Saturday, June 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

June 5, 2019

A critic of this former A+ list tweener turned A- list singer/sometime actress hit the nail on the head and repeated much of the same things several producers did about the recent EP released by the singer/sometime actress. Apparently though, the singer/sometime actress hates any criticism. Make a better product.

Miley Cyrus

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 3, 2019

I love how the foreign born A-/B+ list actress likes to invent things she discussed with the alliterate former actress to make them look like they were talking about important world affairs rather than comparing yachting and casting couch stories.

Priyanka Chopra/Meghan Markle

Blind Item #8

He has shown in the past he has no qualms about throwing women in his life under the bus. He has done it with the permanent A list "singer" and the permanent A list singer and he will do it to his wife too if he needs to keep his career going.

Blind Item #7

This celebrity offspring of a barely there actor who will never be the biggest in the family or even the second biggest told friends that she went out on a couple of secret dates with this A+ list mostly movie actor before the former tweener called wanting to get married. She said she then stopped talking to the A+ lister and he went and got married. She said she is kicking herself now.

Blind Item #6

Do you suppose the A+ list singer wanted to make a joint announcement with the alliterate tall model and is now debating whether she will go it alone.

Blind Item #5

As I predicted, this foreign born Victoria's Secret model who has been hanging out with the actress again, did a little favor for her backer by having a threesome with an oligarch with the recently dismissed foreign born model who had signed up for it prior to her contract ending.

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 4, 2019

That choreographer of the permanent A list "singer" is telling friends it is her instead of the singer in a video or two.

Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 4, 2019

This went from nice guy to jerk B+ list actor could barely land any other work when he left this long running hit cable show. Unable to marry royalty, he needed something more than a barely there recurring character to make ends meet, so he is crawling back to the show that made him famous. See how he treats fans though. Will he still be awful like his former co-star or has he learned his lesson.

Patrick J Adams/Suits (notice he only agreed to come back when his current show got canceled)

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 5, 2019

No one is calling out the celebrity offspring of the A++ lister a druggie because of her pot use. She knows that but is hiding behind the pot. You don't overdose on pot.

Paris Jackson

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 4, 2019

Instead of giving advice, it would have been great for this long time reality star from a large family to discuss the reasons they had to flee a country so suddenly and are never allowed to return without facing jail time.

Jill Duggar Dillard/Derick Dillard

Blind Item #4

Apparently, not only are there naked photos of the celebrity daughter of this A list comedian/host/talk show host but also photos and videos of her having sex with multiple men. I guess that is maybe why the family is trying to find her a rich husband overseas before all of the photos leak.

Blind Item #3

Remember the mom I wrote about earlier this week who is trying to keep her daughter from reporting a rape at the hands of a YouTube celebrity simply because the mom wanted the daughter to be with the YouTube celebrity even though the daughter was way under age and the celebrity was in his 30's? The daughter is trying to escape to Europe this time instead of a nearby friend. 

Blind Item #2

With the revelations of serial abuse and forced abortions at the hands of this A list mogul/wannabe rapper, hopefully the one named singer who doesn't really sing any longer will finally be able to feel free to tell what happened to her hair back in the day because of the same mogul. I have written about what happened, but it would be nice if she could really show the world what kind of guy he is.

Blind Item #1

This former A-/B+ list actress faked a serious illness in high school, so people from her past have been skeptical about her latest serious illness. When a person from her past randomly ran into the actress performing an activity which she implies is impossible and then posted the photo of it to Facebook, the actress freaked out. She is making bank off this illness, and persuaded her back in the day friend to remove it before anyone noticed. Oh, people noticed.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

You just have a limited time to have your picture join Bella Thorne for some early morning NYC jogging. If you would like your reader photo included, email it to
Ellie Goulding this morning on Good Morning America.
Balthazar Getty and David Arquette take mid life crisis to a whole new level.
A Bronfman. Hannah Bronfamn to be exact.
Halsey getting inducted into the Songwriter Hall Of Fame must
rub Diane Warren the wrong way, somewhere deep inside.
Justin Timberlake making a public appearance in the wake of Jessica Biel's anti-vaxxer stance had to be awkward. Probably threw her under the bus.
Dan Stevens looking like a villain from a kid's movie was with
Aubrey Plaza for a premiere party of their new show.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4

Blind Item #13

Apparently the alliterate former actress turned A+ list celebrity was drunk or at least heavily buzzed during a recent very public appearance. Her alcohol intake was severely restricted for nearly a year so she has been indulging. Looks like she over indulged.

