Saturday, December 14, 2019

Blind Item #7

AP's husband is cheating on her. She told me. I did tell her first before writing it here. She is still going to do award season, but doesn't know about her life right now. She thinks having this here will force her to confront the situation.


  1. Oh no. Amanda Peet and David Benioff

  2. This is terribly sad. Sorry for your friend Enty. I am not sure I would have shared. If they work it out this is not going to be great for you.

  3. Sounds right about Amanda Peet. +2

    But, wait until award season is over to deal with the issue?

    Oh, Hollywood. If my husband was cheating on me no way I could just sit back and smile.

    ANd, are we sure they do not have an open marriage?

  4. There was something up with Enty hatred for Emilia Clarke. Sounded too personal. I wonder if this is why he hates her so much.

  5. Now that Amanda has no gossip on Emilia,she sends gossip on herself!

  6. MDANderson....that has always been my theory with ENTY's hatred for Emilia Clark as well.

    I always wondered if AP told him Emilia slept/ or she thought Emilia slept with her husband so ENTY trashes her on here for Amanda Peet. However, if I was Emilia, I would hate AP LOL because you know this stuff undoubtedly gets back to Emilia and her team and would know the "source" of it all.


  7. The only way this gets better is if he is cheating with Emilia.

  8. Very good point MD. Makes complete sense.

  9. Um, no. Emilia hates David. She recently said she fought with him cause of nude scenes on got. He's trash.

  10. My guess it's probably someone from his new project "Lovecraft"

  11. Ahh, so Emilia has been trashing David and his misogynist tendencies (with GOOD cause) and now a blind about "poor AP" is here.

    I doubt that is a coincidence.

  12. Emilia’s got an alibi at least she hates him!🙄

  13. People with money and status be it perceived or real are always going to have trash who latch onto them, and it's unfortunate because they will never stop falling for it. 3, 4, 5, partners/marriages/girlfriends, it's an endless cycle of lack of self worth and self abuse, really. A weak/broken person who falls for it. Since whoever it is reads here, it's not your fault, it's not your doing, you couldn't have avoided it, it wasn't possible to change or stop, and you shouldn't feel embarrassed or bad about it. It's not reflective of you, but the two people who lack self esteem, integrity, class and self worth that brought you into the mess. Broken hurt people hurt people, and broken hurt people are not sexy no matter what the checkbook or career says.

  14. And P.S., no awards season, no saving face. You can't save an idiot who throws away his integrity.

  15. Benioff is a depth-challenged Libra weenie who will fall apart when is marriage fails. Hope DB Weiss walks away from him too. Also, he is not attractive.

  16. Go to the awards and network. Get yourself on a good show, movie, etc. it will be great to see you acting more

  17. This is sad news regarding AP and the children that get the brunt of a parent's bad decisions. I have a friend whose family is going through the same thing.
    With no disrespect, I am curious about the combo platter of making this public NOW (albeit "blindly") & expecting to attend awards season as a couple. I worry that it will bring uncomfortable red carpet questions, and/or anger him into not even seeking forgiveness/reconciliation. Perhaps, she has already made that decision.
    Whatever brought her to the decisions regarding the next few months, no one in a committed relationship deserves to be disrespected by the person who should value them most. Best of luck to her and cheers to better times ahead.

  18. Amanda Peete, if this is you and if you read these comments, you are BETTER OFF WITHOUT A CHEATING HUSBAND. In the end, you will be the one who thrives and finds whatever your heart wants. He will be lost without you and his family and he will regret his choices and actions. It ALWAYS ends up that way in these situations as long as you don't let the anger define you and you work on forgiving. It may take a couple years, but you can do it!

  19. Amanda, if you are reading this, I second A Women. You are a beautiful, talented woman who doesn't need to be married to a cheating dog.

