Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 11, 2019

Apparently that magazine that likes to list rich people, didn't realize the restaurant chain they touted this morning in an article as an up and coming empire, shut down on of their five locations last night without any notice.

Forbes/Mina Group/"International Smoke"/Ayesha Curry


  1. That proves your credibility....
    I mean the magazine!

  2. Forbes doesn't have much credibility when it comes to most topics. Most things are click bait nowadays.

  3. In my experience, ALL restaurants have an 85% chance of failure every year!

    You can have great expectations when opening a restaurant.

    But within a year, you could be closed and out of business regardless of the location, quality of the food, or your restaurant's atmosphere.

  4. Not really great planning to open a BBQ restaurant not based in Texas and run by the wifey of a Golden State Warrior player in the first place.

  5. Easy to be a culinary star when your husband subsidizes everything.

  6. @J, Just like Posh Spice's clothing line, or some politicians' careers. Kind of like Tay Tay's initial stardom, but that was her daddy.

  7. Yep. I guess it gives him enough rope to step out when necessary.

  8. Easy to be an "expert" when your hubs or parents are footing the bill.

  9. NOOOOO I was meant to go next month!

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Which shows you how much Forbes knows about everything else.