Blind Item #12

Even as she is yelling at fans, this A list singer/actress told some friends that she is trying to have a public relationship with this A+ list actor. He wants no part of it.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A list rapper should just swear off getting her plastic surgery done in the same country where people are dying from hotel booze. Maybe she wouldn't have as many issues.

Blind Item #10

The alliterate former actress turned escort thinks she can get that singing career back on track. Her way of doing it? She thinks she should be the opening act for this A+ list singer when the A+ lister goes on tour.

Blind Item #9

At least this former A+ list NBA player waited until this singer was out of his teens to take his pursuit of her public. Oh, and I'm sure the woman he was seeing as recently as last weekend is thrilled too that he waited. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 4, 2019

The soon to be ex of the alliterate talk show host has been currying favor with all the talk show hosts. There is going to be no one left to sit down with when the talk show host releases a book later this year.

Kevin Hunter/Wendy Williams

Four For Friday - The Walls Are Closing In

I know they thought they got away with it. When they threw that long time A list celebrity in his country under the bus after his death with planned leaks and a parade of victims, they raised a toast with a bottle of wine that cost $25K while they watched child porn they had filmed and collected. Most of it they had filmed. One is a foreign born permanent A list musician who has briefly touched the third rail of child porn but got away with his lame excuse because of his fame.

The other, a foreign born permanent A list socialite type who has been in this space before because of his banishment from multiple countries for similar offenses. Not so much child porn. Authorities and law enforcement wouldn't cal it that because of the international incident it would create. It is what it is of course. Tweens and teens being forced into sex acts with the men while they were filmed. The men obscured either with mask or not shown at all. Their voices altered. Our socialite type would buy the tweens and teens while the dead celebrity and the musician used their fame to attract underage groupies who then would be put through ten minutes to ten hours of sex and filming in as many situations as possible, all the while being filmed. Usually with the celebrities, it was unknown filming. With our socialite type, the victims all knew they were being filmed and what would happen if they protested.

Now, with some recent court filings, some of the socialite type's actions are coming to light and he will make sure to take down as many as possible if needed. He knows because of his stature he is safe. This would not be true for any of the others.

Your Turn

What did you tell your high school guidance counselor what you wanted as a career?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 4, 2019

I guess this A list royal we all love had no say in the guest list for that recent big dinner. That banished royal was there but without her wedding ring.

Kate Middleton/Rose Hanbury

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 3, 2019

This foreign born former A+ list rapper is facing a class action lawsuit because of the money she scammed from nearly 100K people that hasn't been refunded. She doesn't have that kind of money to refund them, so she might as well go on tour.

Nicki Minaj/ticket bundles

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 3, 2019

Things are going from bad to worse in the marriage of these foreign born former co-stars. Not saying I blame her after what her serial cheating actor husband has put her through fidelity and addiction wise, but this actress was definitely into a singer from a band she met this weekend.

Kit Harrington/Rose Leslie

Blind Item #8

It is kind of like evil whispering in the ears of others how they can be rich and powerful and in control, but just need to do his bidding. Evil knew what was asked would be reported and people would talk about the questions that were asked rather than the master plan which would ultimately make evil rich and destroy the celebrity. Even if he is defeated this time, he has caused havoc, and he will be back. My question is did a certain family member reach out first, but make it seem like he didn't? Wanting some of those riches that have eluded him even though he is so close to the throne so to speak.

Blind Item #7

This married permanent A list mostly movie actor who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee is thisclose to finally coming out.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 3, 2019

The mystery man with the checkbook has not shown up yet, so it is uncertain how much longer the former actress turned escort will be allowed to record. The owner of the studio has better options for a sex in exchange for recording time than the former actress.

