Thursday, November 07, 2019

Your Turn

Was Jeffrey Epstein killed? Has your opinion changed since his death?


  1. I never thought Epstein committed suicide. I maintained he was murdered.

  2. I believe that he was murdered but it was made to look like a suicide. I think he was suicided. I know for sure he didn't commit suicide.

  3. Obviously murdered from the autopsy report.

  4. or is he STILL alive and made to look like he was murdered/suicided?

  5. Of course he was killed—prison justice acts fast.

  6. Anonymous10:05 AM

    No my opinion hasn't changed. Epstein was murdered and the autopsy confirmed it. The real question is who ordered the hit?

  7. @Ann My guess is the royals or Clinton's. A good old Arkancide.

  8. He hadn't even been convicted yet, not to mention he'd already beat the system once before on similar charges. He had the resources to fight a long legal battle. His personality definitely didn't seem like the suicidal type and he didn't care enough about anyone else for them to be used as leverage to make him kill himself.

  9. Murdered or actually still alive in hiding somewhere. Not suicide

  10. Anonymous10:13 AM

    +1 MyDog. Both are top of my list too.


    1. Do You think there is facial recognition program that could be used on those photo?

  12. Yes, and no my opinion hasn't changed.

    Even though good doggie Trevor Noah tried mightily to deflect the question away from Queen of the Warmongers Hillary.

  13. How can anyone believe he's not dead? Who in the fuck would want him alive (apart from powerless victims)?


  14. Unchanged. Definitely murdered. Just wondering who ordered it. Prince Chubby Fingers?

  15. Killed on behalf of the other potential defendants. Making the case against them became much more difficult in his absence.

  16. Murdered and as many have said, to hush him up. I wonder if we will ever know who ordered the hit.

  17. Murdered. He was no longer useful to the elite and a liability. Why they didn't kill him before he was arrested is my biggest question. Few would have cared if he'd died before his arrest.

  18. He was too arrogant to commit suicide. i have always believed he was murdered, and that aside from a trial and conviction and the loss of potential information interrogations might have gotten, his death was no loss.

  19. Right out of the media-horse's mouth.

  20. He was murdered and it was covered up to protect all those people who where involved

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Epstein was Blackmail Inc. for intelligence. Not necessarily OUR intelligence.

    1. Isreali intelligence...they definitely could pull off a fake suicide...I change my answer..originally predicted he would be murdered now believe he is alive and well..

  23. Unfortunately all this heat from Epstein has ruined their plans for Assange

  24. I have to be honest. It is 50-50 for me. I fully believe that he WOULD commit suicide rather than be smeared and possibly subjected to having to turn on friends and fear for his life forever... as well as admit bad things about himself that friends and family would then know... but I also think even the POSSIBILITY or his turning on major players would create an opportunity and reason for a conspiratorial hidden murder. A guy like his could easily be offed with money and access but a guy like him could also very well take the easy way route - in which case he or someone close to him or with something to lose could then pay off necessary access/officials to make it happen.

  25. He didn't kill himself. Ghislain next?


  27. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I think he was definitely "suicided". I believed that when it happened and still do.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous11:33 AM

    He was murdered, no question about it. Just shows how corrupt our government workers are.

  30. That pic of him post death so called isn't him. I say witness relocation.

  31. There are even coroners saying all autopsy signs point towards that he didn't kill himself.
    And this happened while he was alone in his cell, so staff would have have been involved. It's so blatant that it seems like a warning to others not to even think of snitching.

  32. Murdered, opinion has not changed, BS keeps getting deeper.

  33. still alive, somewhere, along with Khashoggi, waiting for them to testify against people.

    Too many goofy excuses for the Khashoggi "murder". Uh, we accidentally killed him, and then, uh, someone took him. Where did they take him? uh,, wait, we cut him up and buried him. Where'd you bury him? Uh,, wait, we cut him up and put him in acid, and not even a teeny tiny ounce of DNA survived the acid. All gone. No trace. Not even his shoes. Yep...that's what happened.

  34. @gauloise, Not really, they already turned Assange into a vegetable when they got done interrogating him, he was like an advanced Alzheimer's sufferer at that hearing.

  35. Murdered. Too many sleeping at the switch to believe it was not a plot. Michael Baden confirmed

  36. Murdered or Witness Protection. That’s been my opinion all along. The ‘picture of him’ on the gurney without his face covered is what makes me think he’s still alive (trying to prove too hard that he’s dead.) Also, the weirdness around the supposed funeral/burial.

  37. @Brayson it was a joke

  38. Again, which powerful person(s) would WANT Epstein alive?

  39. Nothing about Epstein makes sense.

    If he did kill himself, I think it was a ritual in order to transmigrate his soul to that of another. I think that's how Epstein became Epstein in the first place.

    Of course, if we are living in a simulation, perhaps these "high weirdness" cases are there to distract us while firmware upgrades are going on. For instance, Epstein's mysterious death act the same way the fireworks do in George A. Romero's Land of the Dead.

