Saturday, August 31, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 21, 2019

This former A-/B+ list infomercial/entertainment show host is even going to be more shocked when she sees who she was dumped for by Mr. Burns this former A+ list talk show host.

Shawn Southwick/Larry King

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 21, 2019

This crazy case from award season got tossed this week because a witness was going to be a studio head who had some inside information that no one wanted released. Phone calls made and voila, case dismissed.

Frances McDormand’s stolen Oscar 

Blind Item #8

I guess things got awkward for this pseudo offspring to be hooking up with the son again while also hooking up with the father.

Blind Item #7

This one named rapper is probably A- list. He has a lot of kids and his latest ploy is a way for him to come into contact with a never ending stream of 18 year olds each night on tour.

Blind Item #6

Apparently the paperwork has been completed and approved for this former A+ list rapper's tax exemption. Ridiculous.

Blind Item #5

This A-/B+ list country singer has been hitting on women left and right which is why his team forced him off social media.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 21, 2019

This network reality show always has a variety of contestants. They don't really care what any of us think about the contestants. They only care about which celebrities they can sign to the ridiculously low contracts. Oh, and speaking of contestants, if one is addicted to drugs, as one is, they don't need to worry about drug tests.

Dancing With The Stars/Lamar Odom

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 21, 2019

The former A- list mostly television actor who is most famous for he used to be married to is scrambling right now. Already one woman from his past got to tell under oath what an awful human being he is, and now the former wife might also get to share her truth which would spell curtains for the actor.

Ryan Phillippe/Elsie Hewitt/Reese Witherspoon

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 21, 2019

With her friends screened and controlled to the point of giving up on the friendship, it is not surprising that the permanent A list "singer" feels lonely. She wants to make her own friends and decide who to hang out with.

Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 21, 2019

There is a verified blue check mark out there right now who says she had an affair with the A+ list mostly movie actor who used to do a couple of other things in the entertainment landscape that were more athletic and had a recent life event.

Robbin Young/Dwayne Johnson

Blind Item #4

The permanent A++ list singer knows that her venues will not be full. She knows she needs to downsize to be sold out and that is the cause of the delay. She is not ready for half empty arenas.

Blind Item #3

Apparently this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar nominee/winner has a staff of 20 and doesn't even have to pay their salaries.

Blind Item #2

In addition to yachting while out of the country, this former MTV star is trying to sell a movie that right now is only in her head. Considering her last business ventures and her constant avoidance of process servers related to those collapsed businesses, it is probably not the best idea to just hand her money. She will Corey Feldman it.

Blind Item #1

This A list director of comedies refuses to call out his friends (A- list mostly movie actor in an acting family, A list director of superhero movies) for their awful behavior but has an obsession with the permanent A++ list celebrity.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Blind Item #12

The evil Svengali always trying to get into the personal business of the A list "singer" has been trying to worm his way into the world of the foreign born former A+ list tweener. 

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress is an Oscar winner/nominee. She was recently cast in a new movie, but just barely. The foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who starred in a now defunct long running franchise wanted someone cast who was younger and that he could hook up with. In the end, one of the supporting actresses is serving that role.

Blind Item #10

Heard from Bani this week to make plans for Emmy weekend when he will be in town. He then proceeded to explain how the influx of Instagram models and even those on LinkedIn have driven down the yachting prices to ridiculously low levels. He cited an example of this alliterate foreign born A- list lingerie model/model who used to be able to get $20K a night because of her fame. Now, the only way she gets even close to $20K is to be with some guy in his 70's. The only way your price has not been affected is if you are a name from television or movies. Being a model just doesn't cut it any longer. He said there is a reality show that started filming a couple of years ago in Spanish, similar to Temptation Island and Love Island, but the sole goal of the producers of the show was to find women who would be willing to yacht and give them exposure on television and the producers take a cut of the yachting fees.

