Saturday, December 14, 2019

Blind Item #5

Two stars from this now defunct long running network show recently revealed they had to put cotton balls up their nose to work with a recurring character who is rumored to be related in character to a streaming character from a very popular show. The recurring character had a bit of a hygiene issue. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No way! Good guess/ Knowledge.

    Jean Ralphio and Mona Lisa: ...."she is the worrrrrsttttt!"
    I am guessing Rob Lowe is the answer to Blind Item #6 then.

  3. Ben Schwartz, who plays Jean-Ralphio, because there's a running joke that his "real father" is Joe Keery/Steven Harrington from Stranger Things.

  4. Too bad we ain’t outing Norman Reeds with this one.☹️

  5. @sandybrook,no need to have Reedus outed on poor hygiene. The odor comes through the pictures/TV screen.

  6. There's a guy in my office I have to work with occasionally that has this issue. A co-worker jokingly suggested Vicks VapoRub like they do in CSI. It works!

    1. If you have a surgical mask, put vicks inside of it when changing stinky diapers.

    2. What the heck are u feeding that Baby!!??

  7. I worked in the computer department of a university once upon a time. Many of the nerd grad students simply didn't bathe/shower. They'd come up to nuke their lunch. When they crawled back to their hole the office manager had to spray away the odors.

  8. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Did you know that blocking your sweat glands is unnatural? and the chemicals in antiperspirant are cancer causing?

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I love pit odor on a man as long as it's not too out of control. They make these soap bars out of stainless steel that really eliminate pit odor. If a guy showers every day his pit smell is going to be sexy. I agree about anti-perspirants. They are not healthy. I used those crystal rock things which work well as long as you don't sweat too much. Regular anti-perspirant and deodorant breaks me out in a rash.

    I used to believe any mansmell was sexy but what cured me was inviting over a very hot young dreadlocked stoner bicycle messenger guy a few years ago. I could not get past the smell no matter how hot he was and after he left I literally had to wash and Febreze everything in the room lol. A hygienic guy who maybe has just mowed the lawn or gone to the gym is hot AF though.

  10. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Unpopular fact that it's also sometimes a cultural thing. Many years ago I worked at a Greek restaurant hole in the wall place that happened to be trendy and cool at the time because of the location. The owner was Middle Eastern. He literally never bathed. I could not believe he walked around in the restaurant and nobody ever mentioned it. It would literally almost knock you over. Good looking guy too and he was banging the manager of the place who was a very nice pretty girl. She had either lost her sense of smell or got off on it. I can see getting off on being banged by a big stinky beastly a point though. This was beyond any point of what any normal human could endure. Oh he also covered it with layers and layers of cologne. And stop typing of course it's not ALL Middle Eastern men but it is not an uncommon thing in their culture.

  11. Anonymous9:22 AM

    OMG Energy drink and Cafe du Monde combination so excuse me...I know nobody reads these but it's fun writing it out.
    I remember something else on topic and previous comment. The Greek restaurant was in the trendy gay ghetto at the time area of town. This was the late 70s when there were still "gay ghetto" neighborhoods of every major city. It was the only part of town where we could live openly.
    In the late 70s (and still ongoing today to a point) there was a contingent of gay men who were really into "mansmells" and that entire scene. The restaurant was gay friendly. Those guys would come in and be really into the smelly owner. I think he had a cult following. I seem to remember discussing it with another gay boy waiter friend there and that the owner never actually did it with any guys but he didn't mind them coming in and looking and smelling. That was very gay friendly in those days when you could be killed walking home from work.
    I didn't work there very long because the kitchen was about on the same level of cleanliness as the owner lol. It was really, really bad.
    Oh the good old days LOL.

  12. I love your stories, Miss Davie. Type away!

  13. I worked on a show about a Hollywood actress that ends up on a farm. There would be different wild animals on each episode. One was a porcupine...they stink like sweaty balls and onions and leave a trail of stench whatever they touch. It was awful.



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