Friday, December 06, 2019

Four For Friday - Older, But Still An A-Hole

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English is not the first or second language for the source of this blind, so I did some editing, but wanted as much as possible to keep it in their voice.

Here is what I know.  A very insecure woman in her early 20's met ______________  foreign born permanent A list musician) because she was a huge _______________ (the group for which he played). She was in London and knew where he lived. She and her friend waited outside his house for a glimpse. He went outside gave them autographs and asked for her phone number. Later that day he took her out and they dated for almost a year. She was dealing with depression and insecurity which is what he looks for in the women he dates. He was very interested in her background and was planning a trip to come see her in her country. Until then all dates were in London. Suddenly he stopped calling her and blocked her number.

Why? He met another woman he liked. My friend was on a solo trip to London, and is a music fan in general and did not hesitate to say hello to _________ when she saw him walking on the street. He looked her up and down and asked her if she liked to have a cup of coffee with him. She agreed and after the coffee he asked her if she wanted diner with him. After dinner he invited her back to his house. During this he asked her if she was on social media. When she said yes, he told her not to tweet about him. She agreed. My friend who was in her mid thirties is a redheaded very pretty former model and dancer. She had a tough year. After struggling with mental illness she had just been diagnosed with Aspergers/Autism. A very difficult time for her. ___________ knew about Autism because of his youngest son and his grandchild. So they had a connection.

My friend was treated like a princess and they had a physical relationship too. He told her he was going to call her after his vacation. He did, after he went on a trip to Thailand where he indulged in his fetish for underage teens that are legal there. They started seeing each other more often. He'd buy her dinner, gifts, introduce her to his friends (including me) and he gave her a sense of confidence in a time she needed it the most. They made plans to keep seeing each other and he told her that he would come see her in her own country.

The die-hard fans started gossiping about them and pictures of them were going around. One day my friend went online and went on a _______________ fan website, that had mentioned her and ___________. Suddenly she saw paparazzi pictures of him with another redhead. Someone much younger but the same dress style, pale skin, tall and slim kind of girl like she is. She called him right away. He had no idea these pictures were taken (I have seen these pictures they are obviously staged and she looks into the camera.) And the girl, he said was nothing serious and they could still see each other. I am too old for that kind of BS, she said. Yes, I am aware was his reply. Hinting at her age being too old for his usual taste of women.

One day my friend went to London to see her friends and we ran into _________ and his other redhead who shares the same name as his daughter which isn't creepy at all  at a concert. Both _________ and the new girlfriend ignored my friend. It was an awkward moment. But she really did not want him back after she felt so misused and fooled.

Months later my friend messaged me. She had seen horrible messages online. Someone claiming that she had stalked ____________ and his new girlfriend. And that she was a bunny boiler in their relationship. Another website had more dirt about my friend, with someone clearly insulting her Autism and mental health. When someone asked this person about her source she wrote that it was another of my friends. I checked with him and he denied to be any source what so ever. He had stopped talking to ______________ when he started seeing the young girls he liked being with.

Long story short: the website hosts of two sites compared ip addresses and they were the same. They came from the same location as the one that hosted the website of the new girlfriend. She was trying to make a name for herself after a failed acting career and was now doing poetry. One website host who ran a blog on tumblr called her out on her online bullying. Guess what happened? Just hours later she tweeted that she was hacked and that if people see weird messages by her, it not her.
The harassment did stop after that.


  1. Townsend has an autistic granddaughter

  2. has a daughter Emma...

  3. sorry, its an autistic grandson

  4. It's his daughter Aminta that has the autistic son, Tricia.

  5. Mr. Townshend has a daughter at least and is a creep\pedo

  6. Moose I referring to him dating someone named "Emma"...same name as his daughter/creepy FYI

  7. Summary: He's Just Not That into You

    Don't mistake a bootie call for a relationship.

  8. maybe his trip to thailand was just research for another book

  9. Used to be named Townsend

  10. cool @Alf... I wish my spelling was as on spot as your non guesses' was sport:)

  11. If English is your third language, doesn't that still put you ahead of Enty when it comes to writing?🤔🤔🤔

  12. @simon jenkin--well played

  13. Sounds more like Bryan Ferry to me. Guy is always scoping hot women. Townshend married his longtime gf in 2017, so not sure the timeline works.

