Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Blind Item #2

How many people accused of and convicted of numerous sexual crimes can one person call as a friend before someone calls them out on it? This permanent A++ lister seemingly has a never ending cast of characters in her life who are involved in some truly horrific behavior. 


  1. Queen Elizabeth II and her reptilian family. LOL

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Someone gets it.

  2. HRC? Please. If she had one speck of dirt on her, conservatives would be spreading it far and wide. She is the most investigated person in the history of our government and the conservatives still got nothing on her. So go ahead with your feverish fantasies that she somehow is the most perverted and criminal human on earth... does not make it true no matter how much you hate her.

  3. @cc423, Why do you think she lost? More people were probably voting against her than for Trump. That interview where she laughed about helping a pedo she knew was guilty beat the charges and get off scot-free turned a lot of people to Bernie.

    1. Do not understand the fever-dream mental gymnastics you anti-AMERICAN fascists go thru to justify your idol worship of fucktard Trump

    2. HRC won the popular vote by 3 million votes. The Electoral College put The Big Orange Turd in office inspite of the popular vote.

    3. You can thank Alexander Hamilton for pushing for the electoral college..... he had more sense and realized California and NY city shouldn’t determine who is POTUS. I agree more people voted for Trump because they can’t stand HRC .

  4. It is hard to have dirt on someone that deletes and bleachbits 33,000 emails on her server, and takes hammers to blackberries AFTER she was ordered not to. You don't go to that much trouble over wedding plans and yoga. Just sayin ....

  5. Hi cc

    I know a bit about statistics and the chances of turning $1000 into $100,000 on cattle futures trading are astronomically small.

    Unless you cheat.

  6. cc423 - go ask the people of Honduras or Libya about her crimes.

  7. Yaccub, the world is a complex place, obviously too many things going on for you to grasp. I'll say, with zero expectation of helping your understanding, that a person paying attention will find it shockingly easy to hate both Trump and Hillary Clinton.

  8. hothotheat, I can't speak for you, but I knew about the electoral college long before the last election. Lots of people did.

    Seemingly Hillary didn't, though. Otherwise maybe she would have visited yucky Wisconsin at least once, instead of party after party after party in glamorous California.

  9. I still see NO facts that HRC is some sort of criminal mastermind. Libya? PLEASE. She spent ELEVEN HOURS testifying before a bunch of frothing at the mouth Republicans who found NO wrong doing. As far as Honduras, Clinton kept a murdering thug from becoming a dictator.

    The fact is, right wing fascists are triggered by strong women who stand up to them. Ask Putin.

  10. cc, she brags about her personal role in overthrowing Ghadafi.

    With him gone, the id of the place took over. Slaves are traded.

    Thanks to her.

    Oh, and her vote supporting Bush's Iraq war... that rocks too.

  11. Oprah is besties with Weinerstain, John of god and Geffen. I grew up with her on local TV in Baltimore. Talk about the face they show the public.

  12. lol at anyone defending HRC... what a ghoul she is!

    anways whats funny is this is clearly an Oprah blind but the even funnier part is HRC/Bill knows all these same lowlifes and fundraise from them. So they could at least use that lame ass excuse, but what the hell is oprahs? that picture of harvey, rita ora and oprah was always strange to me... something
    off in it

    also i heard they are remaking Little Shop of Horrors but the plant is actually the offspring of the potted plant Harvey jizzed in

  13. This is Oprah, 'John of God' just got sentenced.

  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Queen Oprah or perhaps HRH HRC.
    You have to give Hillary props for passing off what is obviously Webb Hubbell's child as Bill's child and nobody DARES to question it.

  15. "a person paying attention will find it shockingly easy to hate both Trump and Hillary Clinton."

    aaaaannnnnndddd ^^^^ THIS is why I find myself always agreeing w/ J.

    He's right.
