Thursday, December 05, 2019

Today's Blind Items - An Exchange - House On St. Charles Blind Item - Part Two

It wasn't long before all three of our party goers were wasted on coke and booze and, did I tell you they were all underage too? Yeah. The night ended and nothing was done by the people who controlled the House. Things just proceeded and they filed that little nugget away in case they needed it. Now, these obviously were not all the nuggets they had, but for the purposes of this blind, they are certainly the most interesting. It took a whole lot of nuggets to make the exchange happen. An exchange makes it seem like a prisoner exchange. It was not really that. Fast forward nine or ten months after the party night. Something horrific happened inside the country. Everyone knew who was responsible and almost immediately the richest of the rich from that country who were inside the US were put under protection so nothing would happen to them and then over the course of 48 hours managed to make use of their nuggets to ensure 140+ people could leave the country, and not only leave, but leave with the blessing of the only person in the country who could allow it to happen. A person who was confronted with some party nuggets. Someone on the opposite side was also confronted with a party nugget and more, but this is about the party nugget. There were so many pieces of information collected about so many people in power, that no one raised a fuss. No one questioned the decision. The thing is though, none of these nuggets are only used once. They are used as often as it takes to accomplish what is needed.


  1. I just have the feeling that Ronald McDonald might be involved given all the nugget references.

  2. only person who could allow it to happen - Bush 43

  3. SDo that makes Jenna the minor they caught on film?

  4. Saudi's and Baby Bush allowing Bin Laden's family to leave US after 9/11.

  5. Except the "Saudis" didn't do 9/11. it was a planned demolition. TOTAL BULLSHIT

  6. Blind doesn't say the Saudi's "did 9/11", just that the conspirators were from there, Alf. 15 of the 19 9/11 co-conspirators were of Saudi descent.

  7. Most elected officials are puppets, bribes and blackmail are the strings.

  8. They were not part of the demolition. Just a dog and pony show like the Boston fake-bombing brothers.

    1. And the las vegas arms dealer guy working for us supposedly ..

  9. Mydogsmiles The saudis hijacked Wonder Woman's invisible plane and took down WTC 7

  10. So it is why Bush let bin ladens family leave the country, because his niece is a drug addict. Her dad ran for president

  11. @Alf Landon Sounds about right haha

  12. The bush twins and noelle bush.

    Bush 43 to protect the family.

    OBL had many family members who were authorized to leave.

    St Charles Avenue in NO, LA is where all of them are lured to be blackmailed. Under the guise of Mardi gras. Because 9 or 10 months pass and 9/11 happens.

    Bush and Cheney need to swing from a rope. Matter of fact, the entire family should.

  13. Obviously office supplies and furniture have the same demolition power as C4, that's what the Building 7 report said right? Honestly they should really start monitoring Staples shoppers. 🤔

    1. All that gold bullion that was removed/stolen/saved from the WTC basements.
      How did they know to take it?

  14. @morninglorri
    what? GWBush was PRESIDENT - his twin daughters...nevermind - look it up.

    This is def about Jenna/Barbara Bush who were 19 on 9/11
    the other one is Ashley Biden...who had just turned 20 on 9/11

    I agree - it wasn't the Saudis - exactly...but they were the ones allowed to escape

  15. agree w/the consensus above, and it would also explain why 45 capitulates so frequently and fully to the saudis

  16. I Still think the first one is Ashley...but
    if it is Noelle...then it lends itself to the old blinds about the house and Presidential candidate who "gave up" even though he had tons of money backing him...being busted with young be Jeb bush.

  17. hmmm... have been waiting for reveals on this n.o. house for a long time now. so this would obviously imply that somehow the saudi's own the house and are running a blackmail honeypot scheme? and this specific blind would be the bush girls being naughty on film, and their dad cooperating somehow? like having a boeing sitting on the runway at Logan and taking off an hour in front of the FBI detainment??

  18. Alf's here... get ready for some silly silly shit.

  19. Take your blue pill and go back to sleep J.
    The saudis are just the designated fall guys for the true perpetrators.

