Saturday, May 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 16, 2019

Just as I told you, the fix is in. It is really tough to have a transparent process when all the documents are under seal. It is all going to plan for the disgraced producer.

Harvey Weinstein

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 16, 2019

Despite all the talk to the contrary, this comic/actor/host/fired host is really splitting with his long time wife. They might delay it a couple of months to try and prove critics wrong, but the critics aren't wrong.

Steve Harvey

Blind Item #8

Don't believe the hype. The late night talk show host with the love of drinking and women isn't losing his job. He is the favorite son of the boss.

Blind Item #7

When you have everyone who matters on your payroll, and you hear about someone poaching in on your territory, then if you are this directionally challenged rapper you give the guy up to the police and make them look good.

Blind Item #6

This celebrity doctor is looking for a big consulting fee from the side opposed to the permanent A list singer's current situation.

Blind Item #5

So, you have a chance to see your children and won't have another chance for days, but the call of the drug wins out and you bail. Good times.


Blind Items Revealed #4

May 16, 2019

Part of the deal with the powers that be they will require to get the children back of this former cable star is that both parties submit to random drug tests. Who thinks they will pass? I don't.

Jenelle Evans/David Eason

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 16, 2019

It looks as if this celebrity offspring who might have her parents go to jail might also get the nightclub she visited shut down. Our offspring was sharing where she was and what she was doing at the alliterate nightclub. Only one problem. The club is 21+ and our offspring is not. Investigators want to know if she used a fake i.d or the bouncers just let her in violating the terms of their liquor license.

Olivia Jade/Lori Loughlin/Bootsy Bellows

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 16, 2019

How creepy is it that this foreign born three named underage actress had a personal fitting of her clothes while in the presence of the foreign born A+ list rapper/singer who has been creeping on her for well over a year.

Millie Bobby Brown/Drake

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 16, 2019

This A+ list news anchor was wearing lifts at least a couple of inches high for his cable network's upfront.

Anderson Cooper

Blind Item #4

Even with the help of her mother, this A-/B+ list actress is barely getting any work and the work she is getting is not that great. This is why so many people turned down the franchise role she took. It was a career killer. 

Blind Item #3

When the alliterate talk show host discovered and closed down more bank accounts her ex was using to siphon money he went on a PR rampage. The tabloids are certainly buying what he is selling even if most of it isn't true.

Blind Item #2

This recently departed network reality star is selling off assets like crazy. Prelude to a divorce? He has always been a serial cheater. 

Blind Item #1

This celebrity offspring who is also a stepdaughter to a celebrity she hates is going to do a 180. It has nothing to do with a change of heart in feelings. No, it is a little something more complicated. The stepmother has asked her celebrity husband to do a final favor for her. Something that is illegal in many states. The celebrity husband doesn't have the stomach to do it, but his daughter does and will gladly do it when the time is right. When the stepdaughter pays a visit, you know the time has come.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Blind Item #13

The friend of the royal who arranged the original yachting meet with the alliterate actress is someone the actress does not want associating with the royal. However, that friend has accompanied the royal on a trip out of the country and a long time former girlfriend of the royal flew into that same country. Meeting?

Blind Item #12

After the horrific bomb of a movie that was just released, it is interesting that the A list actress with the Oscar win/nomination isn't getting any blame, but just her foreign born co-star who is suddenly not on anyone's casting list.

Blind Item #11

If you believe there was only that one time the Housewife was drinking and she just happened to get caught that one time, then I don't know what to say. I have been telling you for months there has been drinking and in a few months will probably be out of control.

Blind Item #10

This A-/B+ list-ish singer/actress never stops talking about her personal life and her husband has had enough because people remind him of it on a daily basis because she seemingly brings it up on a daily basis. Every time she brings it up, people are reminded he was the bad guy because she reminds people every single time that he was the bad guy.

Blind Item #9 - From Reddit

From an escort who says an actor pays her to watch his show with him after they have sex.