Blind Item #9

The former underage sex victim turned reality star turned porn star turned wannabe singer got really upset at her boyfriend this week because he didn't want to pay for a VIP tour at an amusement park. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 21, 2019

The celebrity CEO just got a huge new legal headache.  This one is going to cost him dearly.

Elon Musk/Walmart solar panels catching on fire

Four For Friday - Traditional

#1 - This former A+ list producer opened a can of worms with a recent interview. There are dozens of people ready to come forward who said they were underage when the producer came after them. Plus, the producer defended the disgraced pedo loving director.

#2 - Flying way under the radar is the relationship between the female one named A list singer and the former Disney actress.

#3 - Speaking of Disney actresses, this former A+ list tweener actress on the channel now yachts to make ends meet.

#4 - Speaking of yachting, this former lead on Game Of Thrones got busted this summer trying to buy the services of a 16 year old escort in the Eastern European country he was visiting.

Your Turn

From a reader:

As a Reader are you up to date on following the Site?

Or, do you play catch up because of work, etc.?


I’m about two days behind because of work!

Not that there is anything wrong with that!

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 21, 2019

This A list singer/sometime reality star who has some bad press right now kissed the butt of that rich guy while she was on a yacht and then played his company picnic last night.

Katy Perry/Jeff Bezos

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 20, 2019

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor is an Oscar winner/nominee. He used a big charity gathering to find someone to hook up with, which is kind of the norm despite him being married.

Javier Bardem

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 20, 2019

Speaking of royals, what was going to be a massive wedding with all the bells and whistles is looking more likely to being reduced to something on a much smaller scale because of the controversy surrounding the family.

Princess Beatrice

Blind Item #8

Thankfully it looks as if this permanent A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee and has a franchise has finally rid herself of the boyfriend who sucked her soul and her money which will leave her a bunch more time and money to keep on botoxing and filler-ing.

Blind Item #7

It is beginning to look like this foreign born A list network reality star from a long long running hit show is lying about some events that occurred this past week. Is he hiding something? Protecting someone? Things are not adding up.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 20, 2019

The pervert royal knows he won't be questioned or interviewed by anyone from his own country and ignored the requests from investigators here, so he can see whatever he wants about being willing to cooperate. Saying he will, and actually doing it are worlds apart.

Prince Andrew

Blind Item #6

If the foreign born A-/B+ list actress is pregnant, then why was she drinking and chain smoking as recently as two weeks ago? If she is pregnant, it didn't come the natural way which means there would probably be twins. If she is pregnant, it means she did the calculations that she can make more money from the pregnancy than from the movies she could do in the interim.

Blind Item #5

There is more and more buzz about this underage sex loving A- list actor being alive. I suppose the world's condemnation about his love of underage sex and the resulting loss of acting gigs might have caused him to fake his own death, but would he do that to his child?

Blind Item #4

At some point, the former MTV star who drags a family member around wherever she goes is going to have to tag her sponsor. She probably doesn't want you to know he is three times her age.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former A+ list boy bander who really would like to move into acting on a full time basis subtly revealed he is bisexual.

Blind Item #2

The only thing not revealed from that lengthy interview with the permanent A++? list mostly movie actor were his hookups with the permanent A++ list celebrity. He wanted to keep those quiet because he didn't think they were relevant.

Blind Item #1

I told you from the outset that the one named A- list actress was faking it with the foreign born superhero and it was exposed as such. Now, she is trying again with yet another actor to make things look real.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Blind Item #13

The franchise that has multiple cities will play along for a bit with the east coaster, but she needs them far more than they need her. I suppose she thinks she is the big name now that the big name quit. The thing is though, she was going to be pushed out in the next year or two anyway as they try and reboot way younger.

Blind Item #12

The grizzled A list reality star from a show based on his business dated while he was married, so it isn't really a shocker that he is going to date now that he isn't. I just hope he cuts down on the strippers and coke parties.

