Saturday, April 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 6, 2019

This flowering financial institution should reach out for help from those who want to help her instead of bouncing around from one place to another one step above homeless.

Azealia Banks

Blind Item #8

I'm not sure this former A+ list mostly movie actor has been all that forthcoming with his legal counsel about certain events.

Blind Item #7

At a Starbucks close to where artists check in to Coachella, this musician from a band that uses an article in their name offered up a wristband to a group of barely old enough to drink women. All they had to do was join him in a van parked in the parking lot. One of them said yes and emerged 20 minutes later with a backstage wristband.

Blind Item #6

Last night, this A- list rapper who sounds like a cheese/movie title had sex with multiple women and refused to use a condom with any of them. He said they could leave if they didn't want that. None of them left.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born slightly more than a one hit wonder was trolling for rich boyfriends who wanted to spend some time with her at an event last night. It was embarrassing. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 6, 2019

This A-/B+ list rapper who is barely old enough to drink got busted doing what he is known for which is trolling through high schools and middle schools looking for teens he can have sex with. One of them fought back when he raped her and busted him.

Kodak Black

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 6, 2019

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is slowly dropping to B+ at least acting wise is paying off magazines in her home country to slam other publications who publish the truth about her marriage.

Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 5, 2019

The foreign born former A list syndicated actress turned reality star turned celebrity so far has been fending off the appeals for her to come to London in person. She knows there could be some type of kidnapping or murder in the next couple of days and wants to be nowhere close.

Pamela Anderson

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 5, 2019

Someone better check to see if the ring recently received by this momager turned reality star turned moocher is real. Something tells me it isn't.

Dina Lohan

Blind Item #4

The coke at several parties in Coachella last night as provided by this former A-/B+ tween actress turned the same as an older teen. Two hit shows to her credit.

Blind Item #3

Don't believe the hype of a recent magazine cover. None of the people on it actually like being with women.

Blind Item #2

I recently told you that one of the people paying for the legal defense of the former actress turned cult leader was a shocker. The person helping to pay it is a female former in-law of the heiresses. 

Blind Item #1

What "recently retired" actress must have pulled out her checkbook (ha, more like her new family's sweeping influence and resources)  to put the kibosh on a TV series loosely based on her life? Someone close to the alliterative celeb was developing a comedic take on her divorce and life with the second hubby (adding kids to the "faux" mix slash story) and getting lots of traction, 'til suddenly POOF the idea and project disappeared entirely.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Blind Item #13

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who rarely acts any longer loves her men young, but she needs to check the drivers license on this new one because apparently he is still in high school and bragging to his friends. Apparently one of the offspring of the actress used to babysit the high schooler.

Blind Item #12

This Teen Mom is hooking up with a doctor in exchange for pill prescriptions.

Blind Item #11

One of the celebrity offspring caught up in a certain scandal has shown no remorse. She has however, shown a fondness for coke which she has been using a lot lately.

Blind Item #10

The most important family member to this former tweener turned A- list adult singer/actress is pushing the singer/actress to get a restraining order against the foreign born former A+ list tweener. Something happened in the past ten days or so, but not sure what it is, only that family members are worried.

Blind Item #9

This foreign-born A- list mostly television actress with a failed movie career behind her and paying for exposure is entering into her last season of this hit pay cable show. She didn't show up last night for this popular foreign chat show yesterday which left her foreign-born co-star to talk about the show by himself but she still somehow had time to go shopping.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 5, 2019

When you can pick up the phone and call Mark Zuckerberg, I guess you get the social media handle you want even if it has already being used by someone. They didn't even bother to ask the owner because they are so entitled.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry

Four For Friday - The Dealer

There is a drug dealer in LA who I have written about in the past. He charges double and sometimes triple what a regular dealer would charge, simply because he knows celebrities are not going out to compare prices. They want someone they can trust and honestly, most of them have no idea how much what they are buying is supposed to cost. This dealer makes nearly $10M a year profit and really has no fear of ever getting busted by the law. However, there is one thing he does fear and he is spreading the word to his clients about that fear and they are starting to get involved. There is currently a lawsuit out there that involves two very high profile people. One is an A list actor and the other is an A- list actress. The A- list actress is by far the best client the dealer has. Not so far as her personal use goes, but for the sheer volume of people she has introduced to the dealer. Nearly 75% of his business came through her referrals. One of those referrals is a celebrity CEO who will most assuredly be brought into this lawsuit at some point. There will be questions about drug use. Once that happens, the dealer knows it is highly likely that his name will be brought up. This is a civil trial, and not criminal, however our dealer knows he will then probably be asked to give a deposition and he won't be able to answer the questions without leaving himself open to criminal charges down the road. Our actress will probably be asked about drugs and certain names will come up. The dealer is warning those people to get involved now. They include studio executives, several A/A- list closeted actresses, married actors who have "partied" with the actress. All of these people are now starting to put pressure on the two people involved in the suit to drop it all because they could bring down a house of cards that will send a lot of careers and lives down a hole. 

Your Turn

Beverly Clearly is 103 today. Who is a children's author you love from your childhood?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 5, 2019

The taunts by this foreign born fighter directed at another foreign born now former fighter about what the former fighter is being accused are kind of ironic considering the accusations leveled at the former which have been documented in this space.

Khabib Nurmagomedov (sexual assault)/Conor McGregor (sexual assault)

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 5, 2019

He has enough money to maintain his drug habit forever. However, this foreign born former A+ list boy bander has also been talking suicide and needs help now.

Zayn Malik

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 4, 2019

Apparently in the world of this former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort, Ariel was a two pack a day smoker for fifteen years with a dry raspy voice who looked 50. Does the actress really think she is right for the role? That producers would take a chance on her for a LIVE performance?

Lindsay Lohan/Ariel live performance

Blind Item #8

This soon to be way out of the closet foreign born A- list mostly television actor has been hooking up with a guy fairly regularly, but also has a profile on Grindr and even hit up a "spa" in West Hollywood looking for a quick hookup.

Blind Item #7

This three named former A- list celebrity says she had her heart broken when a married guy she had been seeing for two years and paying her five figures a month to be with her, suddenly broke it off. I think her wallet was broken more than her heart.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 4, 2019

This permanent B+ list mostly movie actress was rightfully bragging about her new plastic surgeon. She looked flawless and a decade younger.

Marisa Tomei

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly television actor who stars on a very hit cable show with multiple spinoffs and loves a good convention frequently hooks up with his permanent celebrity ex.

Blind Item #5

There is creepy and then there is next level creepy. The reality star father of another reality star watches his offspring every day to make sure she takes her birth control pill.

Blind Item #4

In the past couple of weeks, I told you about the porn star that this A list mostly movie actor/sometime director was hooking up with. Apparently the oft screwed over girlfriend finally confronted him about it and broke off her relationship with the actor again.

Blind Item #3

This alliterate A list reality star can say what she wants publicly about what she told her A list husband, but the truth is, he owes a ton of money to a permanent A lister and at this rate will never pay the money back.

Blind Item #2

The same DA that gave the disgraced producer leniency and ignored lots of charges against him was even more blatant in his money for looking the other way justice for the billionaire pedophile.

Blind Item #1

Considering that they don't ever really even speak to each other, it was pretty obvious the alliterate former singer turned actress was using a premiere as publicity for herself and not for her sometime co-star.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blind Item #13

Don't believe the hype. This former reality star turned convict turned future reality star at least for a season is not on suicide watch. 

Blind Item #12

Hopefully this long time B+ list mostly movie actress finally sees the light and dumps the multiple reality show husband she should have dumped when that scandal first hit. Now, she is getting cheated on by him.

Blind Item #11

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress got a breast lift and a one size increase for her soon to be husband. The actress said last night that since her highly publicized divorce was finalized, she feels like the clouds have parted.

Blind Item #10

Once again, this foreign born A list mostly movie actor takes every opportunity of being apart from his wife, to cheat. He is loving this press tour because it is massive.