This one is more sad than funny, but I think there's some humor to it. This client is a pretty famous comedic actor. He's on a pretty popular show and there's a good chance you've seen him, or at least heard of him. Think "Tina Fey when she was on 30 Rock" or "Jack Black at any point in the last 20 years" kind of famous. A lot of people would recognize him, and they generally think he's funny. He's also pretty cute; a girl I went to high school with had such a big celebrity crush on him that she changed her last name on Facebook to his last name for, like, three years. (I've signed an NDA and I will not share his name or any other identifying details).

Turns out he likes to watch the show that he's on after we have sex. Okay, fine, great, not a big deal. It's a decent show. He even gives me the email and password for the streaming service that it's on so we can watch it on my TV while we're still in bed cuddling (clients fuckin' love cuddling, man. They fuckin' love it). He laughs at every single joke that any character on the show makes, except for his own. When I ask him about this, he looks me dead in the eyes and says "I don't think I'm funny". (To be clear, he is specifically known for being funny).

But getting to watch TV with clients for an hour or two is pretty fun. And as someone who's working on a Master's degree in Social Work, getting to learn about the weird fucked-up psyches of the rich and famous is weirdly fun as well. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 15, 2019

The A list everything in her mind is tired of trailing her boyfriend everywhere he goes. Each time she doesn't though, he starts talking to other women or making plans to meet other women. It is exhausting for our A lister.

Jennifer Lopez/Alex Rodriguez

Four For Friday - The Gossip Got Her

It is kind of ironic that gossip is what ruined her career. Not gossip about her, although there was plenty, but gossip she would sell. All told, she probably made nearly $1M during her long career selling gossip. She did it all at $500-1000 a pop year after year. She was on a lot of hit shows and whenever she was on one of the shows, suddenly there would be story after story about her co-stars. The only people who give her any kind of work now are people who have been friends with her for a long time and are in a position to give her work. The last straw for most showrunners/producers was her brief gig on a very popular pay cable show. There had never been any gossip about the show in its entire run. Then, in its second to last year, our actress came on board and there was just story after story and people on set were reading things about other people on the set. It was a family of sorts that was torn apart. The show which was supposed to go on for several more seasons suddenly just limped through a final season. The actress was not a part of that last season. She was essentially poison after that. Now her once big career is reduced to one off episodes or doing things on her own. You all know her.

Your Turn

Favorite song from a movie.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 15, 2019

The former A+ list reality star/celebrity who people still don't really like, all but admitted that she arranged, designed and paid for her most recent engagement ring on her own. She also continues to tell everyone where it was purchased to keep her end of the deal with the company.

Paris Hilton

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 15, 2019

Very interesting that Kneepads took the side of a non celebrity in a divorce. Even more rare is they interviewed her. They must know something extra bad about the A- list mostly television actor from the long long long running network television show.

Aryn Drake-Lee/Jesse Williams

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 14, 2019

The actress girlfriend of this Academy Award winner who is in an acting family and not even the most famous in the family has been barred from meeting anyone in the family because she has not signed an NDA.

Floriana Lima/Casey Affleck

Blind Item #8

The A- list reality star has once again hooked up with the foreign singer ex of the A - list mostly movie actress.

Blind Item #7

The thing is that this foreign born permanent A list singer did speak up about prices of her new fashion line which is why they are lower than the company wanted. They were going to charge nearly double what is out there now and are not happy about the current prices.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 14, 2019

The alliterate talk show host wants you to believe one thing, but she sits at home most nights alone with no one to talk to.

Wendy Williams

Blind Item #6

Just to give yet another big middle finger to his accusers, this disgraced producer is actually making millions from his civil settlement with his accusers. The way the deal is structured means money in his pocket. 

Blind Item #5

Considering they were together last night, I am pretty sure the boyfriend of this former A- list actress is probably going to jail. They are co-dependent and she won't say or do anything about it.

Blind Item #4

This former one-fifth who has been fairly quiet this year is about to hit it big because it has been determined by the two program directors of the biggest conglomerates in the country that they want her to hit it big. She will be everywhere the latter half of 2019. This may or not be because she lept with one of the program directors and continues to do so. 

Blind Item #3

This A/A- list director allows their much younger A- list spouse to hook up with fans or whomever else the spouse wants to make sure the spouse never wants a divorce.

Blind Item #2

This A list comic movie actor is making amends for his past actions but still refuses to admit he was wrong for a movie filled with rape jokes which he thinks are still funny and people took the wrong way.