  14. @John lmao!
    @Zach.. Bryan Ferry has 4 sons

  15. Jimmy Page's girlfriend is a redhead named Scarlett. His daughter is also named Scarlet.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. There you go MerryLou -Page likes to go to Pattaya

  18. The fastest guess isn't always the correct guess.

  19. Way too long. Is this another one where bimbos think they are the most specialest girl in the world, only to realize they were just another starfucking piece of ass?

  20. They know what they are getting into

  21. Does Jimmy have an autistic daughter/granddaughter? I had no idea..

  22. Jimmy Page does have an autistic grandson, according to this Tumblr fan page (where apparently, mocking of the girls Jimmy dates is a common thing). Makes this blind seem more likely for Page, as Townsend doesn't seem to have dated anyone named Aminta or Emma.

  23. It's jimmy page, boys and girls. huge zep fan here. he was indeed dating a red head who was older than his usual before he got with scarlet sabet, who is the failed actress turned poet. Jimmy does have a daughter called Scarlet who is a photographer. I had heard that poet scarlett has been known to post all kinds of things on the web that she denies. I also knew Jimmy likes to go to Thailand. Now I know he has one granddaughter but I believe he has 2 grandchildren now so I don't know if the other is a boy. There was indeed a cross over period when Jimmy was seeing both red heads before he dated scarlet exclusively. Also yes, I was aware before the red heads there was a very pretty lady in her 20s he was seeing. Oh the fun of being a zep fan for 28 years! and I don't even follow any zep forums or any of their social media accounts and I still knew all of this. Fun fact: before Jimmy Scarlet was engaged to an older photographer. she must like older, creative men with money.

  24. And the Tumblr references a belly dancer with Asperger Syndrome, so this is probably the online references talked about in the blind.

    Good job, MerryLou!

  25. I was about to say the red head in her 30s was a belly dancer but someone has got there before me. I can't remember her name. Was unusal. Maybe a stage name.

  26. And yes there was a concert where both ladies bumped into each other. I can't remember what the concert was for but it did happen. Is this really a blind as I knew all about this and I don't even follow the ins and outs of Jimmy's love life? I think jimmy has aspergers by the way. I'm saying that as I'm an aspie myself. Interesting if members of his family do too.

  27. "If I played guitar I'd be Jimmy Page. The girlies I like are under age..."

  28. @Alf Landon: but Tricia just has to be first, ya know!

  29. Assholes who come here with their fixation really suck. Good to know their lives are obviously miserable ones.

  30. Pete has been with Rachel for years. They married a couple of years ago and he's completely devoted to her.

  31. That Jimmy Page Tumblr account is worth a look. There’s a great pic of him with his super beautiful, extremely young looking girlfriend on one arm and holding his cane in the other.

  32. This person is obviously jealous of Tricia, they're practically green with envy. Maybe instead of obsessing over someone else they should try to improve themselves.

  33. Stop with the personal attacks. We all have blind items to figure out. Plus we are all adults and why the F does anyone care who guesses first or last?

    Good job on this one. Totally believe this is Jimmy Page. Well done, from my little corner of the world.

  34. What a tool. As if depression and insecurity are hard to find with women

  35. No Jenks, the woman doesn't feel used, that's so 1980 and Enty's fantasy of the poor broken hearted woman. More likely she realized he was a garden variety asshole and was disappointed that she wasted her time on him, fucked someone else and moved on. Just like men do, we're not always heartbroken, the opposite of most women I know, in fact.

    1. Horse shit. You are totally projecting.


  37. Jimmy Page looks as though he's 104 years old.

  38. Yes, definitely Jimmy Page. He also seems to be on the spectrum. Quite a bit of OCD with him.

  39. Jimmy Page is a pedophile. He needs a woman who'll be morally bankrupt enough to tolerate his habits. He found one, for now.

  40. Anonymous5:00 AM

    'Knew where he lived, and waited outside for a glimpse."
    This was an obsessed fan from day one. It never ends well.

  41. So he still misses lori and goes to Pattaya and pays for poverty stricken kids. What a guy and dint blame plant for hating him. Creep

  42. I would say that about you and Jerkoff



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