Sunday, December 01, 2019

Blind Item #4

The foreign born former A+ list boy bander can say whatever he likes about his girlfriend, but one of the "bouncers" at the club he had so much trouble with this weekend said the drivers license of the girlfriend said her age is 18 which means they started dating when she was barely 17, and definitely still in high school.


  1. Well, she is educated at least! Maybe she can take him to the cleaners!

  2. An underage beard?

  3. liam payne in san antonio, he messed with texas

  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Liam Payne would do this simply to get a headline- insufferable bore

  5. 17 is legal most places, so who cares?

  6. Yeah isn't 17 legal? What's the issue?

    1. These old bag loons around here think females are too stupid to be in control of their bodies until they are 30+, and if they look under 30, whoever fucking them is a pedo. "Her body, her choice, as long as she chooses what i tell her to."

  7. Might be gross, but age of consent in UK is 16, so technically he's not doing anything wrong.

  8. Well, she isn't from the UK so there's that.
    Also, wasn't he gay according to the blog last year, Enty? Are we doing the ooooold switch-a-roo again?

  9. She’s close to 19 and was not still in high school. I lived down the street from them and her high school. If you google her name and quinceanera you will see her birthday as being in March. I’m not a fan of them, but the facts here are wrong.



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