Blind Item #1

The foreign born A- list actor with the hit streaming show and soon to be hit movie just won't come out of the closet for fear of missing out on James Bond. At this point, is there anyone who doesn't know though?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Blind Item #13

You are probably not going to get either of these, but I wanted to tell you about a new scam. There is this actor/writer/producer who makes a steady living making a few crap movies each year. He is far into middle age. He likes the casting couch and since the whole #MeToo movement has changed his approach. He has a couple actresses, one of whom is his latest barely old enough to drink protege who goes to screenings and events and hits red carpets and finds out if someone is willing to hit a casting couch to get a part. If they are, the actress introduces them to the actor/writer/producer who then knows he found someone who is willing. His movie are always filled with no name actresses, all of whom have slept with him.

Blind Item #12

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner was in a hotel this past week and ordered a dozen strippers/hookers. Apparently he passed out before any could arrive so there was this parade of them all entering the lobby of the hotel going to his suite and knocking on his door. This went on for a good 90 minutes.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor is continuing his cheat on his A list girlfriend tour. While out of the country, our actor enjoyed a liaison with a fan who also yachts.

Blind Item #10

Apparently once every month or two photo ops is all this marriage has come to. The foreign born A list mostly movie actor looks as if he is going to stay closeted, but is spending less and less time with his long time wife.

Blind Item #9 - The CBS Embellishing Reporter

This is from FTVLIve

Sources tell FTVLIve that the CBS brass is looking into claims that the Correspondent has been playing a bit loose with the facts.

We also reported that the Correspondent has also been called into HR for the way he has treated the crews working with him on the story. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 14, 2019

#1 - The name of the man arrested while traveling with the foreign born A- list actor with substance abuse issues. ______________________

#2 - The name of the formerly Instagram/barely there celebrity ex/sometime reality star ex of the man arrested in #1. _______________________

#3 - Who the woman in #2 left the man in #1 for. ______________________

#1 - Alki David/Jonathan Rhys Meyers
#2 - Jennifer Stano
#3 - Danielle, who is a dog groomer. 

Today's Blind Items - The Truce

I mean it isn't like the WWI Christmas Day truce, but I think if you went up to random people and asked if these two people would ever get along, you would laugh until you started crying. These two people are complete opposites on the political spectrum. One is way way over on the left and one is way way over on the right. There is one thing that brings them together. One. It is what makes them very unlikely bedfellows. Not that they would get into bed together. I mean, I don't think that would happen. Yeah, that would be the blind of the century if that ever transpired.

I previously have discussed one of the people in this pairing. He is an A list California politician who has some moments caught on camera that he would really like to not have come out.  Most of these moments involve drug use and some sexual situations that are worthy of a 70's porn film director with a vivid imagination and multiple people at his disposal.

Over the past year, this politician has been forced to discuss the situation with someone which then caused the other person to join in the crusade. He has his own reasons for not wanting the recordings to be made public. Although, they would like to own the recordings, this unlikely pair would be perfectly happy to have them destroyed too.

The problem they have faced from the onset is that money is not going to be a factor. The person in possession of the recordings is wealthier than both of the parties by a lot. I mean it isn't even close. So, while it lasts, this secret alliance is one for the books and something no one would ever conceive occurring. 

Your Turn

Which house would you want to be in at Hogwarts?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 14, 2019

The permanent A list "singer" just found out her boyfriend gets paid to be her boyfriend.

Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 14, 2019

I'm not sure things could get more rocky in the marriage of this B+ list long time television actress an her A- list actor husband. All of you know the couple and so many more who didn't, do now.

Felicity Huffman/William H Macy

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 14, 2019

This long long long time reality star who has gone through at least a half dozen formats. Her latest has to hide her long time boyfriend, because obviously that wouldn't fit in with the scenario she is trying to sell.

Kate Gosselin

Blind Item #8

This reality family is doing their best to get this foreign born former A+ list boy bander to film some episodes of the show but he wants no part of how they will try and make him look no matter what they say. If the family wants ratings all they have to do is let the one star tell her truth.

