocked" by how far he dared to go. John Mulaney and Nick Kroll did a much better job two years ago confronting people like Weinstein or Ratner at the Independent Spirit Awards. Now, that was a monologue that dropped the other shoe.
    It's also easy for him to confront people about being friends with Jeffrey Epstein, he just forgets that he is himself friends with Louis CK or that his first guest at his own talk show (Meet Ricky Gervais) was Jimmy Saville, which was the YouTube footage I had linked to.
    If Gervais had said anything about your actual idols, you'd be the first to send links to this very cozy interview from 2000. There had been rumors about Saville as early as the seventies.

    But it amuses me a lot to think that a few people here will now feel compelled to praise Gervais (who'd have reminded everybody by this point at least twice that he's an atheist) and to watch Derek and After Life as the epitome of comedy...

  34. Another middle of the night screed--its hard to miss the elaborate detail in all these frantic missives--can't you just picture the hunched-over posture and fevered brow as these mighty ideas are released from an unhinged mind???

  35. How is JJ Abrams 3 names??

  36. @treesy Because people here just want blind items to apply to anybody they can't stand (and the blind items are in good part written to satisfy them). JJ Abrams hasn't run any show since the Felicity or Alias days (everything starting with Lost had other showrunners) but if you hate they guy (for instance because of his Star Wars movies), you're eager to apply any story on him.

  37. Anonymous6:47 AM

    This forum sounds like a bunch of teenyboppers, drooling over Donny Osmond.
    Why do y'all need an icon so badly? Dont you like yourselves?
    Some guy talked at some awards show. Big f ing deal.
    The whole thing is staged... just as all "reality shows" are scripted.
    Wake up.

  38. Maybe he did drop something and maybe she was an aspiring actress. And he smashed her dream of being discovered while doing a nice thing. Otherwise it would make no sense for her to cry over it.

  39. Whenever I see Angela, all I hear is the voice of Charlie Brown’s teacher. Just like Maryscott Lost The Plot O’Connor. Go get your own blog buzzkill. CDaN’s Cliff Claven.

  40. Do you understand that by acknowledging me, it shows that I bother you, and you're giving me some exposure?
    Enty isn't that dumb. He's never mentioned me directly, he may delete a few messages of mine here and there, but he's aware that pointing at me would also draw attention to what I say.

    It's almost as funny as Tricia pretending that she cracked my identity long ago, but at this point, mocking her is like shooting fish in a barrel.

  41. I found Gervais's stuff very funny, but there is no way that got on air without passing the censors and legal, so he def has support behind the scenes somewhere,

    I think all these companies are realizing the truth behind "Get woke, go broke" and are trying to rewrite the narrative

  42. That's exactly what I'm trying to do but you're too dense to realize it.

    For anyone interested in what this is all about, our friend here has posted about this site on the DataLounge. Google its name and DataLounge and you'll find it. Read it and you will be amazed

  43. Someone sent me the link to Gervais’ monologue on YouTube just yesterday and I thought it was brilliantly funny. People type “LOL”all the time, but I actually did laugh out loud several times. Well done, RG, well done.

  44. Hey Angie-Don’t you understand by acknowledging me (countless times and on various sites,mind you) it shows that I bother you and you’re giving me some kind of exposure ....?
    You oxygen sucking ,bitter nothing.
    “Fish in a barrel” eh? I’d rather have people here who seem to not agree with you on that or much of anything, than have been cast off(as you are) and grandly (and quite embarrassingly)announce myself on another site like D listed to get attentionFFS. Kinda like that infamous photo of a desperate,unwanted Lindsey Lohan(lawd knows o love me some alliteration) jumpin in Britney Spears ride. Super Cringey,mate.
    But carry on being useless. It’s quite a study in human psychology,and morbidly entertaining. The only value you add here

    1. +10000. I always skip over anything HE posts.

  45. Gervais was a hero before 'The Office' for helping one of my fave bands Suede get started. He can live off 'The Office' royalties for the rest of his life and not give a f***. Plus the rumour is he's hung like a horse, that gives him DGAF energy.


  46. " it's over so get drunk, take your drugs and f**k off "

    how Ricky Gervais ended the evening

  47. Rupert Everett was on RTE chat show , when asked what's it like to work with michelle pfeiffer , he answered "Well she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone"

  48. I really only come here for these over-the-top comments!! 🙋🏼‍♀️🤓

  49. Maybe MP Kelly. I dunno.
    What was wrong with this nutty woman, crying in the street because some dipshit yells at you?
    Jesus. Just laugh and tell them to go fuck themselves.



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