  20. Amanda, if you're reading this, I need dirty on Nikolaj and Gwendoline affair. Please.

  21. Amanda, if you are reading this, give ya boy Troy a call. Would love to take your mind off things with some of the good stuff

  22. This is a story as old as hollywood.

  23. If Benioff is fucking Emilia as ferociously as he fucked the viewers of the last two seasons of GoT then she's a lucky girl.

  24. Surely EmilEm has more taste than that slimey creep - ugh!

  25. Emilia...too much cider, lol

  26. AP: divorce him and get half of that Game of Thrones money. You are a beauty and with that kind of cash the world is def your oyster.

    Good luck--men don't change. Take the money and run!

  27. Amanda if you are reading this and want other options I'm just north of Seattle

    1. Hey @Rosie - I’m repping the 206!

    2. Love the 206! I'm actually 360.. the city of subdued excitement

  28. Exactly. After, what happened the last season of GoT and how Amanda Peet gushed about how great it was in interviews (seriously, all of her interviews on late night shows are usually based on David's work on GoT and she knows this)..David/ GoT is her ticket to being relevant.

    I am having a severe case of what is your game, girlfriend?

    Could it be David is losing his street cred. with writing and has already received his payday from Netflix which she will get half of after losing out on Star Wars ??

    Could this be an award season leak so people actually talk and not try to forget about GoT and her show ruiner of a husband while ENTY shits on the much anticipated Witcher and Henry Cavill ? Which is suppose to be: "The Next Game of Thrones."

    Also, I think if Emilia and David ever did do "it" was probably when she was auditioning to get the job as Emilia replaced the original Dany.

    And, No, I do not believe for a second tha Emilia had no clue she would NOT have to take her clothes off on a HBO show. Maybe she was so excited for a job and David promised her the world?? Would not be the first time a producer said : trust me.

    But, Emilia is shitting all over David (with good reason) in the press and AP is throwing the premature victim card.

    You cannot convince me that ENTY and Amanda did not come up with the "perfect wording" of this blind.

    Amanda, I do not wish bad will on other people, but, girl, you have repeatedly attacked Emilia Clark who is younger than you and was having brain aneurysm surgery (as someone whose uncle died from
    and saying what a ho she was and she will fail as an actress.


  29. She picked him. Her choice. We live by our choices good and bad.

  30. ENTY, you often do this with women "victims" aka revering seeking exes.

    Benedict Cumberbitch = Renne Zelleweger = seeking press on Julie

    Kailey Cuoco = Henry Cavill ... tooted it and booted it and felt used, so you are getting "revenge" on her behalf. But, careful now. Calling people who date of age (18 plus) takes away from the 13 y/0 rapist POlanksi types. Careful on what you bet yourself on, ENTY.

    AsKars= Alexa Chung..which BG shut that down saying ASsKars is thinking she is seeking the dramatics after she released a photo with her younger, bf, the same day of the BLL season 2 red carpet.

    Emilia Clarke= Amanda Peet = Jason Mamaoa= a wife cheating or stealing, flirting hobag when in reality pissed off AP and David.

    Live by the lies. Die into obscurity by them.

  31. I've found that it's always better to be the one to physically leave first. That way the jerk is then left in their own house to stew about where you might be & what you're doing, rather than give them the security of knowing you're at home right where they left you.

    He lied for long enough, let him lose a bit of that control & confidence. Unsettle him now so he'll be shaken up by the time the divorce comes around.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. For those who said she doesn't like him, ever hear of hate sex? It's actually pretty hot.

  34. Grew up in the 425. Used to be 206. Now I'm 208 haha.

  35. Nikolaj and Gwendoline? I can't see that in a million years. I can see him being a cheater but it would be with someone hot like Lena.

  36. It's beneath Amanda because she seems pretty cool, but go to the events and make sure to bring it up to the reporters on the red carpet.

  37. Big ups to Rachel Handler who always refers to him as Amanda Peet's husband and the other smug bastard as Amanda Peet's husband's writing partner.

  38. She stayed with him after what he did to the last season of GoT. Get out girl. That man is clearly stupid.



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