Blind Item #7

The only reason this foreign born singer went back to a certain hair color prior to an upcoming tour is because she was paid a ton of money to do it by a company that sell hair products.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 14, 2019

For a few minutes people at a restaurant in NYC were confused. There was a barely legal teen calling this Oscar winning permanent A list mostly movie actor grandfather and then made out with him. It turns out that is just what he likes to be called by his new girlfriend.

Robert De Niro

Blind Item #6

As I have been telling you for months, it was only a matter of time before this former reality star was granted his release, probably for years while his case is decided. His reality star wife was hoping for a clean break. Now it is going to be super messy and presumably televised. 

Blind Item #5

In the past, while the show was still airing, this foreign born A- list mostly television actress never even uttered a peep about her relationship/affair with her oft taken/now married co-star. Since the end of the show though, she has been pretty open in discussing their relationship. That has to be awkward for his now wife.

Blind Item #4

This A- list rapper has a huge hit on his hands even though he wasn't prepared for it to be a hit yet. All seems rosy on the outside, but his ex just renewed an order for another three years because she still fears for her life. He has not been able to see the child/ren he has with her because of it. It is also why he got fired off that hit network show that has one season left.

Blind Item #3

This one named singer who really doesn't seem to sing much longer got offered mid seven figures up front to reunite with her mogul ex just because he can't find someone who he trusts to reveal all his fetishes and quirks.

Blind Item #2

This A list lawyer is doing his best to dodge a lawsuit directed against him by two people who were in the news a lot this past winter. He also has that whole being caught up in the wave of that porn star lawyer's troubles. 

Blind Item #1

This A list talk show host just signed a new lucrative deal. The thing is though, the deal allows for guest hosts up to half the time. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Blind Item #14

This law and order Governor from a large state uses a staffer to buy marijuana which is completely illegal in the state. 

Blind Item #13

A new eyelash line brought to you by an A- list celebrity is nothing more than a money laundering vehicle for the people behind the line. Our celebrity gets a big fee for being the face of the line and probably has no idea that the company will show losses of tens of millions of dollars for the foreseeable future.

Blind Item #12

Somehow this foreign born A list celebrity chef managed to make millions of dollars from his company while all his investors lost tens of millions.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born barely more than a one hit wonder didn't even get any upfront money for her new non singing project. She had to sleep with one of the founders of the company to land the deal and it only pays her money if there are huge sales. She will make more from the yachting she is adding to this trip than any actual sales from the product.

Blind Item #10

Apparently this southern former reality star who no longer has a show blames one of the producers of said show for our reality star being a former reality star. So, there are several recordings in the former reality star's possession which show the producer engaged in multiple illicit activities, including with some current and former members of the cast. Our former reality star wants to cause some trouble. Releasing the recordings would definitely do that.

Blind Item #9

As I have said before, all a family court judge needs to do to keep this former reality couple at bay is to have them submit to random drug tests. They will fail every single time.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 13, 2019

Two studio executives made a bet. The bet was who could get a movie greenlit with the worst possible casting choices. Box office poison type stuff. The first studio executive managed to get what he thought would be a sure fire winner for the bet. This former A+ list mostly movie actor who is a racist, sexist woman beater starring in a Christmas movie. Had to be a winner right? Not so fast. The other executive said hold my beer and she managed to get a movie to yes with that same former A+ lister and a younger version of the former A+ lister without the religious issues but with much more racist and substance abuse issues. This is what the movie system has turned into.

Studio executive #1: Mel Gibson ("Fatman")
Studio executive #2: Mel Gibson/Shia LaBeouf ("Rothchild")

Today's Blind Items - The Peeper

In the past I have written about this former A+ list singer of a band. They were everywhere for several years before crashing and burning do to his oversized ego, drug addiction and propensity for hitting on the girlfriends of his bandmates, all while married. I have written about how he got kicked out of school for similar behavior. Well, I was hanging out with some guys from a group that opened for this band for several months on tour and they said the singer would hit on their girlfriends too and his favorite way was when the group was on stage performing. He would corner a girlfriend and say that if that girlfriend didn't have sex with the singer he would kick the band off the tour. They said they talked to several other groups who gave the same story. Also, our singer would hang out in the women's bathroom backstage waiting for groupies or attractive women to come in and hit on them or offer to share drugs with them if they sexually serviced him. It is no wonder that no one ever wants to work with him again.