Blind Item #11

I wrote about the foreign born singer at the VMA's and the mess of an album she is recording and her sticky touring situation. Apparently, part of that mess was her love life. 

Blind Item #10

I'm not going to judge what or how much drugs the former MTV star/porn star uses as long as it doesn't affect her offspring. When you have to do what she does for a living every single day, you probably need them to get through each day. 

Blind Item #9

The foreign born former A+ list tweener is back using again. He was doing quietly, but a family member gave him up in some cryptic social media messages. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 20, 2019

Another sex scandal from that K-Pop group that seems to be filled with them. This time it involves the person who uses initials and it involves a female from a different Asian country.

Big Bang/T.O.P

Today's Blind Items - Research

Some nuggets I discovered doing the most recent episode of the podcast, but didn't have time to mention.

This former royal turned spokesperson/celebrity reunited with her husband because men stopped paying her for sex.

This royal frequently had the madam/procurer/sexual assaulter over to his place, but only when he had a woman willing to do a threesome. Apparently he liked to watch the madam be rough with the other woman.

The royal who likes underage girls has at least one illegitimate child that he publicly refuses to acknowledge but who he has to pay a significant amount of child support to each month.

Your Turn

Present your parents would never buy you no matter how often you asked.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 20, 2019

I told you the royal couple would use the protection/security excuse to justify only flying private when we know it is really the alliterate actress who insists on it because she is an elitist snob.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 20, 2019

I love how people are trying to shame this permanent A list rapper. The rapper and his A list wife have a long history of not giving a hoot about anything other than how big the check is. Time and time again, people have tried to call them out for things they have done or money they have taken and they just don't care. Nothing is going to make them start now.

Jay Z/Beyonce

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 20, 2019

If you want to have really bad luck in your life and feel as if you are somehow cursed, then all you have to do is date this foreign born actress who probably peaked in the B/B- list range here. I'm wondering what tragedy is going to occur to the foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who will never the be the highest in the family who is now dating her.

Isabel Lucas/Liam Hemsworth

Blind Item #8

The former felon makes a ton of money off his association with his now ex girlfriend. Not just through child support which he wants to memorialize with a six figure monthly payment, but also for appearance fees and such so, until he gets that monthly check lined up, he wants people to still think they are together. She has moved on.

Blind Item #7

For just the first or second time in months, these two reality siblings who spend more time feuding than not feuding broke bread together. They had to have someone else along to make sure there was some kind of polite conversation.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 20, 2019

Another couple of people are about to tell their stories about the A- list actor from an acting family who is an Oscar nominee/winner and does not have the last name Affleck.

James Franco

Blind Item #6

Any doubts that the foreign born model/wannabe actress was not going to be in demand after her long contract with the A+ list actor were squashed with her non-stop demand for the past month by various Middle Eastern and Russian oligarchs who all took her yachting.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress who starred in a now-defunct hit pay cable show tried to use another social media platform first the first time after many years of not using it, Her first tweet was to thank this woman for her funny tweets, but then had to delete her tweet because of her rabid fan base attacking the woman for not liking the actions her character did in this now-defunct show.

Blind Item #4

It appears that people have been skimming money from the permanent A list "singer" and trying to hide it.

Blind Item #3

This former daytime start turned night time actor/fill in band mate is doing what he can to help the alliterate actress even if he sounds like an idiot re-purposing her beliefs about the situation in which she has found herself.

Blind Item #2

Fans of this rebooted boy band are beginning to notice what I have been telling you for a long time. The relationship between one of the members and his wife is fake. Things really started to fall in place for them this week.

Blind Item #1

This prolific rapper/baby maker has been in this spot in recent weeks to talk about his Lean use. Now, it has got to the point where he would rather use than perform.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Blind Item #13

That doesn't want to be sober almost alliterate east coast reality star probably won't make it past this weekend without getting wasted again.