Blind Item #9

They haven't had to resort to a cash grab in a long time. Apparently sales for the former A list tween actresses turned moguls, are floundering so, have decided to get a huge guaranteed check plus lots more potential for very little risk, except to the brand.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 4, 2019

This back in the day A list singer from an A list group is too slow to beat his much younger girlfriend. If only his ex had been that fast, she wouldn't have had years of beatings.

Don McLean

Today's Blind Items - Blackmail

There is a celebrity out there who is probably B-/C+ list. The thing is, most of you know who the celebrity is. The rest of the world who doesn't read gossip? Probably not. She did a tiny bit of reality, but nothing that sticks. For several years, she has made her living yachting. Mostly guys who want to see her for a night and she meets them at events she gets invited to. She then landed a guy who is married and is in a top two position at a top two studio. He couldn't get enough of her and lavished gifts on her and took her with him every chance he could when he could get away from his family. She started pressuring him to leave his wife and be with her. The thing is, that was never going to happen. She kept pressuring and he finally just broke it off. Now? She has videos of them together sexually and pictures of the cash and the gifts he gave her, most of which were purchased with a work credit card. She wants to keep the lavish lifestyle going. He is trying to figure out a way he can buy her off. If the company found out how much he spent on her which he claimed as expenses, he will be headed out the exit. The celebrity has the studio head right where she wants him and wants $1M. He could go to the police, but he would be writing his firing and divorce.

Your Turn

Do you know more than one language?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 4, 2019

This former A list tween and teen actress turned B+ list adult actress continues to be out of touch with everyone and is just lost in a world of elite privilege. This is the same actress who would wait 20 minutes for a golf cart to pick her up so she wouldn't have to walk the fifty feet to her trailer.

Melissa Joan Hart

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 4, 2019

This singer turned reality star turned host sure knows how to pick the guys that will cheat on her the most.

Tamar Braxton

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 3, 2019

There are lots of offers always out there for the former actress turned celebrity. The thing is though, she can't take them. What if though, it was just a voice over role? Interesting thought/angle that is very intriguing to the actress, and maybe palatable enough for those that make the rules.

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #8

This former B list celebrity/part-time reality star who was married to an A+/A lister traveled across the country for drugs and paid sex.

Blind Item #7

Just go ahead and assume that whenever you see this former MTV star turned porn star outside the country, that she is yachting. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 3, 2019

Even if the alliterate talk show host gets everything together in the next couple of weeks, the show may be finished anyway because a new show is going to be tested this summer with a eye towards replacing the alliterate one.

Wendy Williams/RuPaul

Blind Item #6

The foreign born singer turned reality host turned fired reality host couldn't burn any more bridges by having multiple celebrities being forced to testify under oath about the singer's sex life and if the celebrities had been involved in the sex life and anything else that could damage future money making opportunities. It was going to be ugly, so a big check was written.

Blind Item #5

Now that she won't be killed in the streets, look for the foreign born former A list syndicated actress to visit the foreign born A list celebrity. 

Blind Item #4

This A list director with vowels in the front and back of his last name agreed to speak at an event because he wanted to hit on an actress who will also be there.

Blind Item #3

This one named singer is probably A/A- list and is receiving a songwriting award despite the fact she almost exclusively uses ghostwriters. 

Blind Item #2

This late night talk show host should have shut down his guest and what she was saying. He wouldn't though because he lets her do and say whatever she wants even if it makes them both look awful for doing so.

Blind Item #1

Funny how Coachella can turn a blind eye to the allegations of sex with minors for years and give that popular DJ arguably the best slot on Saturday night. Literally giving him a conflict-free peak crowd headlining time

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Blind Item #13

This one named rapper is probably A- list. He has gone toe to toe with his most famous A- list singer ex about his lack of child support/visitation/being a terrible parent. Apparently he has not one, but two women pregnant right now which would make seven different mothers.

Blind Item #12

So much for the possibility of selling the story or getting a cover now for this HGTV star who was in talks to do just that.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born former A+ list mostly movie action star who abused one of his kids and essentially abandoned another is really ticking off producers who thought they had a deal in place for an installment of a franchise.