  40. As soon as I heard he was dead, I knew it was murder even before the pathologist said the way his neck was broke in 3 places is more consistent with strangulation than suicide.

    Taken off suicide watch? The cameras were faulty? Only one person has been killed in that area of the prison in decades and that was mob related.

    He is either dead or witness protection, but, my money is own dead. Way too many powerful people all around the world had too much to lose. You would think though the guy would have a doomsday device though with his blackmail to keep himself alive though.

  41. it's the same thing with the pap photos: no one has their picture taken unless it was intentional!

  42. Yes he was murdered. Interestingly the Met (Metropolitan Police/ Scotland Yard) decided not to search his UK house after he was incarcerated or when he died. Even Dai Davis, the former head of SO14 (Royal Protection Group, part of the Met/Scotland Yard) thinks that is very fishy. Epstein was silenced by people with too much to lose if he squealed.

  43. lol that the security cameras accidentally didn't work that day.

    Weird coincidence!

  44. Definitely, and I've thought that since day one!

  45. The good guys would want him alive. DUH

  46. momo -YES. This is how they sell lies and fake news. Everyone is buying into the obvious "It was murder not suicide" diversion. Just like in shooting hoaxes they will float a "second shooter" since it establishes the lie about a first shooter. Psych-ops

  47. They are behind "Epstein didn't kill himself" so cover up that Epstein isn't dead.

  48. My opinion hasn't changed, I believe he was suicided.

  49. Which "good guys?"


  50. J, has a good point, which good guys? The same good guys who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist last time or the good guys who are trying to figure out how to lose cases against Weinstein again without raising a stink?

    1. The FBI are definitely not the good guys.
      They caught him and or him carry on.
      Our security services are NOT there to keep us secure.

  51. Michael Corleone: My father is no different than any other powerful man, any man who is responsible for other people, like a senator or a president.
    Kay Adams:You know how naive you sound?
    Michael Corleone:Why?
    Kay Adams: Senators and presidents don't have men killed.
    Michael Corleone: Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?

    (One of my favorite movie exchanges ever )

    Epstein had information on top government officials/ political families (Clintons who literally have the terms "Vince Forestered" and "Arkancided" coined for the even the House of Cards US version was based on them)....Epstein had dirt the on BRF (probably other royal families around the world), Tech giants (bill gates), Hollywood types, Owners of huge corporations.....the most powerful people on the planet wanted him silenced.

    Yes. He is dead and it was murder. Come to think of it with the witness protection would take only ONE person to leak his location or be bought off and if anything the Trump administration has shown the last 3 years is how corrupt the top officials at the FBI were.

    Yup. Murder final answer. We will never know exactly who did it...but, I can imagine it as a "stab Casear" "y tu, Brute?" situation. They all wanted him dead and probably worked together to make it happen.

    I would love to be wrong and all the players be brought to justice and outed as the pedos they are and face justice for it....but, it won't happen unfortunately.

  52. He was either murdered or he is still alive.

  53. Murdered. Made to look like suicide.

  54. TeeHee, that is a wonderful and very true scene.

  55. I think I'm going to hide "Epstein didn't kill himself" on all of the holiday cards I send out this year. ;)

  56. Still alive and living in Israel.

  57. as my eyes roll around and around, I ask Brondie Protected by whom?

    1. Protected by isreali intelligence

  58. Understand zoro epstein ranch in new mexico has still not been govt. is protecting the pedos and not the children to this day. Guy says he has 700 of epstein's videos for blackmail. He says he looked at a few.....only admitted to a famous guy on MSM being with a child. What do you think?

  59. Oh forgot, I think epstein is alive and well. Probably has a new face.

    1. He REALLY needed a new face...dayum that guy got beaten with the ugly stick!

  60. Wow! Loaded question.

    Many here think he was murdered.

    I don't.

    My experience with a suicidal person and related therapy sessions we've attended is summed up in what a psychologist told us.

    A suicidal person needs to be watched carefully.
    The suicidal person will say they are alright and are NOT going to kill themselves. But, once you let your guard down, that's when they take action.

    Epstein had tried to kill himself once before while in jail and failed. (I think the guards caught him.)
    So, they placed him on suicidal watch.

    Epstein then spent the next week or so (however long) pretending he was okay, and fully convince his jailers -- probably through his attorneys -- that he was fine and wasn't going to do that again.

    Once he was sure the guards had stopped monitoring him, he took action.

    That's my two cents for what it is worth.

    I will sign off as: Dad of a suicidal child.

  61. @DavidHowesCREBroker, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son. I hope you find some peace in memories, though I am sure there is nothing that fills that hole in your heart.

  62. Yes...the fact that he changed his will two days before changed my mind. Suicide or he paid one of the guards to do it.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Suicided or in GITMO

  65. 75/25: Suicide/murder.