Your Turn

Do you think people will ever live permanently in outer space?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 13, 2019

While filming overseas, this A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has made not just fans in this country mad with his lies about why he can't take photos with them, but also ticking off his much more famous co-stars who think he is being awful. Apparently that guy who is by his side every second of the day and night is really nice though.

Timothee Chalamet

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 13, 2019

Too busy using drugs to make it to this life event was the celebrity offspring of this permanent A++ lister.

Paris Jackson/The college graduation of her brother Prince.

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 13, 2019

The publicity people of the A list singer/sometime actress are the ones leaking that the recent split of the A+ list actor had to do with his feelings for the singer. They just can't stop trying to put them together.

Lady GaGa/Bradley Cooper/Irina Shayk

Blind Item #8

When this A-/B+ list actress has been giving interviews as of late, she has left off the portion where she is always hooking up with a porn actress. Our actress is married and not the highest listed in the family.

Blind Item #7

That domestic violence incident from a couple years ago is something this A list singer and her celebrity husband still can't overcome. The marriage is more rocky than ever.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 13, 2019

The wannabe momager of this singer went house shopping this weekend looking for a place because she thinks she is going to come into some money very soon.

Lynne Spears

Blind Item #6

That foreign born former A+ list MMA athlete/accused rapist is now bff with the self help guru/accused sexual assaulter. Nice pairing.

Blind Item #5

The casting agent is a Scientologist, so this live action spin on a classic cartoon is going to be filled with loyal members.

Blind Item #4

The Russian spy who seemingly just gets more deeply embedded in Hollywood each day dreaming of being a star is being trashed once again by her mother-in-law who calls her a serial abuser of the mother-in-law's former convict son.

Blind Item #3

This one named singer who has a new middling record out right now has received a longer span of attention for a recent announcement than the length of the seminar she is set to attend. Her publicists made it seem as if this was so much more than what it is.

Blind Item #2

This A list director spent an evening with this foreign born director/rapist where they each screened the other's new film and sucked up to each other. The former then praised the latter publicly which is not going to help things press wise.

Blind Item #1

It was a newsworthy gift for sure from this A- list rapper/singer to this former A list singer. The thing is though, the record label paid for it along with the company that delivered it in exchange for the publicity they knew would occur.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Blind Item #13

Here is a question. If this permanent A list mostly movie actor is so serious or involved with his model girlfriend, why on earth did the model girlfriend spend several hours alone in the hotel room of this former A list mostly comic movie actor?

Blind Item #12

The dance card so to speak of this B+ list mostly movie actress with a long long running franchise has been full the past few days. She has been welcomed back by many of her former customers who says she is the best threesome partner of all time.

Blind Item #11

The foreign born former A+ lust tweener has a list of producers who he bugs every day to see if they will call his ex for him so they can record a track together.

Blind Item #10

As I have told you before, this former A list mostly movie actress from a now defunct franchise who is probably A-/B+ list at this point hooks up with her model ex all the time. I think that model ex also wanted to make sure people firmly knew she wanted no part of what the former boy bander was trying to sell to the public.

Blind Item #9

A distributor might end up buying the finished film of this disgraced former A list director. The thing is though, no matter how much PR you buy, you will never get the stars of the movie to do any press for it whatsoever. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 12, 2019

This permanent A+ list singer had her ex embezzle a ton of money from her. Our singer goes on tour to make up for it and also has sponsored her life so she can be as frugal as possible. She promotes a car service who drives her everywhere for free. A meal service who sends her every meal for free. A chef service who prepares it. A housekeeping service who cleans her place. The list is endless.

Mary J Blige

Today's Blind Items - The Missing Child

Sporadically over the last decade I have written about several celebrity couples and several actresses on their own who adopted children during the Angelina Jolie led everyone has to adopt to look cool phase in Hollywood. There was the couple who returned their baby and another who tried to return their baby. There have been several who turned the raising of the child or children to relatives because they just couldn't be bothered after that initial publicity blitz they craved.