Blind Item #10

I'm guessing that this A list performer in her corner of the this sport would fail a drug test. She is becoming much like that female who used to be in the same corner.

Blind Item #9

I don't know how much it would be worth, but you would think this former A- list mostly television actress turned direct to video turned soon to be reality star might want to pay up solely to retrieve the old laptop from storage that has videos of her partying in ways that are not very PG friendly.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 3, 2019

Still no offers for work for this former A- list mostly television actress from a hit pay cable show she walked away from. She thought she was going to be a huge movie star but the launch movie crashed and burned in a huge way.

Emmy Rossum

Today's Blind Items - The Club

The club consists of four actresses that I know of. There could be a couple more that I haven't heard about, but it is a pretty tough club to get into and the dues are high. Not high in the sense that it costs a lot financially, but it does take a high toll on relationships and your ability to connect with an audience. When this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee wanted to join, it cost her a long term relationship with her actor significant other. They had other issues too, but he just couldn't move past it.

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is in the club and it has not taken a toll on her relationships in private, but she went from visible all of the time and front and center to someone who barely even works any longer. She doesn't want the spotlight from the press which is required after doing movies because someone will start asking questions. One of the rules of the club is you must do pap photos with your chosen offspring at least once per month, but she doesn't do it. Our first actress does, but her ex refuses to go along with it and the requirements for the photo.

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee follows most of the rules, but would really like to find someone who can support her inclusion in the club and what it entails. There are not many who would agree to that, not to mention all the other behind the scenes stuff she brings to the table.

The most open about her inclusion in the club is this former A+ list mostly movie actress who is also an Academy Award winner/nominee. She proudly does the pap thing, but also had a relationship crash and burn because of her insistence on being in the club.

There is talk this A list mostly movie actress is set to join the club. Her significant other is against it and there is also an unwritten rule you need to be an Oscar nominee/winner to join. I think the paps smell that she is about to join which is why all of them have been following her. That is something that never really happens.

Your Turn

You get one question to ask any celebrity they have to answer. Who, and what would be the question?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 3, 2019

The animosity is strong between this long time couple to the point where they can no longer work together. The celebrity offspring actress gave an ultimatum that it was either her or the ex and the showrunner chose her to remain.

Emma Roberts/Evan Peters/Ryan Murphy

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 3, 2019

This A list singer is using the sexuality conversation simply as a publicity mechanism.

Ariana Grande

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 3, 2019

Same prosecutor, same conversations. They are discussing dramatically reducing the number of charges against the singer/child rapist and maybe even dismissing all of the charges.

Kim Foxx/R. Kelly

Blind Item #8

Lots of people are calling out the A- list mostly television actress from multiple hit shows for her money plea, but how about calling her out for that acting lesson scam.

Blind Item #7

A couple of years ago, this permanent A++ list celebrity didn't and wouldn't have given the time of day to the former alliterate actress turned celebrity. But now, she sees ratings and the former actress is her "dear friend."

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Tricia13

April 2, 2019

What controversial cast members (one former), made tongue’s wag when they showed up together to a local school /community fundraiser? They were all over each other and didn’t stay very long at all. Oh,and did I mention they were both blind drunk? Nothing says charity more than -a drunken couple of fools,🙄Bless their hearts....

Thomas Ravenal/Ashley Jacobs

Blind Item #6

If there is a ruling against her, look for the permanent A list singer to write a check to settle her current legal situation so she doesn't have to provide certain medical documents. There is no way she wants them public.

Blind Item #5

Once again, this former C list celebrity/reality star is showing who exactly he is by trying to get more free money and not actually getting a job. 

Blind Item #4

This A- list mostly television actress from a hit streaming show was at least asked a question about her religion. No followup about her non answer, especially the one part of her answer which required a followup because of how hypocritical it was.

Blind Item #3

I'm not sure why this former Olympic champ feels the need to hide his sexuality and marry a beard, but that is what he is doing.

