Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Blind Item #12

The foreign born A-/B+ list actress had quite the evening. She screamed at an assistant to the point they broke down crying which only further incensed the actress who then threatened to fire the assistant. Apparently there were not enough paps scheduled to come snap our actress on her big night. Our actress wanted a dozen. She ended up with two who confirmed which led to the screaming an yelling. Our actress had also demanded multiple bodyguards from the event hosts. Her people wanted her to have five or six. They ended up with one.


  1. Replies
    1. Her and Nicks “Anniversary “ Night

  2. She really should do comedy. Her and her fake marriage are the biggest joke anyone has seen in a long time.

  3. When the Snowflakes gave her the Vegetarian, not Humanitarian, award last night.

  4. Bosses who rage are the worst bosses in the world.

    I laugh at bosses who thought going into an anger rage was productive.

    When I first moved to Las Vegas, I worked for a brokerage who had a sales manager who was an anger raging maniac. It seems like he got angry at the drop of a hat.

    I got out of there fast.

    If going into an anger rage is your go to card when something doesn't go your way, don't be a boss.

  5. Someone should beat her ass like a drum.

  6. Lmaoooo oh Priyonky, you are so desperate to believe you’re a somebody when really almost everyone sees you as a thirsty beard. Get over yourself, talentless twat.

  7. So what is the point of this fake marriage? Is Nick Jonas that famous? What is in it for the two of them independently?

  8. I wonder if she screams at Nick like that.

  9. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Check out her deep fake video at celeb jihad

  10. This gal is truly a self-important piece of work!

  11. She really is only marginally attractive. If she looked like Freida Pinto she'd probably get more attention

  12. She acts like she married John Lennon, you married a manufactured washed up boy bander. She needs some clarity on her clout.

  13. 😂 You nailed it, @timebob - she totally acts like she married a Beetle.

  14. @notthisagain: ‘Talentless Twat’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


  15. Is she really doing all this? What is her actual job? Glee?

  16. Obviously she is out of touch, whoever it is.. people don’t care...

  17. And all her friends ie Meghan Markle act just like her. Priyanka Chopra, is she related to Deepak Chopra from Fox News? Her and Markle are both delusional, self important little porn stars.

  18. I mean my goodness is she going to have to call the paps herself to get them to show up in droves, or rather PAY them to show up, like her BFF Meghan Markle at her new york baby shower. Her inner beauty is in the negative numbers.

  19. I feel bad for the girl, but if she cant weather the storm of a lunatic meltdown, she aint cut out to be an assistant. If she didnt quit, then she prime for a relationship w/ someone who abuses her physically and emotionally. Please forward her my contact info.

    1. A good employment lawyer would rip this tyrant a new arsehole.
      Which I'm sure you'd find a use for Count.
      People are paid to do a job not be abused.

    2. I am pretty vile, but not colostomy sex vile. Besides, there no muscle in the hole to clench up on me, during climax.

      Probably an NDA attached to the job, and since witnesses can be paid off, a video of the tantrum would be best.

    3. I'm sorry Count
      I thought you might have gone for that
      While humming:
      Papa's Got A Brand New Pissbag

  20. I feel like she married him to stay relevant and he married her to give the appearance of being straight (idk if he is or is not tbh) for the Jonas reunion tour and the movie roles. People may doubt the validity of their marriage on sites like this, but, the people at large and social media eat it up LOL.

  21. Jerkula hits the nail on the head once again. Good to see you!

    1. I am adept at hammering, hunter ;)

  22. You want more paps?
    Then whip out your baps.

  23. Chopra and Jonas don't fit together. It may be that she just wasn't clever enough to snag someone appropriate. With a mismatch like that, something is terribly wrong in both their heads.

  24. This sure sounds like PC. She has a history of being awful to people who're working under her. Btw, to all those wondering what's in it for her and Nick in the fake-as-hell marriage: it's relevance in the US and low-key "revenge" against her ex who was a married A+ lister in India/Bollywod. I don't know what Nick gets out of it- probably the same relevance thingy.

    And for everyone wondering how she didn't/couldn't find a better match- it clearly was not for a lack of trying. Point is, no one, even in Bollywood wanted her...what makes y'all think anyone in Hollywood would want her? Most of her face is a work of plastic and her acting talent is mediocre at BEST.

  25. At least Katy Perry and Russell Brand tried to work through their "marriage".
