Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Your Turn

Best thing that happened to you in 2019.


  1. I keep waking up every morning, besides that nothing.

  2. A lot of great stuff happened this year but I would say one of the highlights was our trip to Custer, South Dakota for our summer vacation.

  3. I know what the worst thing was. The best thing isn't as easy to come up with, though I did just take a fun little trip to Cleveland with my mom and brother to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I guess that would be this year's highlight.

  4. *Rock and Roll HOF Museum.

    Two different things.

  5. Remodeled part of my garage into an apartment and got a kick-ass, reliable, thoughtful tenant.

    Also kept my health and friends.

    Hope everyone has a great December and a better 2020!

  6. Health and Wealth both were generous with me all throughout 2019, so yeah!

  7. Yeah this will take a bit to think over, with all the deaths around me and other stuff it seemed like a pretty shit year.

  8. I can't think of one specific thing but 2019 has been pretty great so far :)

  9. The best thing is happening next week. I’m going to Maui and staying there through the holidays. 🌴🌈🌺🌴

  10. I finished a huge, high-profile project at work that had been a millstone around my neck for a long time

  11. I wake up every morning and my name is not listed in the obituary column.

  12. Congrats, Erik! I also have seizures and I've been seizure free too!

    The best thing for me this year, started out horrible but it had a super happy ending and everyone is healthy and on the mend.

  13. graduated college at 40

  14. Sorry to hear that, Brayson. You're a good guy.

  15. Pulled a whore from a strip club, took her for ice cream, then to a motel.

  16. Our son maintaining his sobriety.

  17. @J, Thanks! It really wasn't that bad, I was only close to one of them, the rest were more peripheral.

  18. @J, 2019 isn't over yet, it gets better so hang on to your hat! You will have a great 2020! Blessings to you!

  19. @MyDog Smiles. 2019 has been great, the next couple of weeks will be awesome and 2020 will be spectacular! :D

  20. Got an extra week of vacation and survived another layoff.

  21. I'm healthy, so I guess that's something. I'm in the point in my mid 30's where I literally stopped giving a sh*t about everything and everybody and said forget them, it's an awesome feeling! Hoping to have a better 2020 when I turn 35 though! I hope everyone here has a great 2020 also! :)

  22. I have many : Seeing my son in Raleigh North Carolina for thanksgiving and helping him make a delicious turkey dinner , keeping my blood sugar levels below 100, and seeing my daughter land the job of her dreams in corporate Chicago.❤️

  23. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I reached my goal weight and have kept it off! From a size 22 down to a 6!

  24. @LaurenMaye You got that right :)

  25. NOthing yet
    Still sick and bitchy

  26. It was our 25th anniversary this year...not exactly something that "happened" to me, but I'm feeling pretty good about it.

  27. Got new lungs :)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I filed for divorce from the douche who abused me and my kids for 25 years. It's horrible now, but at least I'm free.

  30. the best thing this year was successfully recovering from 3 surgeries to repair a groin and testicle injury(bicycle accident) and having it all covered by my insurance at work. this was also the worst thing this year.

  31. Seeing KISS live in August. BEST concert I've ever been to and best day of the year.

  32. Had to have a kidney removed due to the malignant tumor that was half the size of the kidney. I'm cancer free (knock wood). Also, I went to St. Louis to meet up with a bunch of friends of mine with a certain fandom in common. I no longer love the object of the fandom, but I love the friends I made through it.

  33. Anonymous5:00 PM

    retired permanently

  34. congrats gdaddy!

    I finally found a manufacturer for my absorbent & disposable bra liner for boob sweat.

    YAY!!! Soon I'll have products at www.swoobie.com

    hooray for Your Turns, thanks Enty :)

  35. Very obscure. Daughter had a mystery cough. Coughed 500,000 (over 5,000/day) No medicine or procedure could make her stop. Found an old retired pediatric pulmonologist - Medical Doctor and he cured her in 10 minutes via a Skype call. (no joke) Using suggestion therapy - not quite hypnotism. Put the video on YouTube and now over 30 children and adults around the world cured from up to 5+ years of cough - just by watching the video. Like watching a miracle occur. He doesn't charge anything. Not a pitch, but mysterycough.com (fansite) if you know of anybody who can't stop coughing. The whole thing has been written up in multiple medical journals. Never seen anything like it. Peace. Great job 2019 Enty. More plz.

  36. Pulling those back from the brink. Best thing is their families’ faces. Almost as good is that the NHS picks up the tab. It’s not perfect but it’s better than the alternative.

  37. I got to meet my grandbaby! 💗

  38. My eye lift was a success!! My eyesight has improved significantly. Invisalign next

  39. Congrats, Lyss16 and everyone else who've experienced health victories this year. Congratulations, also, to everyone who have had professional and /or personal achievements...all tremendous news!😁 Lots of blessings! Cheers to these and prayers for more to come for all!😍

  40. One of our daughters got married, and she picked a good one!

  41. Adopted an 11 year old chihuahua named Hippo from Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in SF. I saved him but he saved me too— he’s the sweetest and most grateful good boy.

  42. Got to see Years & Years live. Love them.

  43. This year has sucked. Nothing good comes to mind unfortunately.



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