Monday, December 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 20, 2019

A reporter who obviously has no clue as to what is really going on in the world of this A- list reality star from a reality family, approached her and asked if she had any comment on the sexual skill of this very fast rapper. The reporter was making a joke and wasn't expecting an answer, but had no idea the whole relationship between the two was fake. So, the angry look and the mouthed f**k off were probably not expected.

Kendall Jenner/A$AP Rocky


  1. As Billie Elish would say, 'Duh'!

  2. LOL!!! where were the paps when this happened!
    Oh never mind, they're on the payroll, so the pics will never see the light of day!

  3. Special moments like that are why Kendall is my favorite Kardashian. Plus it seems like she hates the rest of her family half the time.
