Monday, December 02, 2019

Your Turn

If you get a fruitcake, do you eat it, toss it out or regift?


  1. Haven't had one in years. I would pick at it and eat all the nuts, then toss the rest.

  2. If anyone gives me one, it better have been soaked in bourbon or rum or else it will get tossed.

  3. Toss it 🤮

  4. Use it as a doorstop

  5. Haven't gotten one for a while, but you can make a whiskey bread pudding with a fruitcake and it's really rick, but pretty good

  6. My Mother liked fruitcake. I would probably give it to someone who likes it.

  7. What fruit cake are we talking about here....

  8. Ive never gotten one. My parents did occasionally, and my mom ate them.

  9. IndieRaga-- the heavily spiced, often alcohol soaked dense cake that often has candied citron and cherries in it. It is usually given around the holidays. I think due to the high alcohol content, it tends to last forever.

    1. Oh that one....that I'll take anyday !
      I thought it was the Human kind !
      Lolz !

  10. Fruit cake is the WORST. I toss it out.

  11. I ignored fruitcake while I was growing up because of the bad rep...then, in my twenties, I tried a piece and ended up eating the whole damned thing. God help me, I actually like those things.

  12. Depends - we've been gifted some delicious fruitcakes and others were disgusting. The second type were thrown away.

  13. A properly made fruit cake is actually quite nice.

  14. Don't eat it, but I would give it to someone who likes it..

  15. Gift it to an enemy.

  16. They don't seem to be very popular these days. But I would give it to someone who would enjoy it.

  17. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I would disown/disavow anyone who sent me one.

  18. Any fruitcake made with those colored candied fruit is disgusting. Some catalogs and Whole Foods are actually quite good

  19. I was married in Scotland and the cake is a fruit/nut cake traditionally which is wrapped in marzapan. It's really too sweet to eat more than a large portion, or eat often. When it's made, u keep it for around 3-4 weeks while pouring booze in every day or two.

  20. Fruitcake made well is good. That being said, I don't eat very much cake these days.

    I learned that fruitcake's reputation was probably more myth than reality when I was in basic training and it was lunchtime and I was hungry and I opened my MRE and there was the desert, fruitcake!

    Well, I didn't have much choice, I had to give it a chance, and it was delicious!

    I've heard that fruitcake can be bad but that is probably because people are afraid to eat it and keep passing it back and forth.

  21. My sister married a fruitcake.

  22. who the fuck gets fruitcakes?
    I haven't seen one in almost 20 years

  23. I had a few really good ones. They were homemade fruit cake/ rum cake combos. They would give you a buzz if you ate too much.
    If I get store bought fruit cake, I throw it outside for the opossums, skunks and raccoons.

  24. I like cookies and sometimes cake, any other food gifts I gratefully accept, put in the fridge for a few days, and then pitch.

  25. they make great doorstops

  26. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Commercial fruitcakes no thanks. I do make fruitcake but it's actually a Texas bourbon cake recipe I've modified over the years. Then soaked for a week in bourbon.

  27. Johnny Carson said that there was only one fruitcake on earth and it just keeps getting regifted.

  28. Wow, I guess I am in the severe minority of people who like fruitcake. I like them but I am not big on desserts so it is a good thing that they last a while.

  29. Eat it of course. Rich dark fruitcake is wonderful with cup of tea or glass of port and a slice of cheese, Wensleydale is my preference. Christmas Cake is a big thing in the UK and is absolutely delicious. There are annual tastings published in the newspapers about the best Christmas Cake and Christmas pudding. We also have a similar version for wedding cakes. You need a high proportion of brandy soaked dried fruit to the other ingredients. The US fruitcake though....not so good.

  30. give it to a foodbank?

  31. Regift your fruitcakes to me!

  32. Mmmmmmm eat it! I love fruit cake.

  33. Include slices on the dessert plate then feed the birds

  34. Who gifts fruitcake?

  35. It would probably sit on my counter for a few days, untouched and then I'll toss it. Unless a family member likes it which is probably rare?

  36. My Dad’s elderly clients would make and give them every year when I was a kid. So they would be dutifully sliced up
    and presented along with all of the other food at our Christmas open house. A few slices went down the disposal first
    to make it appear as if it was being eaten. Once Christmas was over and the thank you notes for them written and mailed,
    THEN we were allowed to throw them out.

  37. My "step daughter" likes to toss my salad so I smear fruity stuff on the ol' puckering starburst and let her go to town. Applesauce is also a fun alternative.

  38. I LOVE fruitcake.

    I have no family, so if anyone wants to gift me a fruitcake, I'll gratefully take it.

  39. I love it. I never get it as a gift, but I’d be happy if I did. The really cheap ones kind of burn my throat though. A nice high quality one is so good. I also make a dessert called Bishop’s Bread for Christmas that’s similar but it has chocolate chips. Mmmmm.

  40. Fuchsia, I wanted to post yesterday that my Mama used to make a cake similar to a fruit cake but I could not remember the name if it. It's Bishop's Bread! Thanks so much for your post! The anniversary of Mama's death is right after Christmas and I like to serve one of her signature dishes for Christmas. Will make Bishop's Bread this year!

  41. Put it in the break-room at work. Someone will eat it!

  42. Eat it! I love it. My mother was British and fruitcake is a holiday staple in the UK. I grew up eating it and loving it. My DH is also British and he loves it as much as I do. Please send your fruitcake donations my way. ;)

  43. I LOVE fruitcake!



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