Blind Item #12

The friends of this alliterate actress are pleading for her to get her own attorney because things could get bad very quickly.

Blind Item #11

The accused pedophile lawyer says he is a victim and has proof, but doesn't release it. Huh. Seems like an easy fix. Instead he just talks and talks. Show us those emails.

Blind Item #10

This east coast Housewife is married, but engaged to that guy she has been seeing. Interesting combo. She is ignoring everyone/everything else in her life to be with him.

Blind Item #9

A woman who slept with this late night actor/comic a few weeks ago said he cared more about drugs than having sex.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 19, 2019

This A list HGTV star (D list if you don't watch the network) wants a solo show with his new girlfriend just like his ex got. The new girlfriend really would like to expand her own reach and pocketbook and has really been pushing the A list star to do something about it.

Tarek El Moussa/Christina Anstead/Heather Rae Young

Today's Blind Items - Tithing For Underage Sex

Apparently it is not just the Catholic priests that have a history of child molestation. In fact, one of the most prominent televangelists this country has ever known has an issue that hit really close to home. There is an offspring of this televangelist who married someone who is on television and social media every day preaching. She asks for money on a daily basis. What no one ever brings up to her or asks her about are the hundreds of text messages and sexts she sent underage boys, some of whom were as young as 15 years old asking them for sex. She did this while married. She never talks about or is asked about the 16 year old who had sex with her nine times. That is the only one who has come forward. I would love to hear from all the others. Maybe she can say she was ministering to them. 

Your Turn

A toy from childhood you would love to have now.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 19, 2019

This former MTV star has not had much luck raising her rates so thinks another porn movie might help.

Farrah Abraham

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 19, 2019

This back in the day A list singer who once only allowed his own music played while on a date with a local news reporter here in LA has seemingly forgotten the time he beat the mother of some of his children in front of the kids. So, it should shock no one he is fine with trashing those same kids.

Brian McKnight

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 19, 2019

This former A+ list rapper filed paperwork to form a tax exempt organization. I think he thinks he is going to funnel everything through this thing and have all his income declared as religious activity.

Kanye West

Blind Item #8

This former reality star who is in a family of A list reality stars trolls for women online looking for fans who will have sex with him for free. He is tired of paying, but if you are a fan who will hook up with him, he will fly you into town.

Blind Item #7

The directionally challenged rapper almost got assaulted by a customer who got drugged by one of the rapper's "employees," and took all of the customer's money.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 19, 2019

The alliterate A- list reality star was speaking out about being cheated on, but chose to not talk about how she has been on the other side of that too. Must have slipped her mind.

Khloe Kardashian

Blind Item #6

This probably about to lose her reality show crack addict all of you know has promised her a-hole boyfriend he can have all the money she makes from selling off everything she owns. I fully expect this time next year she is living on a sidewalk.

Blind Item #5

Speaking of Housewives, this east coast one spent the summer "supervising" young women who were spotted on yachts with a bunch of rich old men. It looked like from the outside that the Housewife was "introducing" the women to the men and one wonders if she was taking a cut.

Blind Item #4

There is a huge pay disparity going on over the the Housewives and has been causing some big issues between cat members who are being paid sometimes five times the salary of other cast members.

Blind Item #3

The drug using multiple named actress who has been a pretty bad prosecution witness is going to have her latest lawsuit tossed because of a statute of limitations issue. Why didn't she sue five years ago? Because she was worried about her career if she did.

Blind Item #2

She isn't really a reality star although she appeared on a reality show. She is suing a former star of a southern show. She isn't going to have any luck suing the producers who she thought would be easy insurance money, but will probably get a big check from the former star.

