Saturday, December 28, 2019

Blind Item #7

That divorce is still not final and they share the bed more often than he sleeps down the hall. The wife, who all of you know had a sit down with her former boss and wants her to put out feelers to see if the husband has any chance of getting donors should he run for office again. The wife must just be a masochist for public humiliation. Or maybe it is the cartel family friend of the wife whispering in her ear. The same family friend who is also best buddies with the celebrity CEO. The same celebrity CEO who turned to the billionaire pedophile for advice. The same billionaire pedophile who hosted arms dealers and cartel leaders on his island.


  1. Huma/Andrew and El Chapos wife

  2. Musk and Epstein to finish off?

  3. she thinks carlos danger has a chance?
    you gots to be kidding!!!
    on the other hand, truth is stranger than fiction.

    1. He'll not only run, New Yorkers will vote him into office.

    2. Already rejected his ass.

  4. Huma,Weiner,MrsEl Chapo, Hillary Clinton former? boss,celebrity Ceo, Bezos?

  5. The Weiner documentary had to leave Huma humiliated. Who would dare step back in to the cesspool after that?

  6. Or maybe Bill Gates for the CEO? A lot of them were too close to Epstein.

  7. Wouldn't want to shine a black light on Huma's sheets if you know what I mean.

  8. I thought Weiner having a felony on his record would be a bar to holding office, but in NY and for federal office, felons can hold elected office. In most states you cannot.

  9. Musk for the celebrity CEO

  10. Weiner was good at his job, lousy at his private life. It's unfortunate, actually. He could have done a lot of good.

  11. Death till us part run amok. Kick that man out of your bed and life.

  12. If he runs as Carlos Danger he will win in a landslide. If he acts all sorry and such then forget about it.

  13. “No one is above the law” except 1% democrats.

  14. This is just laughable. More right wing crap from the poster on Peter Thiel's payroll. What complete garbage.

  15. Probably a made up story,it says they share a bed. Please, they didn't do that even before he got caught with his pants down,literally.

  16. This garbage is for consumption for the no-IQ Republicans, (the hillbillies, right wing evangelicals, and white supremacists) who believe this kind of crap, especially since Peter Thiel was the one on the Facebook board who said that political LIES should be allowed on Facebook, naturally against Democrats. Hero Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter refused to let Twitter be the disinformation garbage dump Facebook is.

    1. Sure, Jan. The hillbillies made Weiner sext with minors, it was all a giant conspiracy.

  17. Just think without Huma getting bearded to Weiner we wouldn't have got the Clinton emails and that crazy witch might've even won the election!

  18. @Sarton: You must have missed Hillary's interview with Howard Stern where she said she never had a lesbian relationship in her life. It's all right wing lies and disinformation.

    1. Video will be made available.
      Crimes against humanity. Crimes against children.

      Why do you think Hillary is out there with Obama and Bette Midler telling people to not look at or believe upcoming video of them doing VERY bad things?

      By the way, in case you are unaware: "deep fake" is not an existing technology despite their claims.
      All video alterations and creations can be detected by the same technology used to create the video.
      You are forewarned.

  19. If you knew anything about the "Clinton emails" you would have known that all the emails on Weiner's laptop were DUPLICATES, already in possession of the FBI. Nothing new was found on Weiner's laptop, and oh, the right wing State Department re-re-re reviewed the same emails for the umpteenth time. And Kremlin Barbie and her husband, both with top security clearances, also used private emails and email servers while they worked for Trump.

    1. That's why NYPD personnel who accessed that laptop keep turning up dead, eh? So so many murders and "suicides"

  20. I think it shows great responsibility and savvy to get sensitive emails onto the computer of some pedo's porn-surfing computer.

    Hillary is a genius... she also showed us this via her meticulous understanding of the electoral college and subsequent decision to not visit Wisconsin once during the 2016 campaign.

  21. She loves to go a-plundering,
    Among the cartel cash,
    But with Haiti and the pizza shops,
    You'd think she's made her stash.