Lindsay Lohan

Blind Item #6

Will this teen actress turned adult A list singer say anything about her best friend's Tweets or try and make excuses for them? My guess is she will ignore them and hope they go away.

Blind Item #5

As I said many times when the employee was fired by the permanent A lister, this kind of leaking would occur. A couple of weeks ago, I said the leaks would become more scandalous each time going forward, and sure enough, that is exactly what has happened.

Blind Item #4

I think this former A list "singer" turned reality judge believes the plane accident happened and that is why she got hooked on pain pills. The thing is, just because she believes it happened doesn't mean it really did, but it is a great story she can continue to use on talk shows. 

Blind Item #3

The husband of this west coast Housewife is having big memory issues and needs someone to be with him for any type of public event to help keep him tethered and focused or else things would look much worse. 

Blind Item #2 - Mr. X

Speaking of celeb spawns, this permanent A-list entertainer and EGOT is also being sought out by the producers of the same film remake from the previous BI to play the villain. She technically won't literally appear on camera, because the character will be CGI'd. She hasn't committed to it yet, having not starred in a movie in close to 30 years, but her team is worried about her stamina and if she's up to even go into the studio to record her lines. Yes, she did travel back to the city where she lived for decades for an event, but it was a last minute appearance because she confirmed and cancelled so many times. Her team is thinking she may do the same thing with this possible comeback role.

Blind Item #1 - Mr. X

What B-list actress/model/celeb spawn has been officially warned about rejoining that cult again by her PR people and that mouse company who want her for the lead role in yet another live action remake of an animated classic? She blew them away with her audition for the part a few years ago, and she also desperately wants to hang on to this role which will rocket her up to A-list. The mouse company already has another person in line for the part if she falls back into the cults clutches. Someone who has been trying to distance herself from her previous work with the mouse company, and will do another project for them in a heartbeat if the paycheck is good.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like to see your Reader Photo included with Eva Longoria outside of the country doing promo work, send it to between now and Reveal Day, July 4th.
Speaking of promo work outside the country, Gabrielle Union and
Jessica Alba are in London promoting their new show.
Hilary Duff and
Jennifer Morrison were out with
Jamie - Lynn Sigler at a charity event last night.
Lake Bell with the keeping the eyes open forever shot.
Lookie lookie it is Lisa Loeb.
Can we all agree Paul Rudd is wasted in Maui.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2 and Fishbone
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Shawn Mendes in Portland.

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A- list and dropping mostly television actress from a now-defunct cable tv show who paid for exposure and talked about her medical condition is currently in the states working the casting couch for new roles as no studio is willing to distribute her latest films because of all the films she did before which bombed painfully.

Blind Item #11

This actor is probably A- list. Lead roles and supporting. All of you know him. Never going to be A+ list. Oscar nominee/winner. Cheating on his wife with a webcam actress he met online.

Blind Item #10

The producers of this hit almost network hit have told one of the lead actresses they need to lose weight or be replaced. In another show, this would be unlikely, but in this show, anything seemingly can happen.

Blind Item #9

This late night host is not only stealing jokes from comics they see around town, but is also stealing bits from YouTube stars.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 3, 2019

He doesn't have to publicly ask, this rapper knows his B+ list former Disney actress ex girlfriend cheated on him. He cheated on her too but forgot to bring up that part while appearing on a radio show.

Bella Thorne/Mod Sun

Today's Blind Items - The Greatest Celebrity Sex Tape Of All Time

I have been digging into some A listers and their yachting pasts and apparently there is a sex tape that was shot. Whether or not it still exists is dependent on the owner keeping it. I'm guessing he has. It involves this foreign born A list mostly television actress he was financially supporting at the time while she was starting out. The benefactor is in the tape as is this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee who was also in need of financial assistance at the time. The two actresses were very good friends and a night of drinking led to this sex tape involving the three of them. Would be the best selling sex tape of all time bar none. The trouble is, the owner has no need of any money for this lifetime or several others, so it will take a miracle for it to ever see the light of day.