Blind Item #1

This late night actor/comic who became much more famous than he should have last year is back using again.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Blind Item #25 - Video Music Awards - Kindness

This foreign born alliterate singer who is only that way because it is a stage name, performed as part of the festivities. You might not have seen it though. Anyway, there was nothing specific that she did, however there was not one person she didn't take a photo with or refuse any request of a fan. Over two days that she was part of the event, she went above and beyond. Honestly, I hope she never changes because just the kindness and genuineness of her behavior was amazing. Fans love her when they meet her and leave, loving her more. Plus, she is a really good singer too.

Blind Item #24 - Video Music Awards

This foreign born initialed stick singer said she is dreading promoting her upcoming movie with her A- list co-star in it, who she also hooked up with for a few months. She said it was the worst relationship and doesn't really want to see him again.

Blind Item #23 - Video Music Awards

This A list athlete was abstaining last night which is totally antithetical to her normal behavior. Maybe the engagement is due to a pregnancy. She always said she would wait until she retired, but we shall see.

Blind Item #22 - Video Music Awards

This foreign born A+ list singer in her own country who started out on a reality show is probably B list here and that might be stretching it considering the really long delay between released songs. She wants to do records, not songs, but is having a tough time because none of it is her stuff so it is all a jumbled mess. She looked to be a jumbled mess last night which is probably not a good thing. Her upcoming tour needs a record. It doesn't have one. The tour might have to be canceled.

Blind Item #21 - Video Music Awards

This directionally challenged rapper had a dozen of his "employees" on hand at a party. It was his kind of opportunity to create a life long customer relationship. 

Blind Item #20 - Video Music Awards

This A- list actress has a new show on air but only if you have a certain cable provider. She was looking at red carpet fashion reviews during the show and saw the comments she was getting and started crying.

Blind Item #19 - Video Music Awards

Speaking of foreign born super models, this one who was A+ list for a long time accepted an offer of $75K to hook up with a record producer last night. This was for three hours. I have no idea if they went through with it, but they both seemed serious about it and she hung out with him and didn't leave his side at an after party after they made the deal.

Blind Item #18 - Video Music Awards

At least a half dozen times last night, one of the spies heard people asking about the foreign born permanent A+ list model/producer/mogul. When they were told who she was, they had never heard of her. How times have changed. 

Blind Item #17 - Video Music Awards

This long time MTV star who has spent multiple seasons of her show wasted on pills or cheating on the various men in her life was wasted out of her mind last night. Just blitzed. I have heard when she gets wasted that she has hooked up with someone else from that MTV show if that person happens to be there. I wonder if that happened last night since the other person was there.

Blind Item #16 - Video Music Awards

This in demand music producer/song writer told this A/A- list mall store sounding singer/songwriter they should work together. She said it sounded like a great idea which he took to men they should go off and have sex somewhere. She said hell no, so he told her off. He then went and found another woman at the party who the spy didn't know. That woman did agree to take off with him.

Blind Item #15 - Video Music Awards

Also enjoying some nose candy last night was this multiple MTV reality star who seemingly goes from one MTV show to the next while always staying connected to the show that made her famous and is rarely called by her given name.

Blind Item #14 - Video Music Awards

You have to give the former stripper/brief in length sex tape star/reality star/offspring of a truth teller, a whole lot of credit for the shade she managed to throw last night. It took dozens of calls over the past few days and a lot of string pulling to get that look ready in time for last night.

Blind Item #13 - Video Music Awards

The fake couple consisting of two foreign born singers were given a ten minute window where the camera was going to cut to them so the world could see a "PDA moment." The female singer is tiring of the game. Really tired of the game. As in, almost bitter and resentful about it, at least yesterday during the day and again last night. 

Blind Item #12 - Video Music Awards

You agree to play, you get nominated and win aka the rebooted boy band. You say I don't want to play, then you don't get nominated, and changing your mind later doesn't help you out aka the rebooted former tween singer/actress. If you have a legit scheduling issue and have been great in the past like this A list singer, you get a pass and get some awards. However, even if the A list singer had been in town, she would still have got a pass from performing or even attending because of the night's biggest winner who would never have agreed to perform on the same show.

