Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 22, 2019

It didn't take long for this former A- list actress from an acting family, to ignore that relationship timeline and go full bore with a new one off reality show with her new celebrity boyfriend. She sees herself with some type of brand similar to Joanna Gaines, but including music too.

Zooey Deschanel/Jonathan Scott


  1. You'd think she'd be marketing beard grooming products for the holidays.

  2. LOL! Good one Brayson.

  3. So she beards for him and he teaches her how to flip houses while she backflips and sings at the open houses?

  4. Lol to all. He seems to be loving every second of it, so Im sure we're in for all kinds of nonsense.

  5. Do you think when they have sex
    She climaxes in a posh English accent:
    "Great Scott! I've just arrived!"

  6. Had to look up Joanna Gaines. So if she flips a house, does that mean she'll sing a song to the buyer?

  7. Maybe they like the same kind of guys. THAT would be an odd date.