  20. The Saudi's even admitted to 9/11 when they tweeted that threat to Canada last year.

  21. Almost 12 weeks after the terrorist atrocity at New York’s World Trade Center, there is at least one fire still burning in the rubble – it is the longest-burning structural fire in history.

    Read more:

  22. It's common knowledge that the Bush's are friends with the Bin Laden's. Fucking hypocrites.

  23. Somebody forgot that President bush has a brother that ran for president before they attempted to fact check me. Lame. Sad.

  24. I wonder if this was written in the note that shook up the Bushes so much at GHWB's funeral?

  25. Why would anyone have cared what Ashley Biden was doing in 2001? Her father was only a senator from Delaware at the time, 7 years away from VP. The nugget from the other side would more likely have been from a Clinton or a Gore right?

  26. Guessing yesterday's blind was about one of the Bush daughters.
    After 911, Bush was shown compromising pics of his daughter. He allowed the bin Laden family to leave the US.

  27. “Only a Senator “? Ummmm....we “only” have 100 of those, each one is pretty powerful. Six year terms. CongressCritters are a dime a dozen and have two year terms. Add to this that Biden had already been a Washington insider with connections and senior committee positions for a full generation if not two. Easily blackmailed by puppet masters.

  28. Loathe the house of saud - they are all khara.

  29. Joe Biden ran for president in 1988 and was expected by many to run for president in 2002.

  30. When you go back to yesterday and read Pt 1 and 2 together it's clearly the Bush Twins and Biden's daughter.

    Scary story, but if the undercurrents of all these people with big money influencing elections and policy, suicides, political events, and enemies who maybe really aren't, tell us anything is that it's all one big connected network that really does run the world. And there's not much we can do about it

  31. Ashley Biden and the Bush Girls. Hands down.

  32. The Bush twins, Ashley Biden and Noelle were all over 18 in 2001, so this seems to be someone else?

  33. WTC 7 says it all. I was wondering why the media didn't make a big deal of Bush letting the Bin Laden family just leave the country while we were on lock down. This blind make a lot of sense!

  34. Anonymous4:43 PM

    i don't understand your writing style. What the hell is a Party Nugget?

  35. Anonymous4:44 PM

    @brayson i always thought ronald mcdonald looked creepy

  36. no E, there is something we can do about it. get red-pilled, get armed and get squarely behind our President who is attempting to do something about this generational corruption, pay to play, indiscriminate murder and everything else done on behalf of the filth some refer to as our ruling elites. FUCK them. WWG1WGA

  37. @Philly I hear you, and agree. My post was rhetorical and somewhat doomsday-ish, and probably unnecessary

  38. Trump is cleaning up corruption? Been following Trump since the early 80s. He has been corrupt from jump street. His father was corrupt. His sister just retired her judgeship rather than submit to an investigation of her.... corruption.

    Go to the library. Read every article you can find about the Trumps with Donald as your goal. The only people who believe in Trump are those who knew and know nothing about his lying, real estate schemes and bank fraud. Why do you think he can't get loans from any bank except Russian? Do you think American and European banks wouldn't lend him money if they thought he'd pay it back? He is not just corrupt. He is openly and unabashedly corrupt. I

    Love him if you must. Don't loan him 1000 bucks. Unless you can afford to lose it.

  39. Having lived in NY during 9/11, I still can’t get over the fact that low-IQ Bush sat in a classroom, pretending to read a book (and yes, I chose the word ‘pretending’ as I do believe that he’s incapable of reading.) He was bad enough, but who gives a shit about anyone’s kids? We vote for the President, not their offspring. Please help get Ivanka & Jared OUT’. They were not elected, and have no business being there. Their whole life, including Jared’s family, is horrific. Talk about illegality! Wearing a $3000 dress everyday does not make you either capable or honest. If I had a choice of having them, or a President with a drug-addict offspring, I’d totally go for the drugs. At least they’re minding their own business and not trying to run the country.

  40. As if any of the fuckwits that comment here would have a clue about 9/11. I bet you see conspiracies every time your toast gets slightly burnt.

  41. +1 PhillyWilly

    I need to know what was in those funeral envelopes.
