Thursday, December 05, 2019

Your Turn

The streaming service you use the least and really should cancel.


  1. I have never used and never will use a streaming service :)

  2. @MyDog, OK boomer ;)

  3. I use all my streaming services equally, it's the only way I watch tv. The one I should dump is Hulu, because they're jerks and don't support my DVD player any more, but I can still watch on my computer so I keep it anyway.

  4. Sling TV and I cancelled it a couple of months ago and have not missed it

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Amazon Prime. Although a Prime member I've never used Prime video. I get text boxes encouraging me to try it while shopping on Amazon's site. I'm doing a trial now to see if I can find all the products I buy on Amazon elsewhere and ditch using Prime when it comes up for renewal. I don't like Bezos or his morals and his vacation with Geffen the pedo reinforced the need to quit shopping on Amazon.

  6. Except for Amazon, we just use them when they have a show we want to watch and then cancel.

  7. HBO. Nothing new out that I like. I will probably keep it for the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm then dump it.


  8. Hulu!

    I was loyal for a long time but they keep messing with the UI and making it impossible to find anything, read about anything, or find what you came there to look for.

    They’ve been bragging for a year about their audio description, but they have zero titles audio described, even their own.

    They have the audacity to disable previous mobile versions (in a vain attempt to have you forget how superior the versions before the misguided attempt to kludge liveTV and streaming together into one bug-ridden crapfest) but won’t let you install their newest version unless you have the newest bug-ridden beta-like version of the OS.

    So Hulu did it to themselves, really.

    F you too, Hulu

    -Signed, a former fan and very much retired Hulu-apologist

  9. WWE Network. I started subscribing as a favor to my son, and since I don't follow the current product, I figured that I might enjoy watching some classic content. I rarely do, and even the kid doesn't use it that often, so every few months I get an email reminding me that no one has been using the service for a while. Nice of them to do that, if you think about it.

  10. Cancel all of them. Without revenue they all fail and close shop. Tv rots your brain.

    So let me ask you this. Why aren’t there educational channels teaching math and science and finance? Civics? Organizational skills? Answer. Because an educated population will overthrow a corrupt government.

  11. @Mooney, They already tried that back in the day with basic cable, turned out most of the viewers would rather watch reality tv.

  12. I have gotten rid of everything except for Amazon, Prime, and Hulu. I love them all equally. I just cancelled HBO and Showtime on streaming. There was nothing there I wanted to watch.

  13. Netflix. I cancel it after a few months when I've watched everything and wait for new content....which can be awhile.

  14. Amazon Prime. I will not cancel because I get the Prime student rate and it pays for itself. I order textbooks, medical equipment, etc.

    I get tv over the air & barely watch it. I have Roku & rarely use it. If it weren’t for the fact I’m still in school I would cancel my internet too.

  15. Streaming services depend on people signing up for one thing and then not cancelling (just like gyms with new year's resolutioners). I watch Netflix and prime using others' subscriptions and probably would never subscribe on my own (i watch more stuff on YouTube, and get quite a lot of stuff from the library as well).

  16. Either Hulu or HBO

  17. Netflix. Only kept it till I get through the new Nailed it holiday episodes.

    BTW, Britbox is the best $6 you can spend on a streaming service.

  18. Hulu... I hate the commercials and won't pay extra.

  19. Disney+
    But will keep it for when my niece visits

  20. None of them. I got rid of my TV & computer in 2012. I haven’t missed not being connected. I’ve discovered new hobbies & have more time to volunteer & read. I spent too long in the entertainment industry & it lost all appeal. I’m glad cable companies are feeling the pinch though & streaming is taking over. The cable companies are disgustingly greedy & tried to scam my elderly grandparents into buying channels they’d never watch.

  21. Hulu and HBO. Got the latter for Game of Thrones...but now that it is over. Hulu just stinks. Really poor content.

  22. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I don't have a streaming service. I don't have cable.
    When I was growing up, a stream was something we played in, barefoot. I like to keep it that way.

  23. I've never streamed in my life. I've got cable and it covers everything I could ever need.

  24. Just cancelled Netflix and WWE in the last 3 months. Didn't watch them, don't miss them.

  25. Mooney: Exactly!

    That's why there's so many trump, I mean urine soaked orange cockroach supporters on this site. They're all undereducated, serial watching lumps of do nothing

  26. I got rid of Netflix months ago, and my kids haven't even noticed 🤣🤣🤣

  27. Not exactly streaming, but I just cancelled Sirius radio. I was a huge Howard Stern fan but he's become unlistenable.

  28. Prime. I use it for Bosch and that's pretty much it.

  29. Prime but I mostly use it for the free shipping as I don't watch the videos much.

  30. With HBO, if I cancel it from my cable package it saves me $5 a month. So I don't bother. I use my daughter's Prime and Netflix because I rarely watch, (BUT I LOVE GOLIATH - ONCE A YEAR FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS) Same with Hulu. I sign up for a month each year for Handmaid's Tale. But, the very worst is Starz. There is nothing on Starz after you watch the White Queen/Princess series

  31. @Mooney there are some very good educational channels on YouTube. A truly understandable maths teacher from Australia is Eddie Woo. Have a look.

  32. Netflix. They will be removing Friends next year and that's pretty much the only thing I watch there.

  33. Showtime. I got it just for Twin Peaks season 3 about 3 months ago and am halfway through the season. I planned to finish the season in a week, but never did. I think about cancelling the day after it renews every time and figure I can wait. It's a good show, but I just can't finish it for some reason beyond my comprehension.



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