Friday, December 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 16, 2019

Since the death of the billionaire pedophile, this foreign born permanent A list model has been wearing a unique piece of jewelry. She never wore it before his death that anyone has been able to find. It is a pentagram that she wears as part of a necklace and has done so multiple times.

Jeffrey Epstein/Naomi Campbell



  2. Naomi is an Ordo Templi Orientis Aleister Crowley follower/Satanist/"Illuminati" follower. Look at her weird Eye of Hours house that was given to her by the ex, and her use of Crowley symbols.

  3. Enty do a Deep Dive and Gossip podcast. You've been slacking. Thanks.

  4. Is the Horus Eye supposed to be a ward against evil? I can never remember.

    1. No it's a pledge of allegiance to show you're a follower of Aleister Crowley's cults, such as Ordo Templi Orientis and Golden Dawn. It comes from when Horus in the Egyptian tales loses one of his eyes and is seen as a symbol of the modern "Devil." The Evil Eye is to ward off evil.

  5. Like we all didn't already know that Naomi is Satan.

  6. Many years ago I read a Naomi Campbell interview in which she said that she wanted children but couldn't have any...Now I'm wondering...

  7. honestly you are all weirdos who believe in fairy tales. it's a bit of a stretch to make "model wears new piece of jewellery" salacious

    1. Satanistm plays a HUGE role in what went on on that island (and other billionaire islands).
      Their love of symbolism will be their downfall.

  8. What idiot submitted this?!

    I've seen the necklace, it's not a pentagram. Despite what Christians will tell kids in Sunday school, all religions not Christianity are not satanic.

    People want something to blame for their sh*t lives, how about go to school and get a better job rather than reading ridiculous conspiracy theories online.

    Knowing Naomi that Egyptian themed necklace is one of a kind and worth more than most people make in a year & was a gift from her current billionaire boyfriend.

  9. I've never heard anything remotely like that, Thursday. And I've been to many different Christians churches. None of them have ever said that if you're not Christian, you must be satanic.

  10. I like that song, "Walk Like an Egyptian"

  11. I grew up in the Christian church.

    They would say Hindu's and Buddhist were satanic. Even Yoga was satanic. How screwed up Catholics were. Basically everything non Christian was satanic and pissing off god and they would go to hell.

  12. I grew up in the Christian church and going to Sunday school. Was told constantly growing up Hindus & Buddhist were going to hell. Even Yoga was satanic. Catholics were all screwed up.

  13. I grew up in the Christian church and going to Sunday school. Was told constantly growing up Hindus & Buddhist were going to hell. Even Yoga was satanic. Catholics were all screwed up.



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