Blind Item #11 - Video Music Awards

This one named A- list singer who used to be one-fifth of a group was visibly angry after her performance and it had nothing to do with what happened during the song, but because a couple of props that were supposed to be out front weren't. They were promo items to be used in various commercials and now she might not get paid. 

Blind Item #10 - Video Music Awards

At an after party, this one named A- list singer was complaining how her boyfriend always wants her to to pleasure him in every way possible other than actual sex. Umm, how about because females are not his number one choice?

Blind Item #9 - Video Music Awards

This alliterate foreign born singer was wasted before she even arrived. While waiting for her driver, she was doing bumps of coke in front of a dozen people.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 19, 2019

Apparently this royal has no idea there are the recordings of him sexually assaulting another underage girl. The reason why he is not welcome in this country. He thinks the ban is because of the more publicly known sexual assault of that other underage teen.

Prince Andrew

Today's Blind Items - The Agent

In Hollywood right now is a key person the FBI should be talking to about the activities of not only the pedophile, but also the foreign born recruiter/sex trafficker not named Ghislaine. In Hollywood is an agent. This agent, is someone who was an equal partner with the foreign born recruiter/sex trafficker, at least for the office here in Los Angeles. He was in charge of finding the youngest possible girls for "modeling," and also had them shipped all over the world, including to the pedophile whenever they found someone especially appealing. This agent, who has a very recognizable last name, specialized in Central and South American girls. He frequently traveled to the most fertile yachting grounds with a book of models he and the recruiter/sex trafficker had found and clients could order the "model" of their choosing.

He is involved with a group that has elite members from throughout the world. All of these elite members are men. It is a powerful group of entertainers, celebrities, and political leaders not named The Bohemian Grove. It is a group that has risen almost overnight in its popularity among a select group of men. After meeting the agent, these men are often seen with one of the "models." So, despite the misfortunes of his former partner, this agent has continued the trail they made together and is branching out even more.

Oh, and this agent has publicly supported the sex trafficker/recruiter and their long partnership. No shame in his game.

Your Turn

How do you like your bacon?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 19, 2019

This rapper has been in jail for awhile now. The rapper who, has turned informant and hopes to once again see the girlfriend is cheating on him but still hasn't reached out to his kid, has a sexual part to his rapper name. He also had someone try and kill him in jail the past week for being a snitch.

Tekashi 6ix9ine

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 19, 2019

This A+ list mostly movie actor was looking for a new person to be put under contract and to be close to his yachting ex. He wants nothing to do with any kind of relationship other than platonic with the A- list singer/wannabe actress. At this point, he is tiring of her team and fans trying to push a non-existent relationship.

Bradley Cooper/Irina Shayk/Lady GaGa

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 18, 2019

This A- list actress is known for her movies and a back in the day television show. The thing is though, she is on your television screen multiple times a day for an entirely different reason. Anyway, she always talks smack about paps, but she is the one who stole away the pap of the permanent A list mostly movie actress with an Oscar. Our A- lister uses the pap several times each week.

Jennifer Garner/Reese Witherspoon

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress who starred in a now-defunct hit pay cable show is currently in talks to play this black hat magical magician which will be a leading part in this super squad of villains in the second installment of this franchise which is being directed by the pedophilia supporter.

Blind Item #7

It is a money grab by this former A- list reality star who is having trouble coming close to the income she had when she was doing the reality show and appearances and all that comes with it. She figures the company will settle with her rather than drag things out through court. She is hoping for about one year's annual income in a settlement.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 18, 2019

It is make or break time for this A/A- list singer ALL of you know. She wants to start using again because she knows she will drop a lot of weight. At this point she is pretty miserable every day because she thinks people don't like her when she starts putting on weight. It is all in the head.

Demi Lovato

Blind Item #6

This former reality star from a show on the Housewives network is thirsty and ready to return to the show. It was because of this thirst for fame and to have everyone know who she is that caused the split in her marriage.

