Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Blind Item #10

This former teen bride is passed around like candy to all of her benefactor's friends. If she doesn't do as she is told, she would have no place to live and no income. 


  1. How many former teen brides are there?

  2. Awful. Hollywood really is a cesspool

    1. Men are the cesspool in this scenario.

    2. Right. Because choosing to be a paid whore so you won’t have to get a “real” job makes you a victim in libtard world. LMAO

  3. Stodden...poor girl!

  4. Courtney Stodden. The song "Fancy" by Reba McIntyre always crosses my mind whenever I think about this person.

    1. Thanks alot for introducing me to that Gem of a song.....

  5. That poor young woman. She seems like a OD story waiting to happen.

  6. Isn't she famous? She can get some modelling/reality work right?

  7. no to modelling except nude she probably can go on some reality show

  8. She's better off doing porn and getting paid for it. Oh wait,

    1. Shes probably safer doing porn or hooking in nevada

  9. This is horrible . We have all this sympathy for Epstein’s victim, when this started Courtney was 16 ( that was the marriage) she is a terrible victim. Yet we all call for justice for Epstein and this is right in front of people. She needs a good therapist, and an abuse lawyer- get her ex and every one who abused her underage . She has nothing to lose

  10. Just think, if she'd spent more time in Europe she could have been royalty instead of Markle.

    1. This chick would have been a better pick than Markle. She seems like a good submissive who’d be grateful for her position, suck that dick & not seek to exploit it and/or alienate it from its family. It would truly be the family she never had.

  11. I'm reminded of what Count said about what happens when you fix broken toys.

  12. Stodden makes me so sad. She was obviously sexually abused as a child, and it has carried into her adult life. I see her dead before she turns 30 - and if this is the way her life will go for another 20 years, she's better off dead.

    Poor woman.

  13. There has to be something we can do to help her and people in her situation. Law enforcement and child protective services don’t always do their jobs.

    I pray. I train for ministry. Surely I can do more.

    I’m open to suggestions. I am serious.

    1. Not sure about how you can help Courtney, in particular. To help other girls, you could look I to ministering to victims of sex trafficking. I would suggest looking on your area & talking to those who run the organizations. Bless you for your work. 🙏🏼

    2. *look into & *in your area
      (Forgot to proofread)

    3. @Freebird

      Thank you!

      Human trafficking is big in NC.

      It’s big world wide. What we know about Epstein and his network from reading this site and from legitimate news reports is only the tip of the iceberg.

      Not just sex trafficking and forced labor. Lots of organ and tissue harvesting. Stuff of nightmares.

  14. @T.W., Find a way to dissuade mothers from pimping out their daughters.

    1. This is a simple response to a complex problem. T.W. is asking *how* to help.
      How do you suggest she help mother's stop pimping out their daughters?
      These things are multi layered and absolutely cyclical. One generation after the other of abuse and exploitation. Of nobody caring and of terrible role models.
      This is not as easy as people living a charmed life and having the luxury of independent wealth, coming to a gossip site to give their flippant comments and it will all go away.
      Real people are hurting and they are really around you. I suggest some of you go out and be a mentor, volunteer at a clinic or shelter. Become a foster parent. But DO something.

      Thanku for your ministry T.W.

    2. @Rosie riveter

      Thank you.

      And you are right. Abuse is often generational.

  15. Shes got to go to at least a 30 day detox and get sober first. Learn some skills for coping like aa

  16. So fucking sad. Both her parents and that exH should be in jail.

  17. @Rosie, Why does simple always have to be too complex to solve? If you can't get mothers to stop pimping out their daughters then what are you going to do instead? Give them condoms or take the children away?

    But yes everyone should go out and volunteer. Nothing makes people more cynical or see humanity in a darker view than volunteering. The gallows humor alone makes the experience worthwhile. Sh!t I remember having lots of fun volunteering on a suicide hotline as youngster. Usually it's just the same lonely people calling every night tying up the lines. But every now and then you get to call the police and try to keep the person on the line until they get there.

  18. The biggest issue I had to overcome was listening to "good" people who just want it to go away & have things be "nice".

    There's always a slew of "good" folk telling victims the perfectly legitimate concerns they have don't need to be brought up & if they could just forget about it things would be so much better for everyone.

    They won't be better for the victim of course. They'll be worse because that attitude is more traumatising than the abuse.

    Maybe be a person that calls out THAT behaviour. As a minister, you'll see a LOT of it. It's a special kind of evil that wants victims to shut up so THEY can pretend it didn't happen. Victim can't tho.

  19. That's ... not how candy works. You don't give everybody the same piece.

  20. @IndieRaga Lol I didn't say it was a GOOD song. I just said it reminded me of Stodden, especially since the girl was given permission and her mother's blessing to marry that old crap bag. "Just be nice to the gentlemen Fancy, they'll be nice to you".

  21. Why can't she get a job (like the rest of the world... that would be homeless with no money)? Why is it all 'oh, men are evil... poor girl is abused'? I get that she has a complicated history, but she's an adult with reasonable mental capacity. Why does she get a pass on pulling her ass up by the bootstraps and taking charge of her life?

  22. @Rosie, I don't know everything about Honey Boo Boo and her trashbag mother, but I think her sister took over her care so her mother wouldn't sell her ass for drugs.

    Would you consider that scenario a win and a way to break the cycle? I say possibly yes, if Boo Boo wasn't already repeatedly abused. Do you think the sister made the first step to break it?

  23. She has the most boring look in the world and is a junkie. Straight men wouldn't pay money for her so porn is out. Maybe she just needs to go to rehab.

  24. Once she OD's she'll really get passed around if those celeb necro cult rumors are true. (Fingers crossed)

  25. She loves the dope way too much. Wont quit until free drugs rubs out

  26. She is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain her lifestyle. She is an adult, so who cares?

  27. Anonymous10:01 PM


    Sometimes it is the home environment; sometimes, it isn't.
    Someone I love very much is currently living a dangerous, high risk lifestyle.

    There are mental conditions, often present from birth, that sometimes make it really, really difficult to keep our loved ones safe. They simply do not WANT to be safe.
    Bipolar illness, for example, leads the patient to high risk behaviors. They are attracted to those situations.

    A lot of us moms are heartbroken, worried, and tried to set a good example.
    I will not share more personal information about what we have suffered, because frankly, I doubt that you will change your outlook. A closed heart is a closed heart.
    Stop blaming and shaming.

  28. Is Courtney Stodden still on her Marilyn Monroe LARPING kick?? She was legit going all SWF-obsessive pretending she was Norma Jean a year or so back. Very odd..

  29. We live in a world where Moms use their prepubescent daughters, even, as accessories for Choice at pussy parades.

    It's a little late to pretend Mommies are always going to make a right timely choice to cancel a potential streetin' proud vagina with a princess complex before we're all watching yet another DIY public abortion of aged out sexualized youth merch.

    As for getting around, I want to know how she made it to the 70s and back for that boob job.

    The rest of us don't mind applying wherever for coin because we don't stick out among honest working folk the way a walking plastic surgery with pupils that go to 11 levels of hell upon reflection should you look her in the eye.

    Ever hopeful just not optimistic for the poor thing. Any and all who helped make her what she is today can rot in hell faic.