Blind Item #2

This disgraced news anchor is thisclose to returning to your television set andprobably on his old network.

Blind Item #1

This A list actor/director isn't just controlling of his former significant other body and attitude but runs all things behind sexy closed doors? The high strung, controlling  actor is a Type A who likes to be on top in EVERY arena - be it set, cutting room, OR the bedroom. 

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Blind Item #13

This reality star who does most of her realitying in another country says this A- list reality star who she once co-starred with, makes the majority of her income from yachting.

Blind Item #12

I give them credit for doing something when the backlash got too loud, but for this festival to plead ignorance and not know the permanent A- list musician subject of the film is a child rapist is hard to fathom. 

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress entering into her last season on this long-running hit pay cable show has been paying for exposure now that she knows her career is coming to an end and has spoken out about her medical condition.

Blind Item #10

What A list showrunner/director/writer who openly claims to have 'fallen into the trappings" of being famous and approached by women is anything BUT a hapless victim? If you think casting couching talent and telling at least one writer "You need to screw me to get your script read" is 'affairs" then he needs to look up the definition of consensual adults and mutual sex. Maybe the wife who publicly called him out already knows that the geek turned Hollywood heavy is a liar on more than one front....

Blind Item #9

The streaming service is going to regret their big signing when those underage teens finally work up the courage to discuss what he has done.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Mr. X

April 2, 2019

There is a new book being written about the deceased permanent A+ list singer/actress/reality star. In it, the family of the singer is going to be trashed for taking advantage of her.

Whitney Houston

Today's Blind Items - The Hit

I have written and spoken about this case before. What I never knew until Sunday night though is that this permanent A list mostly movie actor who really got a career boost a couple of years back with a new franchise, reached out to police about this case. He wasn't home when it happened, but came back home a few days after. Because his house has a lot of video cameras and was in the right place at the right time, he had video which would be really useful. The cameras were focused more on the front yard and door, so you can't see the actual crime in progress but you could see the shape of a person coming and then fleeing afterwards. He called the police and told them, but they didn't seem interested. He had his agent call for him too, and still the police weren't interested. When he downloaded the footage and emailed it to them, he never heard back. He thinks it shows the killer because of the time stamp and to this day is frustrated because he can't find out if anyone ever saw it.

Your Turn

Movie you have watched the most.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 2, 2019

Klassic move by this A- list reality star who likes to show you how to look good naked. You know all those people who lost their jobs at the holidays because Klassic and her family shut down their app? Yeah, well now, Klassic just launched a brand new venture that sounds like me after several bowls of chili with the exact same word for word picture for picture stuff that was on the app. Does Klassic think no one will notice? Someone should do a side by side and see just how Klazy the effort is.

Kourtney Kardashian/Poosh

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 2, 2019

At least five years ago, I was discussing it and then two years ago there were a series of articles talking about this A list magician and his multiple sexual assaults against women. The same sexual assaults being discussed now. It seems as if it is always just discussion and no actual action.

David Blaine

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 2, 2019

The talk about this thirsty foreign born A- list mostly movie actress getting her own franchise is just talk. She is in talks to do something with a director from the universe, but it is something outside the universe.

Priyanka Chopra/Joe Russo/Marvel

Blind Item #8

The B list actress who really doesn't work but that every single one of you know because of that ill fated marriage was wine buzzed over the weekend which, as I have said before is the best time you can ever run into her. She lets go of that wall she has to always have up and is the best. The happiest drinker you will meet.

Blind Item #7

The hard to spell model and her husband are being watched by an investigator pertaining to their recent legal matter. Apparently they are trying to determine what the pair does everyday and if they qualify for the exemption they claim.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 2, 2019

This foreign born oft married/many children former A list celebrity/porn star turned B+ list celebrity prefers partying to anything, including showing up on time to things to revive her career like television shows.

Katie Price

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly television actress who is only that high because she keeps getting cast as leads in shows despite them not being successful, is also a former beard. She is also set to do some yachting this week. Real yachting, not the land based stuff.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress who was recently a regular in three separate shows at the same time had the opportunity this weekend to discuss why she left one of those shows, but chose to keep quiet about it. I smell a confidential settlement.