Blind Item #5

Speaking of that award show last night, they normally give the winner of a certain award show 12 minutes to perform but cut that almost in half for the winner last night because they thought audiences wouldn't like her and would change the channel.

Blind Item #4

This A- list singer who used to be a star when she was a tween/teen wasn't even invited to the show last night. The thing is though, she feels her fame slipping from her and wants to try and insert herself into every possible subject. This is what happens right before she starts using.

Blind Item #3

One of the keys to sending the disgraced producer to jail for a long time is this former B+ list actress who had a great role on a now defunct pay cable hit. She is in negotiations though for a big check from the producer in exchange for her silence. 

Blind Item #2

It seems as if the late night talk show host did not see the quitting coming and is exacting his own revenge by leaking spiteful things to the press about his now former bff reality star.

Blind Item #1

The sibling of this alliterate back in the day A/A- list singer solo and in a group managed to make a few bucks from tabloids for her drug habit before her lie was uncovered.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Blind Item #13

I learn something new everyday. This foreign born former A+ list boy bander recently had anal botox and an anal rejuvenation. 

Blind Item #12

According to the boyfriend of this still A- list mostly television actress until her last show stops filming early next year and then she will quickly drop to B or B-, the couple got into a fight and she threw her cell phone at his head, just missing him. Not the first time it has been thrown. 

Blind Item #11

Instead of attending a wedding, this alliterate former actress turned international celebrity is going to have a ladies weekend which will probably end up costing taxpayers a cool $1M. 

Blind Item #10

He might think he isn't exactly paying for sex, but this foreign born alliterate A- list singer is paying for and throwing parties and only inviting people who are willing to have sex with him.

Blind Item #9

That you would have already forgotten him by now, sometime network reality star trying to hold on to some kind of fame by hooking up with the bar reality star, says there is no sex tape. That is not exactly what he told the FBI. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 18, 2019

Don't feel too sorry for the foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who will never be the highest on the list in the family. He has several women who have alternated being "helpful" over the past few weeks.

Liam Hemsworth

Today's Blind Items - The Actor

In a couple of blind items the past month, I have written about this A-/B+ list actor who has that common first name which makes differentiating him from some of his peers difficult. I have written about him hooking up with the madam/procurer of the pedophile. What is now coming to light is that he also seemed to have been one of the chosen favorites. He also hooked up with victims of the pedophile. There is at least one that victim that has been in several very intimate photos with the pedophile who also spent documented time with the actor. I guess befriending the madam got him access to victims too. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 18, 2019

At this point, the foreign born A- list lingerie model is just a puppet of the movie producer and sleeps with a random cast of characters that he finds useful to his business interests.

Mohammed Al Turki/Stella Maxwell

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 18, 2019

It looks as if the celebrity CEO might finally be rid of the A- list mostly movie actress for good considering the outdoor sex session she had with a different tech CEO.

Elon Musk/Amber Heard

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 17, 2019

This foreign born former A+ list television actor who likes to moonlight as a singer is back to his crazy drinking ways which has usually provided some great comedic moments, and injuries.

Kiefer Sutherland

Blind Item #8

It is inevitable that the A+ list singer and the manager to multiple A listers will end up in court. The question is, how bloody it will be for both sides. The thing is, the manager has already sold out to the dark side so probably doesn't care what comes out in court.

Blind Item #7

The permanent A list singer/wannabe actor and his actress wife are hanging on by a thread. It is getting harder every day to pretend there is something left of their marriage.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 17, 2019

The only reason this actor I like to refer to with initials turned down his current actress wife even for one instant is because he had to figure out a way to cheat on his then actress girlfriend with the now current actress wife.

Brian Austin Green/BAG/Megan Fox/Vanessa Marcil

Blind Item #6

This foreign born permanent A list model/cell phone thrower thinks she is going to lose jobs because she was neck deep with the pedophile. So far, no one seems to care, but she is freaked out anyway. I wonder how often she was a third like the Madam.

