Saturday, December 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 10, 2019

The security personnel who surround this A list singer/bad actor  have been really aggressive about pushing people away who have a phone. He was already a jerk to fans, and now has taken it to a whole new level.

Justin Timberlake


  1. Replies
    1. Right? Who knew! Back in the day, teenagers liked him, but then they eventually grew up and it was over Timberlake.
      He's artificially propped up or he'd have nothing.

  2. My D*ck In A Box.
    Enough said.
    What a cull

  3. I remember blind : that he must pay people to hanging around with him, he is jerk and nobody wants to be near him.

  4. That guy is brutally unattractive

  5. @notthisagain--- unattractive from the inside out

  6. Being a fan is a choice. You’re not owed anything for choosing to be a fan. RME

  7. Time to dust off the ye olden denim on denim on denim ensemble. A few hoes, I mean holes... No matter... Stitch here, thread there, good as new.

    P.S. some one please release me from the perma bold font...

  8. He’s a wank. Why is this still a shock to people?