Blind Item #4

These two foreign born co-stars from a hit television show who also happen to be married looked miserable during a night out last night. I'm not sure why they continue to drag this thing out.

Blind Item #3

She couldn't just say she was late, so this former B list celebrity most of you know because of who she was married to, made up an involved tale of why she was late that sounded good but isn't what happens when you deal with this government agency.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born A- list dual threat actor who once starred in a soon to be defunct hit pay cable show and has some other television hits and a big movie coming out soon had been closeted. I guess he just blew that door wide open.

Blind Item #1

Just as I told you a couple of weeks ago would occur, that business decision by a recently retired foreign born A list athlete just wrapped up the main part.  This will cause all the other tail ends of his exposure on this matter to also drop away very soon.

Monday, April 08, 2019

Blind Item #13

Don't believe the hype. This B+ list dual threat actress who hit her peak about a decade ago and won't ever live down a certain scene isn't dating the social media star. She is however interested in his fanbase to boost her career so will gladly let people think they are dating.

Blind Item #12

That foreign born former A list celebrity in her own country who was probably B here at her sex tape peak is thisclose to having her kids taken from her because of her drug use and violent behavior towards other family members.

Blind Item #11

There was an event this weekend that normally would have drawn close to zero industry executives. This one though had dozens attend. Why? It was filled with tweens and very young teens all looking to keep working in the industry. The executives took full advantage of it with a lot of sharing booze and unsolicited groping and pawing. There were at least four or five teens not even old enough to drive who left alone after being paired off with an executive. 

Blind Item #10

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress is on a hit streaming show and has a really quirky thing about her which connects her to another show. Anyway, she has a big heroin problem that she thinks she is managing just fine.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born former A list tweener turned B list adult singer is closeted, but was spotted out last night with his boyfriend and the singer was not happy to be seen.

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 5, 2019

Don't believe her hype. This former celebrity turned reality star turned celebrity turned controversial celebrity doesn't have the #1 thing at any makeup store. She is just trying to salvage what is left of her brand after her comments and decisions over the past year.

Kat Von D

Today's Blind Items - Bring Me A Bottle - Old Hollywood

There were a lot of tragedies back in old Hollywood. Many of them happened to the actors and actresses that were trying and mostly failing to transition from silent movies to talkies. One of those was the subject of our blind. She was foreign born and worked for some of the biggest directors of the time, including ones still known today. She was always known as someone who would definitely hit the casting couch to get work and she got a lot of work. She even worked a lot via the casting couch even while she was married to an at that time A list actor. The thing is though, he didn't know she was doing that and when he found out, he left her and then started talking publicly about what she had done. This caused her to start losing out on a bunch of work. The husband was not finished with his revenge though. He knew she was an alcoholic who was trying to quit and he would send over producers to her place with booze knowing she would drink it because she wouldn't say no to them for fear of missing out on a job. Soon, her drinking was so bad she couldn't work at all and spent her life trading sex for booze. She didn't even care about money. It was just a procession of men all day and night.

The ex came over one night and got his final revenge by killing her. Her corpse was found several days later, but she was in such bad shape from the abuse her body had taken and what her dog had done to the body that no one even suspected she had been killed and probably wouldn't have done anything about it anyway.

Your Turn

What is the genre of music you listen to the most?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 1, 2019

This foreign born A list rapper thinks this former model turned celebrity turned reality star turned him in after he dumped her.

21 Savage/Amber Rose

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 1, 2019

Another vacation for this former A list teen mostly movie actor. Amazing how he gets some donations and then takes a big vacation.

Corey Feldman

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 1, 2019

The reunion of this former A+ list manufactured group could well be off and there is even talk of one of the members suing another.

Spice Girls/Geri Halliwell/Mel B

Blind Item #8

Cameras didn't capture it, but they got the aftermath of this former A- list mostly television actress turned rebooted reality star's coke and booze bender.

