Saturday, December 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 9, 2019

The walking blind items is back, just in time for the holidays. Over Thanksgiving she attacked another girlfriend. The two got into a fist fight that had our walking blind item sporting a cut on her cheek for a week after. She’s been threatening the girlfriend since, so the girlfriend doesn’t go to the police or press and spill details. Whoops.

Taryn Manning


  1. Dull day ....
    Happy Weekend everyone,Have Fun & Stay safe !

  2. Sounds like you helped g/f get an additional beat down by publishing this blind Entern.

  3. Maybe Amber Heard and Taryn Manning should date since they are both abusers.

  4. Why don't you impress everyone and really tell the truth about the deception and how these presumed women are actually men?
