Monday, December 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 11, 2019

This B+ list flowering financial institution is joining the recent celebrity craze of practicing witchcraft on social media to show the public how it is done. I wonder if she threw in a curse for the celebrity CEO.

Azealia Banks/Elon Musk


  1. God these celebrities are stupid fucks.

  2. Again....I hope her curse works and burns this hustler down to the ground!

  3. Musk is going down. Enjoy the show :)

  4. B+ Om what planet?

  5. She's an idiot that believes whatever conspiracy theories she reads online. She needs to take a shower & go work in a studio, then she will see her career improve.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    What you curse on another is returned to you tenfold. The karma you will need to burn in this lifetime isn't worth the temporary gain. There's a light and a dark side to witchcraft and most of these celebrities don't know enough to be instructing anyone on how to use it.

    1. Can it, you kook. Fairy stories aren't actually real.

  7. lol

    The universe doesn't care, Ann. It surely doesn't bend to the wills of crazy cat ladies and idiot celebrities.

  8. Entropy is the nature of the universe, we are all cursed. I used to believe in karma until I saw people suffer far beyond any sins they might have committed. Like figuratively soul destroying sh!t for no apparent reason. The truth is bad things happen to everyone if they live long enough.

  9. Elon pays Azealia Banks for "pushing in her stool" Not a pretty picture.