Blind Item #7

This former A+ list singer turned A- lister has a new gig. Her employers had to give away almost one-third of the tickets available for free and that was opening night.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 1, 2019

This reality star who is one of many wives has a profile on Tinder, so not sure how that works in the marriage exactly.

Meri Brown

Blind Item #6

This married closeted A list mostly movie actor has been hooking up with a new guy every night of filming what will be a huge box office hit.

Blind Item #5

This celebrity/reality show couple has gone through a lot this year with him cheating on her. She thinks everything is all good. The thing is though, he is still seeing the same woman he was before, but just being more careful.

Blind Item #4

This alliterate A- list celebrity/entertainer/performer is being pressured to quit her latest gig because of all the negative things she has said about the gig and the people who work there.

Blind Item #3

Before you can turn down a guest appearance on a spin off of a long time network hit, you have to be asked. There is no one on that show who would ask the A- list actress to come on. 

Blind Item #2

I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at the way this A/A- list singer treated a legend or two last night. She has always only cared about herself. It is like everyone forgot the two married A list singers she hooked up with to get some really good songs just a couple of years ago.

Blind Item #1

She won't go to rehab, but this B+ list singer with much higher name recognition needs to go. It is affecting everything she does and has cost her big work opportunities too.

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Blind Item #9

The public face of this celebrity packed church got what he deserved when he flaunted all of his wealth that came from congregants giving money because they are hoping to see a celebrity. His lame response to the flaunting just got him trolled even worse. Now, more people are coming forward to talk about all the things he has bought because of their giving. How about calling out the celebrities who never give anything but pictures of them attending. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 31, 2019

Speaking of just about one hit wonders, this foreign one who barely squeaks above the one hit wonder line had a bloody nose that wouldn't stop this past week. Time to lay off the coke.

Iggy Azalea

Blind Item #8

This A- list alliterate comic actress all of you know has been stalking the President of a streaming service for revenge. Apparently there was a quid pro quo sexual relationship but he abruptly ended his part of the quid when he tired of her.

Blind Item #7

This former A- list mostly television actress from multiple hit shows all of you know rarely lets me post anything she says or about her or where she was, but told me that a married A+/A list mostly movie actor hit on her last night and she wanted to get the word out at least via a blind item.

Blind Item #6

Foreign born models who are also mom and daughter most of you know were doing coke together at a party last night.

Blind Item #5

This former reality star turned A-/B+ list actress had some hair and makeup people come to her hotel today for an award show. When they arrived there was a man getting dressed who is not her long time boyfriend. When some pictures were emailed, they said it could have been her former co-star from a now defunct show.

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 31, 2019

The A+/A list mostly movie actor is already getting bored with the barely there celebrity with whom he recently reunited. He got the phone number of a very young barely legal porn star this past week.

Ben Affleck

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 31, 2019

So, what does the Palace do to the newspapers and tabloids in the countries they can't threaten when those tabloids talk about the royal affair? They did manage to shut down the naked photos years ago, but that was a little easier because it involved nudity. It will also be interesting to see if anyone says anything about her ex that she has seen multiple times over the past two years. The ex never lost his hair.

Prince William & Kate Middleton

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 31, 2019

This disgraced director was being his usual misogynistic self this past week when he said he would only let women he thought were attractive enough inside his party.

Brett Ratner

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 31, 2019

Interesting that this permanent A++ list celebrity deleted from her social media all videos and clips pertaining to a recent documentary about an A++ lister.

Oprah/Michael Jackson

Blind Item #4

The alliterate talk show host is ready to finally fire her husband, but will she have support of the studio? That is the question. 

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former A- list singer turned reality show judge/frequent threesome partner is doubling down on recent claims saying she has proof of a relationship and wants to share it with the world. That would be a huge hit financially to her if she does.

Blind Item #2

This alliterate designer has kept her child support issues out of the court system because she doesn't want her alliterate ex to go to jail. That is all about to change though because she wants to get paid what she is owed.

Blind Item #1

The pretend pregnancy turned into the pretend miscarriage for the girlfriend of this B+ list rapper who is more known for who he has dated than anything else.