Your Turn

Do you believe aliens have visited Earth?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 3, 2019

This disgraced actor who used to be A list and an Oscar winner/nominee is about to get charges dropped in one of his cases. Prosecutors previously had been prepared to make sure he served no jail time until their plot was discovered. Now, the judge is leaning towards dismissing the whole thing.

Kevin Spacey

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 3, 2019

With no one wanting to have sex with the foreign born mogul/host in exchange for a job, this former A- list singer/frequent sex partner of the mogul has been asked back on a show run by the mogul. She will jump at it.

Nicole Scherzinger

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 3, 2019

This alliterate foreign born B list NBA player was really smart by not signing a waiver to show his face in a reality show. Producers don't like blurring out faces so he will significantly cut his screen time because of it.

Tristan Thompson

Blind Item #8

This married foreign born A list mostly movie actor from an acting family is promoting a new movie and in the country. He hooked up with this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who has lots of misses scattered among her television hits. She actually started her career in entertainment doing something else in front of the camera.

Blind Item #7

This B+ list actress is being disingenuous about her recent activities this week. In the past she has stated she would not vaccinate her own child. She just wasn't expecting the huge blow back and didn't talk to her team ahead of time. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 2, 2019

At least one photo a day is the new mandate set by the people in charge of the A list "singer's" life.

Britney Spears

Blind Item #6

This B- list actor all of you know from an acting family is married. He hooked up with this seemingly always sick B/B- list married actress who was married to an A+ list mostly movie actor. 

Blind Item #5

The foreign born former A+ list tweener turned A= list adult singer has one of his people carry his meth pipe for him.

Blind Item #4

This female former B list tweener turned A- list adult singer who has been in and out of rehab is hooking up with a female backup dancer from her very first tour.

Blind Item #3

A piano was just dropped on top of the pile of the massive rubble totally burying the career of an A list director.

Blind Item #2

The authors of the major hit piece on the A list director are finally dishing the dirt on the incompetence and possible corruption, which held back publication of their massive hit piece, that ended the career of the A list director.

Blind Item #1

The industry rag did its typical knee pad service for the Mogul, by leading their story about the A list director with his attorney’s statement.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Would you like to be included in Random Photos? Email your photo to and you too can hang out with the likes of Carla Gugino and
Connie Britton as they discuss Friday Night Lights fan fiction.
Rachel Bilson was at an event last night with
Rebecca Gayheart and
the possessed Alexandra Daddario.
Alyson Hannigan and her family got a huge Happy Meal while
Tony Hale meets his cinema self, Spork.
John Ratzenberger still hanging on to the third wife. They pulled that marriage from the brink.
Millie Bobby Brown out doing press yesterday.
Prince Harry happy to be out of the house is all smiles.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Selena Gomez making the morning television rounds.

Blind Item #13

As I told you a long time ago and was finally confirmed in court, the two wealthy sisters have been footing the legal bill for the leader of the cult. Apparently they blame the former actress for his downfall and not the serial rapist/child molester. 

Blind Item #12

This former celebrity turned reality star turned porn star turned really bad singer sleeps with a guy who then arranges interviews for her.

Blind Item #11

The alliterate former actress is taking cash bids to be her guest at an upcoming sporting event. She loves these kinds of events. No pretending to care about some random charity.

Blind Item #10

This former A+ list tweener actress/singer only apologized for her past actions at this point in time because sales suck for her new project and she thinks this might help.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A- list and dropping actress visited her former co-star at rehab. The co-star's wife has not.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 2, 2019

Everything was fine with just the illness excuse. She could easily have gone the PTSD route. But, when this A list singer gives a specific reason, she is inviting every person with an internet connection to post photos of her online asking the question why not this time?

Ariana Grande (At least she didn't pick fish. That one has already been taken)

Today's Blind Items - No Help

Considering what it is for and who it is for and the history of the same issue in the family, you would think that the treatment would be paid for. Everyone knows it is something the deceased A lister would have wanted and would have insisted on paying for. Without him around now though, the purse strings are in someone else's hand and a big flat no was the answer to the treatment being paid for by that holder. Shameful. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 2, 2019

Who knew that it would be a reporter from this A+ list newspaper all of you know who would be the first to just straight out ask about the sexuality of this A- list actor. He is not saying anything though until the Bond thing is known one way or the other.