Blind Item #5

Even if this multi-spelled sexual positioned rapper doesn't have to serve a long jail sentence, he will be back in jail. He can't help himself. I have never seen someone so obsessed with power once they got a taste of fame. He thinks he is Scarface.

Blind Item #4

The alliterate foreign born A-/B+ list singer quit her social media because she is tired of people coming on the platform to tell her of their experiences sleeping with her A/A- list actor boyfriend.

Blind Item #3

As I told you two months ago, this foreign born late night host had no place to go which was going to pay him as much money as his network gig. So, his whining and threatening about going home was just a money ploy which his employers fell for and paid him a whole lot of money which he will share none of with his writers or staff.

Blind Item #2

The people behind this permanent A list "singer" are using the lawsuits they filed, but will probably lose as justification for things they want the court to do. It is kind of a chicken/egg thing. 

Blind Item #1

This alliterate A- list mostly television actor who keeps ruining television shows whenever he gets attached has found a new beard to go with his new chance at more fame. At this point, he hopes that alliterate reboot really does come to life. That is where he made his name.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 17, 2019

As I told you before, this foreign born A- list actress was only going to show up for her celebrity husband when it is advantageous to her. Meanwhile, the other wives of the sibling celebrities are around constantly.

Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 17, 2019

Apparently the whiny tattooed shorthand version for Xanax that calls himself a rapper just didn't take a quick unwanted grope of a woman, he also whispered they should go f**k. I'm sure his pregnancy faking girlfriend would appreciate that.

Lil Xan

Blind Item #8

This celebrity offspring who has had a B/B- list modeling career dotted with rehab visits. Several years ago she made a sex tape with her then girlfriend who is now trying to sell it to make a few bucks.

Blind Item #7

This married A list dual threat actor all of you know is quirky. He took advantage of a free hotel suit in close proximity to the event where he was speaking to hook up with a fan he met at the convention/event.

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actor who has a big franchise tells women he hits on that his girlfriend  knows they are in an open relationship, but the girlfriend believes the opposite.

Blind Item #5

The celebrity cult is trying to play all types of games to give their lawsuit against the A- list director as much noise as possible.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 17, 2019

This former A list mostly television actress from multiple hit shows hooked up with a counselor the last time she was in rehab so he would turn the other way when she had drugs brought in.

Heather Locklear

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 17, 2019

The serial cheating/child abandoner/foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor shows that his allegiance is to his masters rather than the people with his most recent comments.

Jackie Chan

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 17, 2019

Don't believe the hype. This A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and just as good at stand up comedy as acting isn't cheating on the B list actress ALL of you know, because the actress and actor are no longer together.

Jamie Foxx/Katie Holmes (and two days later, this was confirmed by Katie's team)

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 16, 2019

All of his credit and debit cards were declined while trying to purchase some clothes. Apparently, the former A- list teen singer maxed out everything scoring drugs.

Aaron Carter

Blind Item #4

One of the people this alliterate former actress turned international celebrity isolated/barred/discouraged her husband from seeing recently had a tragic life event occur. It will be interesting to see the husband's reaction.

Blind Item #3

This former naked celebrity turned reality star on multiple shows who managed to have a sex tape in there somewhere is probably A- list still, but that is fading. She wouldn't give the time of day to the guy she is hooking up with now until someone told her his real name and how much money he is worth.

Blind Item #2

The largest amusement park corporations in the country collect different bio-metric information from their patrons. One takes pictures (A) while another takes fingerprints (B) and another measures your body (C). Two are given willingly by the general public. This information is then sold to various companies, some of which are fronts for not only governments in this country, but also around the world.

Blind Item #1

This royal keeps digging himself further and further into a hole, forgetting of course that every room was rigged for audio and video recording.