The thing is though, there was an actress back then who adopted a child and after being everywhere with the child, the child suddenly disappeared. Where did the child go? They adopted the child through an organization that only existed long enough to serve the celebrity craze. The child came from New Orleans. That is all that anyone remembers. Child Protective Services has never investigated because the agency never told them about it and paperwork was scarce coming from New Orleans after Katrina, if there was any paperwork at all. There was definitely a market where babies or toddler who had parents with drug issues were straight up bought and paperwork could be manufactured at a later date. The demand was high. An adopted baby was a status symbol and a baby of color was even more desirable. When couples gave the babies back, they never went back to the homes or centers where they were found. They were just forwarded on to another couple or family and lost to their past.

One actress who starred on a very hit network show that aired for a long time and was a police type show adopted a toddler. The toddler had some issues because they had been born addicted to drugs. Our actress couldn't handle the toddler but did make sure she got publicity for adoption. Within a year after adopting the toddler though, he was gone. Vanished. No sightings, no relatives, no nothing. Wen friends asked, the toddler was at a friend's house or family or at a sitter. Eventually, they all stopped asking, but there has never been a resolution. A filmmaker is trying to locate all these children without paperwork. This child though, is someone that no one is discussing. Is the former child who would now be a teen alive? The actress pretends to not even know she adopted a child back in the day and says it was just for the cameras. No one is buying that. Where is the child?

Your Turn

Who has been the best James Bond?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 12, 2019

In what might be one of the dumbest moves ever, this A+ list mostly movie actor hooked up with his A+/A list actress ex. Apparently she wanted to clear the air and they had lunch. Neutral ground at a restaurant she rented out which is usually closed at lunch. After they ate, the two hooked up in the private room. When I say dumbest moves ever, I am referring to each of them.

Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 12, 2019

I'm not sure this former Teen Mom could be any more obvious about wanting to come back to the franchise.

Farrah Abraham

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 12, 2019

This former A list NFL star who is a serial cheater spent part of this weekend cheating on his B list celebrity/lower on the list as an actress girlfriend. She should be used to it not only from him but for the serial singing cheater/beater she previously dated.

Karrueche Tran/Victor Cruz/Chris Brown

Blind Item #8

Apparently back in the day, this permanent A list mostly movie actor all of you know made his actress wife all of you know have her tubes tied so she could never have any other children. It was supposed to give a special aura to the child they had together.

Blind Item #7

I bet these various singers who are participating in the weekly service have no idea the founder records all their efforts and is talking about selling a live album but taking all the proceeds for himself.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 11, 2019

This foreign born A+/A list singer has his people scrambling behind the scenes to keep this foreign born former A- list singer/reality judge who is a lover of last names. They are doing their best to keep her from saying anything about a new song that was released or suing. She will get a huge check to stay silent.

Ed Sheeran/Justin Bieber/Cheryl Cole

Blind Item #6

This barely there celebrity offspring of a very much in trouble alliterate actress only wants to return to the place she left voluntarily because someone pitched a show starring her which would follow along with her, but only if she is allowed to return to the place she never wanted to be in the first place.

Blind Item #5

Several fixers and yachters are finally speaking out about how the alliterate former actress was bouncing from wealthy man to the next hoping for one to stick. She didn't care who they were as long as they were wealthy. Well, she managed to exceed her won expectations. 

Blind Item #4

That foreign born special friend who was one of the causes of a big riff between two long time friends/partners is firmly in the camp of the permanent A list model and her family. If people get the impression he is dating one of their offspring, then that is all the better.

Blind Item #3

With all of the new legal fronts being fought, this A- list mostly movie actress who is trying to keep her own movie franchise has received another large amount from the celebrity CEO to help pay for her defense. 

Blind Item #2

After her significant other said she could lose a couple of pounds, which is ridiculous, this A- list mostly movie actress from an acting family all of you know has been starving herself over the past several weeks.

Blind Item #1

This permanent A++ list celebrity says the victims are mistaken and that this self-help guru was probably just misunderstood.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Item #13

A few enterprising leaders, including a former actress, of this former cult have started an escort service using some of the still brainwashed former members.

Blind Item #12

Apparently the two main actresses on that third times a charm reboot of a television show have been doing their best to get tabloids to bite that their old nemesis is still trying to ruin things. The two actresses still can't get over the fact that they were forced to add their nemesis to the show. They want her gone.

