Monday, December 09, 2019

Blind Item #5

This one named permanent A lister knows if she were planted in one place with a firm schedule, that it would just allow her permanent A list significant other a better chance of cheating on her.


  1. Nothing's gonna stop him though.

  2. The problem is more her tolerating it than him cheating. Does she not think she'd be able to find someone else or is she too overwhelmed by the prospect of trying?

  3. She thinks too highly of herself to be seen as a divorced woman. That image of a perfect life would be ruined.

  4. Gross. She oughta let him

  5. Her perfect image is already ruined if everyone knows he cheats. She is seen as a doormat, is that somehow better?

  6. What's "gross" about it?

  7. Beyonce is a 'permanent' a list. Ugh. They deserve each other.

  8. @Do Tell - I think Rosie meant that JayZ is gross. And he totally is.

  9. I thought she liked to watch him with his paramours? Or she was on too many meds to really care if he cheats?

    It wouldn’t surprise me if Bey does end up in residency in Vegas, keeps her busy and earning. And her creative team can keep painting a happy home life.

  10. The issue is, she'll never have as much money without Jay, even if she divorces him and gets whatever part state law allows, plus child support.

  11. Treetrunk thighs should be planted.

  12. They're already in an open marriage, she knows he f*cks around and she stays. Jay Z can screw anyone he wants and she, well, who knows what she does.

  13. When life gives you lemons make lemonade

  14. ive never found this woman particularly appealing.. i liked destinys child back in the day, but her solo has always come across more as a poor mans tina turner to me

  15. @DJS, Not even a poor man's Tina Turner, Tina Turner was a queen compared to this one.

  16. Beyoncé is overrated & old news. No one, save for a pathetic devoted few, cares.

  17. Beyonce is dumb. Cant stand her. Also i get trying to make things work for the kids but COME ON....She knows he wont stop so why try to make it work? Have some self respect and walk away.

  18. Tina Turner is a queen, period.

  19. Beyawnce

    When was the last legit hit song she had? seriously

  20. I don’t get why she puts up with that noise, if my wife thought I was going to cheat her she’d kick my ass out on the street.

  21. I really cant see why should would need Vegas. I always see it as someone who just cant be bothered anymore.

  22. Wouldn't that be a good thing. Then she doesn't have to sleep with him but can spend his money. Ugh...he's disgusting (and so is she.)



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