  22. Those who know cannot sleep

  23. Wiener already tried a second time, fully documented on Showtime tv. He fucked it up royally, he’s finished in politics.

  24. I should add, he had very little support for the second time and very little money and it was a long shot anyway. But then he fucked up

  25. Weiner should be in prison for life.....general population. He texted the chosen child he wanted to have the kind of sex with her that would keep her from walking for a week. ...something to that effect. US = systemic pedophilia problem. i.e. Weiner's text.There is much more to the Epstein, prince andrew, bill clinton and anthony weiner pedophilia than late teens ready for adventure.

  26. It’s about to Rain Justice....: so all the detractors clearly have to set upon their typical nonsensical, incoherent,intellectually/morally vulgar, and quite frankly- self sabotaging defense.
    Set your clocks.

  27. Personally I loathe Huma, Hillary, Chapo, Weiner....and yet I have NEVER seen a single piece of evidence tying Huma to Chapos wife. Seriously, if you people are believing things that are ONLY discussed on CDAN with no grain of salt, you are fucking idiots and fodder for the actual deep state which thrives on lies and misinformation. If any readers can point to any CREDIBLE evidence of this tie, I will gladly take back this comment and admit hat I was wrong.

    Seriously, CDANers, prove me wrong!

  28. 🍝 🍰 πŸ₯‚

  29. @Monkeyweather. That is false. NO NYPD personel that accessed Weiner's laptop turned up dead/murdered.

    That's because they found NOTHING:

    "A senior law enforcement official confirmed to NBC News that nearly all of the thousands of newly examined emails on Weiner's laptop were DUPLICATES...

    Huma shared her laptop with Weiner and forwarded the emails to herself to do her work off site...

  30. The right wing does not care about "but her emails" anyway, it was just another blunt instrument to trash Hillary with. When Kremlin Barbie and her husband did the same thing, plus used non secure What's App, and Trump used his unsecured cell phone to chat with his dictator pals like PUTIN, the right wing said nothing and could care less. They also don't care that Trump has told over 15,000 documented LIES since taking office on 1/20/17.

  31. Headlines in the real world, FACT BASED news versus the right wing bat cave baloney:

    CNN: Trump impeached

    NYT: Trump impeached

    ABC: Trump impeached



  32. HS, there's some intelligence.

  33. Studio54 is ridiculous. Sad!

  34. hey studio54, how's that impeachment going? Is Donnie impeached yet? Why is it taking so long? Have been impeaching Donnie for 3 years now.

    The biggest problem with Dems is that they do nothing for their voters, because they are so obsessed with Trump. They have wasted years and countless tens of millions against him, instead of using it for their voters.

    They're consumed by hatred, it's no wonder they Allie themselves with the dregs of humanity. Just look at who nowadays is still a vocal Dem. The worst of the worst of the worst.

  35. Ah was so nice to awake to sound, resonant and astute thought. The ugliness and despaired ire produced by a man who looks and it in the face and laughs at it , then uses it to further fuel his successes and achievements,is particularly rewarding. As it’s become so sadly clear:The Left cares more about destroying Trump and delegitimizing his Presidency and the millions of supporters who voted for him-than they do about the welfare of their country. Which, by the way is at all time highs in terms of the The economy, unemployment (that applies to African Americans and Hispanics), trade deals, dismantling of Isis and MS16, support for veterans,homeless declines (not of course in decades run liberal enclaves like California ,NYC and now Austin)....just to name a few. He has put God back into the vernacular,and they are godless;given respect back to Israel and stomps on Anti-Semitism(but he’s a closet racist/Nazi I swear!πŸ™„) ; has put the the spotlight on DC corruption and it will have consequences; secured our borders;puts America before hundreds of other nations who used to take our hand outs and laugh at us; gives people self esteem and the chance to flourish instead of allowing them suck off the government and use crime to supplement their non-incomes; and speaks people without a trace of the phony BS which so easily flows from his detractors/political nemesis’. Ya know what the best part is-he doesn’t give AF what you think of it either. He’s simply just gonna keep kickin ass.