Blind Item #11

The reality family doesn't sit for depositions so a check will be written soon to that former stripper who has them on the ropes.

Blind Item #10

More superhero show drama. This A- list actress on an almost network superhero show was ticked off she was only offered a recurring role, so she got herself another gig which forced the superhero show to make her full time. To do that though, they had to cut a fan favorite who has superhero all throughout her family down to a recurring.

Blind Item #9

Worried about the book coming from the former female lover of the permanent A+ list singer is the relative of the singer. I previously told you how it is going to expose the horrors inflicted by the relative. So, the relative announces a bunch of new records and a tour that will probably never happen. Distract, distract.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 11, 2019

The online tabloid took a couple more shots at the permanent A list "singer." She walked into court with heels. She got a huge blister. She removed them for the walk out because no one could find her emergency air of flip flops for just this scenario. Acting like it was some kind of mental issue was wrong and they knew better.

Britney Spears/TMZ

Today's Blind Items - Not Going To Last

A brand new show is headed to a network. It is a comedy. The network is hopeful it is going to fit right into its existing comedy lineup. The thing is though, there are already whispers that things could be uncomfortable on set. The lead actor, who most of you know was able to keep his multiple affairs back in the day out of the news. His then wife agreed to stay quiet about the affairs. Since then, he broke up a marriage when he had a fling with a co-star. He has a long time girlfriend who was also married when they started hooking up and he has cheated on her with at least one of his new co-stars. This could all get very messy.

Your Turn

Would the movie Soul Man be released in 2019?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 10, 2019

If you think you have seen hyping your own company by the celebrity CEO, you have not seen anything yet. The 90 day nine figure potential payday down the road for this CEO has him trying to find any reporter who will do his bidding. Of course the celebrity CEO throws in women and drugs, so might have a little more loyalty. Our nine figure CEO already has bot armies in place to try and stop the negatives he knows will be rightfully coming. He has the greed bug.

Elon Musk/Dara Khosrowshahi (he gets paid $100M if he can keep the market valuation of the company above $120B for 90 days)

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 10, 2019

This foreign born permanent A+ list model who is known more for her temper and yachting the past decade than modeling took that really big check to say nice things about this conglomerate designer in their PR storm.

Naomi Campbell/Gucci

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 10, 2019

It was nice of this trade to finally acknowledge that this foreign A++ list film festival has evolved into just an elaborate cover for yachting. If they had wanted to be helpful though, they could have called out all the producers/directors/buyers/actors who fuel that business.

The Hollywood Reporter/Cannes

Blind Item #8

This very outspoken A/A- list mostly movie actress who has multiple Academy Award wins/nominations always likes to call out horrid behavior by others. Apparently though, she is fine though with the behavior of her foreign born A- list co-star even though his own family hates him for that behavior.

Blind Item #7

This A- list mostly television actress from a long running very hit network comedy has also enjoyed lots of success in movies. Her latest boyfriend has been hooking up with her long time assistant.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 10, 2019

I warned you this would happen. Not only are the tabloids ignoring the obvious and treating the public like fools by suggesting/implying/hinting/saying it straight out that this A- list reality star and the foreign born former boy bander are dating, now they are dragging into it this athlete who is "jealous." Stop the madness.

Kendall Jenner/Harry Styles/Ben Simmons

Blind Item #6

Look for the permanent A list "singer" to be out and about all the time over the next few weeks to show she is not being held captive. The thing is though, each excursion is heavily regulated and monitored and will end in a second if anything out of the ordinary occurs.

Blind Item #5

With all of her commitments to work finished, people are worried that this foreign born A- list mostly television actress last seen in a huge pay cable show will increase her already high level of daily alcohol intake.

Blind Item #4

Apparently this is day four or five of being awake on the latest meth binge of this former MTV reality star turned possible future convict.

Blind Item #3

Maybe this latest episode will finally convince the foreign born former A/-A list singer turned reality judge to quit drugs once and for all.

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list mostly movie actor/director is throwing names out for a new project he is involved in so people will go after them for being involved with him while he privately goes after the people he really wants.