    David: Sorry for your painful loss; and thank you for the info.

  66. Eppie wasn't murdered and probably never existed except as an actor playing the part for a few photos. See, when uber-powerful criminals want to stage a long con with real crimes going on (like a "war"), they create a persona, a monster, a Hitler, to be the lint catcher when the criminal enterprise reaches its sell-by date and the activity shifts to other venues. The monster takes the heat off any real participants.
    All these stories about pizza and whatnot are what in the modern parlance are called rabbit trails. The real criminals are far away while "conspiracy theorists" are hunting down clues to non-existent events, and non-existent people, picking up well placed pellets, while the real creeps have run off in the opposite direction. Epstein the rich Jew resonates with the mass of have-nots who don't get to eat pizza with the big boys, much as they'd like to.

  67. @David: I am so sorry for everything that you’ve been through. Thankful that you and your wife have such a strong relationship (as you’ve expressed here so many times.) That doesn’t lessen the challenges or the pain, but having someone you love by your side is always a blessing, no matter the circumstances. ♥️🙏🏻❤️

  68. David - I am so sorry for your terrible loss.💓

  69. IF he's dead, he was murdered. My opinion on that has never wavered.

  70. Not still alive - murdered. Too many coincidences to make me think he offed himself. No video, overworked and sleeping guards, moved cell mate out right before that way did he kill himself. They weren't even subtle about it.

  71. Epstein and Christmas lights display are alike.

    They just don't hang themselves.

  72. And wasn't there a New York blackout not too long before Epstein died?

  73. @DavidHowesCREBroker....I am so very sorry for your lost as well. Not that a sorry fix anything, but, talking about your story and sharing it might help others like your son. Peace and future Blessings to you and your family.

  74. Murdered and my opinion hasn't changed.

  75. >Our security services are NOT there to keep us secure.

    Too right, they exist to keep THEM secure from us.

  76. He's not dead. He's down at the Celebrity Clone Center having drinks watching the news about his "death".

  77. Susan Bahns said...
    He's not dead. He's down at the Celebrity Clone Center having drinks watching the news about his "death". 9:18 AM

    +1000. He knew he could get caught- obviously planned for it (passports in other names/from other countries, portables to use as cash).. yes.. FBI found some, but IMO he had a whole other set (s) stashed w/his attorney. I wonder if he had a stand-in who looked like him (possibly surgically enhanced)for times where he didn't want to be somewhere but needed to put in an appearance.. if so that's who got capped, if anyone actually did. Atty gets him off suicide watch, guards conveniently not watching, all peeps transferred afterward and they trot out Cyril Wecht to comment on the death- keep people talking about the conspiracy of if he was killed.. just reinforcing that he is dead...

  78. malignment posted a couple links to pic at 10:14AM showing dead guy and Epstein from the side- nose looks different but not wildly... ear is completely different..

  79. The only one who said he was murdered was Dr. Michael Baden, friend of Geraldo. Baden was hired by OJ Simpson's scheme team and said it took 20 minutes for "the real killer" aka, not of cource OJ, to murder an unarmed Ron and Nicole Brown Simpson, a complete farce, messing up the prosecution's timeline, but the stupidest jury on the face of the earth bought it. I put NO credence in anything Baden says in a high profile case.

  80. The most guarded/watched prisoner in the country let alone in the cell block, a guy who had been under suicide watch days before is found dead with trauma inconsistent with the short distance that he "hanged" himself, ie leaned forward? that sort of bone breakage takes more psi's to accomplish. There's major money/power behind this caper obviously, but wouldn't it be enlightening to see the treasure troves of videos and pics found in his vaults? No one will talk about those, it's a good guess they don't want to die either.

  81. If you had info on powerful people that could take them down, wouldnt you use it,in exchange for leniency or favors to get you out of jail. You'd spill first before you kill yourself. At least get them, before you die.

  82. Of course he was killed. All of the stories about this whole scandal have disappeared and someone or several people wanted it that way. Wouldn't be surprised if Trump had something to do with it since Epstein did say he was the one who introduced Trump to Melania. Knowing how he and his partner had that fake modeling agency and procured "working" visas for these "models" seems to fit the whole Trump meeting Melania timeline. God knows she wasn't a model of any note, let alone supermodel. That had to be a fucking joke.

  83. Bubbles, President Trump and Melania are not the couple whose names pop up with Epstein's death. That would be Mr. and Mrs Murder. Incorporated, aka the Arkancide Duo.

  84. Princess Diana was going to talk about pedophilia in the royal family so they gave her a car crash

  85. Alive. I am sure he had insurance or a Kill switch. Why would they allow photos of the body to be "leaked". It struck me as odd that they were trying so hard to convince everyone of his death by showing his uncovered body. Instead, we are diverted into being outraged about his murder. Imagine you are offered millions to help him escape. And something terrible happens to you or your family if you refuse. These are the kind of people we are dealing with here.



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