  36. HOly crap!! This blind has everything!

  37. Tricia and Unknown are correct. What's also interesting is that the Dems were so obsessed with the phony House impeachment process they failed to address the 2020 budget, which was still outstanding via CR up to 12/20. Hasty passage resulted in compromises that ultimately benefited constituents on both sides, though, so at least something good came out of this money-wasting farce

  38. hear hear Tricia- you'd think that with all of their amazing proof against Hitler-Trump and him being so stupid and them being so clever, he would have been removed from office 3 years ago...instead they had achieved fuck-all in all this time. No wait, they did achieved something: they have exposed themselves as greedy and hypocritical mental midgets, and millions of voters have noticed. the 2020 election will be fun to watch

  39. Yes Unkown,correct you are. Let’s not forget the richness of the Pavlovian (and idiotic) “grab em by the p***y when they revere and exalt a serial rapist like Clinton (and murderer),but don’t let the feeble minds short circuit all at once. Will leave the pedophilia (and worse ) of the Podesta,Weiners Clinton and Co. to the time when it is exposed.,which it will soon be...and hey how bout that walking,talking stroke in a skirt Pelosi and now the news her son also had dealings in Ukraine last few years along with Crack Boy Hunter... can’t write better shit lol

  40. Tricia, and you forgot to mention how lovely Saint Obama after 3 years in office started 3 new wars, which killed hundreds thousands, displaced millions, which repercussions are constant terrorism throughout Europe, and of course, his intelligent politics that led to the very creation of ISIS, those cuddly chaps.
    Meanwhile evil Hitler Trump started zero wars, destroyed ISIS and is trying to clean up the bloody mess the peaceful Dems made before him all while bringing jobs to the US, stabilising the economy, being maligned and crucified every single day by the media and taking $1 per annum. That bastard!

    It's cognitive dissonance at its' finest. Being a virulent democrat today, is a prominent sign of severe mental illness. There really is no other possible explanation.

  41. Maria Shriver, Arnold, Optah, Geffen

  42. @Unknown - true that. I left Barry Hussein and his husband Michael out of this because they are so insignificant,in the end. Your points RE: his utter hypocrisy and corruption arent(not to confuse). Because ya know.. it’s not unusual at all
    That he is the only ex president to buy. a 3 million solar home and stay in DC to shadow government his successor. Not . At. all. Oh and spy on him for shits and giggles ...Also not odd his purchase of a 5-7 million dollar home on Martha’s Vineyard(which I have the fortune of being to many times) , on his “non salaried,non
    Tax payer,laundered for years from foreign countries-dime. Happens all the timeπŸ˜‰

  43. Barry Hussein and his husband Michael/Elle were possibly the most grotesque distorters to represent the country and inhabit the White House for reasons to abundant to get into. You certainly touched on them...The fact that he sold our country to Muslim/Terrorist aligned countries didn’t raise flags to Americans?? Or the rise of crime ,dissolution of respect Law Enforcement and Order? How bout that open border policy wherein more rapes/murders were committed (specifically against women) by illegal aliens - became a norm... And now he’s vanished.. out of cowardice ultimate fear of what he will face if he shows his ugly ass one. My grandmother always said-“there is nothing common about sense”. She was Irish and kind (teetotaler) and had the the most open heart ever
    My German Ukraine grandmother(NYC raised)always told me to trust nobody: so I don’t.
    I am an optimist by nature, a pessimist by experience *Edward Bond quote The Sea.
    But even the staunchest optimist has to look at him and what he and they represent and be-appalled
    That is, if they still have soul.

  44. The legacy they leave is that of a hollow, soulless, profoundly corrupt/inept,lost party. I would say RIP to The Left /Democratic Party πŸŽ‰;but that’s reserved for people I respect ...

  45. I agree with every fucking word Tricia