Blind Item #1

Always entertaining when someone like this A+/A list rapper wins multiple songwriting awards despite never having written a song.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 9, 2019

The heart attack threatening producer just lost his highest paying gig. That house of cards just got more shaky. Lets watch that wedding turn into an Elvis elopement to save some money.

Randall Emmett/Power canceled/Lauren from Utah

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 9, 2019

I guess at this point, the wealthy offspring of an even wealthier dad just doesn't care that her B-/C+ list celebrity spends her money while traveling all over the world without her and will cheat on her with anyone. Last night was no exception. At one store yesterday he spent $15K of her money. Then cheated on her last night. Great relationship.

Chloe Green/Jeremy Meeks

Blind Item #8

Don't believe the hype. This designer sounding like rapper who spent a significant amount of time in jail says he wants to give a great show which is why he is canceling dates. Umm, then why hasn't he canceled dates here in the US? Hmmm. How come you just can't be real and say the other country barred you from entering the country because of your criminal record? 

Blind Item #7

This former A- list reality star who has been on multiple reality shows is still way underage. The police are investigating reports that she is being offered for sale to various older men.

Blind Item #6

Dear former girlfriend of the rapper who is pretty much only famous because of who he once dated,

You got a tattoo on your face to make this guy happy and last night he hooked up with two different women.

Run away from him now.

Blind Item #5

This former A list rapper who spent a lot of time in prison is just not cutting it any longer as a performer. Too many years of drugs have ruined her talent. So, then she falls back to her favorite way to make money which is threatening to expose at least one permanent A+ list rapper for what he did to her when she was way underage. He is getting tired of it. Is 2019, the year she ends up dead?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 9, 2019

These two actresses who co-star on a network superhero show are at the point where they actively hate each other. Look for one of them to end up leaving the show. There is just too much tension and drama between them right now and they are asking people to take sides.

Chloe Bennet/Natalia Cordova/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 9, 2019

Exactly as I told you when it happened, the police in this country are looking at murder in the death of this model who died in a Natalie Wood kind of way.

Caroline Bittencourt/Brazil

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 9, 2019

Later this month, the never good to have him as your manager is headed for a hearing. A lengthy hearing with lots of publicity. He is hoping for some interviews prior to it where he will not be discussing the subject of the hearing, but instead his former client, and long time possible murder suspect. He knows it will get lots of attention and that is what he wants. Perhaps he is looking for a settlement from her.

Sam Lutfi/Courtney Love/Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 9, 2019

Does this foreign born A- list actress not realize that her brother-in-law and the owner of the wedding venue already told the actual story of how the wedding came to be at that location? What is this nonsense in interviews she is spewing about the brother-in-law coming up with the idea an hour before it happened. She is so desperate to make the story about herself that she doesn't even care about the facts.

Priyanka Chopra

Blind Item #4

This former A- list actress from a much beloved teen type cable show is not telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth about her recent run in with international law enforcement. They wanted to know about the guy she has made multiple trips to the country to see who does not enjoy a squeaky clean reputation in his own country and is not allowed to travel to many other countries.

Blind Item #3

Because of a lack of any new attention being directed her way and because people have moved on from the former A- list actress who had the news filled 2018 she decided to try and insert herself into the network actress and her situation. I think our former A- list actress thought that 2019 would be filled with job offers and people still wanting to speak with her. Not so much.

Blind Item #2

By my count, this A- list model who really only got to be a model because she is a celebrity offspring of some barely there celebrities is still fairly young. Unlike a sibling, this family member has embraced multiple surgeries and procedures and doesn't seem to want to stop. A decade from now, there probably won't be anything real left in or on her.

Blind Item #1 - Mr. X

The soon to be ex husband of the alliterate talk show host is feeding made up stories to several media outlets, including one particular YouTuber, that he is getting back together with his soon to be ex wife. I don't know what fantasy world he's living in, but if your ex travels around with a security guard everywhere she goes because she's afraid of getting hurt by you... yeah she really wants you back. Just look at her demeanor these last few weeks on her show, she's living her best life now that  she's s single lady. He should be more concerned about the Feds investigating him and his mistress for money laundering and using his now defunct charity to give gifts to the mistress.