New York Times/Richard Madden

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 1, 2019

After not having any guys within a decade or two of her age wanting to be with her, our former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort is now setting her sights on men three or four decades older than her age.

Lindsay Lohan

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 1, 2019

This foreign born A list mostly television actress from a very very long running network comedy hit received $75K to wear a pair of jeans for a day.

Sofia Vergara

Blind Item #8

You know who loves secret elevator videos? This online tabloid. You know who loves trashing this A- list mostly movie actress? This online tabloid. So, how come no story? Who owns the tabloid? Ultimately a company that also makes movies. Which company produced and distributed his last big movie? You guessed it. The actual production company is one owned by the conglomerate while the conglomerate took care of distribution. That Kneepaddy weekly is also ultimately owned by the same company. The result? No stories. Think this happens frequently with other stars? Yep. 

Blind Item #7

Insanely expensive yacht, helicopter rides, but no tagging the sponsor for the foreign born B list actress and her friends. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 1, 2019

That back and forth texting between the A+ list singer and the alliterate model has something to do with a project for this month they would do together. Fingers crossed.

Taylor Swift/Karlie Kloss

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

A call came in on one of the dead lines; I don't even know why this number was still on the phone.
When I answered, I immediately knew the voice, she didn't have to announce herself. She was, is, and will always be, a hot mess.

She was stranded at an airport across country because she missed her flight and wanted us to re-book her. The problem? She wasn't even on our label, not even a sister label. I had no idea what to do because it was so surreal answering the phone and hearing that voice. I kind of panicked and put her on speaker. My floor gathered around to hear her rambling, which was, for her, somewhat coherent. Eventually, word spread and basically the entire office was gathered around the phone listening to her plight. We finally found someone at her own label to take over the call. Again, we don't know how she got that number, why she couldn't just get on another flight herself, etc. I don't know why I was so shook, but I was kind of scared. Maybe for good reason...

Blind Item #5 - Mark Harris Blind Item

Second worst interview: Someone who was doing so much coke in a Gulfstream trailer that it was blowing around and I thought it would go in me, which I did not want. (I was already paranoid and high-strung without coke. Adding coke would have been very bad.)

Blind Item #4 - Mark Harris Blind Item

The worst interview I ever did was with a new SNL cast member desperate to come up with a signature catchphrase. We sat alone in his empty apartment--he hadn't unboxed anything--and he tried them on me and waited for me to laugh. I still get cold sweats remembering. It never ran.

Blind Item #3

This former naked celebrity turned host turned actress turned celebrity turned host all of you know has always been controversial. Wait until you see the crap she is going to try and sell to make money. If you thought The Goopster has some strange or controversial things to sell, you haven't seen anything like this at all. This is going to be a mess.

Blind Item #2

Kind of a hypocritical statement/excuse from the alliterate reality star considering the same thing could be thrown back at her by any of the women that participated in cheating with all of her significant others, especially that last incident when the people involved knew the alliterate one was done with the relationship, but pretended otherwise for ratings.

Blind Item #1

It isn't like it would be a royal wedding or something similar. This politician thinks getting married would give him a huge popular boost. Nope, not so much. Plus, that payment is going to have to be super high for her to willingly take on that extra layer.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like to be included in Random Photos, you have just 16 more days of photos to include yourself. Email your photo to and you too can be included with Katherine Jenkins who is dating one of Prince Harry's best friends and
Gemma Arterton who always seems to show up when Prince Harry is around and available to spend some alone time with.
Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler recreate prom photos.
Jane Kaczmarek and Betsy Brandt doing a celebrity charades event.
Kevin Nealon trying to look cool and mostly failing at the Murder Mystery premiere.
Long long long long time friend of the site, Bai Ling.
Two of my favorites, Anna Konkle and Maya Erskine.
Reader Photo #1 (generally I require you to be in the photo, but made an exception for this)
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Vanessa Hudgens and Austin Butler hit up a premiere with
Kylo Ren and
Selena Gomez.