Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 22, 2019

Didn't the manager accuse the A+ lister of playing the victim card? Isn't that what the manager just did with a little bullying shot at the end? I think the A+ lister wants to make the manager's name poison so he won't get new clients and will lose existing ones and I think it is working.

Scooter Braun/Taylor Swift


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I think taytay is on BG about her fake funbags

  2. Yeah whatever....it's nither entertaining nor interesting anymore!

  3. So bored with both of them.

  4. Anonymous9:07 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I used to be in a band called “always the victim”

    Taylor poorly played guitar.

  6. Whoever did Tay's Photoshop on that Vogue cover I saw everywhere yesterday should get the highest honors photoshopped can get. She really,really looked hot and she isn't all that (she's kinda meh and this was glamour yesterday).

  7. If there was a re-occurring theme of CDAN it's women being exploited and abused by powerful Hollywood figures. The fact that Swift has never taken any s*** and is perfectly capable for fighting back I find admirable. The only low move he's got is outing her and that's a complete no-no in Hollywood. As Enty said in his podcast, she's gonna re-record her songs and make his investment tank.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Did you hear the podcast where Enty basically out here during the talk with John Doe. He didn’t say she was, but you could hear it in his voice

    2. Did he keep licking his lips?

  8. I think the more she whines the more her old catalog goes up in value. Funny how so many did a 180 on Taylor,when technically she is wrong. She has always played victim,and sometimes she was. But if Scooter didn't buy them,she still wouldn't own them. Like most unknown acts,the record label owns masters. Only stars that negotiate new deals ever own them to start.

  9. It's an open secret, only her fans are in denial about it.

  10. Her former boss at her old label is the one that screwed her over the worst by going to someone she hated, Braun just took a leap at the chance to profit of of her! If she was truly offered the chance to buy her catalogue and didn't then she needs to stfu. I'm sick of poor Taylor the victim, but i'm also glad she has enough power to not take their shit and still have a career!

  11. she offered to buy her masters, but Borchetta refused. No one slammed Kid Rock, Def Leppard or Prince when they fought the fight over their masters. If she were a man, she wouldn't be getting nearly so much sh*t.

  12. +1 cebii, That's what makes me side with Taylor on this one. She was willing to pay, and pay well. The issue wasn't a dollar figure, the issue was a big f*ck you to her which is not professional.

  13. Taylor's being a whiny brat on this issue. Seriously can't wait for her to flop and go away. She's the embodiment of every basic b*tch cliche known to mankind, her music sucks, and her sense of entitlement is unparalleled. She's had a nice go, but it's high time she let other bland, corporatized pop acts enjoy the spotlight and unwarranted accolades for subpar music. Tay-Tay is past her pop star expiration date, in my opinion. Katy Perry needs to save her a seat at the table for hasbeens, because that ought to be Taylor's next destination after this album cycle finishes. Keeping my fingers crossed...

  14. Paul Macartney feels her pain..this is a business issue..simple as that.

  15. I hope zombie Michael Jackson sneaks in and buys them from under her!

  16. "she" is the WORST i wish that thing would disappear for real



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